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Ninja Theory: Uncharted 2 Is the 'Pinnacle of its Genre'

Ninja Theory believes Uncharted 2 is the best adventure game of all time, one that cannot be topped.

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Community5176d ago
Why o why5176d ago

Im glad the people within the development community are speaking up. My point is this game or genre may not be everybody's cup of tea but that doesn't mean you shouldn't or cant accept or acknowledge its achievements in gaming. Its a classic already

Quagmire5176d ago

the hell is H2? Dunno what game youve been playing, but Uncharted 2 is awesome, and Ninja Theory developed Heavenly Sword, one of my fave games this gen. Cant wait to play Enslaved.

RageAgainstTheMShine5176d ago

There are two U2s I love in life Uncharted 2 and the real U2.

raztad5176d ago


"one that cannot be topped" <-- HUGE words up there.

This comment makes some "reviewers" look very foolish.

solidjun55176d ago (Edited 5176d ago )

You mean gametrailers with their 'originality' standard that doesn't apply to MW2? lol

Anyway, I think games will always be topped in any genre. That's the nature of progression. I'm sure the same claim has been made for Mario 64 or Zelda:OOT or Halo 2 and whatnot. However, these games, with the inclusion of U2, will have, IMO, a special legendary status because it just blew everyone away at the time of its release. For U2, the amount of detail, dedication, and wow factor contributed to its status as one of the best games of this generation and possibly of our time. And other games down the line will follow suit.

I can't wait for U3!!!

DA_SHREDDER5176d ago

I thought I was the only one that sees the bias in Gametrailers standards for games? Thank you, I thought I was going crazy. But yeah I totally agree, The Senior editor, oh i forget his name cause he's a fuckin loser so I never paid much attention to him. Its journalist like him that dont even like to play games, and only grades games by what platform they are on that is ruining gaming. I just feel bad for the devs that make an awesome game just to be slammed by douches that work at gametrailers just because a game is a ps3 exclusive.

vsr5176d ago

Especially every gamer who played uncharted 2

ProjectVulcan5176d ago (Edited 5176d ago )

Everything can be topped, it just takes time and a very special game indeed. At least we should hope so, otherwise theres nothing awesome to look forward too! I do believe that uncharted 2 will go down as one of the all time greats though, even in ten years i will remember its little nuances and details, just as how i remember metal gear solid intrinsically.

Stone cold classic.

I wouldnt say there has been as many true classics this generation as the previous though. But theres plenty of time for more to appear

Venatus-Deus5176d ago (Edited 5176d ago )

If by classics you mean games that will still be talked about in 10 years time then from this generation:

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Maybe, but too early to say:

Mass Effect 2

Can't think of anything else so I agree... pretty limited.

INehalemEXI5176d ago (Edited 5176d ago )

Metal Gear Solid 4

God of War 3

Killzone 2

Demons Souls


I remember these too in 10 years unless my memory is shot by then.

StarCraft II Prolly the next one to impress my mind. Then GT5 Nov 2nd.

kraze075176d ago (Edited 5176d ago )

Mass Effect 2 is too early to say? This may just be my opinion but the Mass Effect series definitely seems to have a bigger place in gaming than LBP and Bioshock. GoW3 and MGS4 seem like they will be better remembered than both those games. Not saying they aren't great though.

Venatus-Deus5176d ago (Edited 5176d ago )

@ kraze07

I know this is just opinion…

… but I do think it is too early to say in regards to Mass Effect 2 because each of the others where kind of the best games of their year (and MW1 was/is the best online game this generation). Next year ME could take its place but who knows. There are some massive games still to come.

I was talking about single games and not IP’s.

LBP created are new genre. ME is just a very good RPG.

@ IDemonstalkerXI

Is MGS4 better than the other installments? I’d always remember 1 & 3 before 4. (Although 4 was outstanding).

Same with GOW3. I think GOW2 was better. I think the other games will also have a bigger impact. Time will tell.

If we are talking about classics then what will be remembered in 10 years time. Bioshock maybe, maybe not, but the first three definitely.

x5exotic5176d ago


U2 and ME2 simply got a 95+ rating on metacritic...simply a 1 year long talk :S

MGS and GOW series in general are series' that will be talked about for more than 10 years

graphic is no longer something to be talked about for years since each game gets topped for less than 6 months...KZ2 U2 GOW3 RDR GT5 and so on...
for me heavy rain will be remembered as one of the worst ideas ever created :S
never played LBP :(

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ranmafandude5176d ago

all i know is uncharted 1 & 2 that defined the 3rd person adventure genre. same thing is gonna happen when uncharted 3 releases. this is naughty dog we are talking about. they been with sony since the ps1 came out like 15 years ago lol.

P_Bomb5176d ago (Edited 5176d ago )

The Uncharteds are definitely cream of the crop. I use plural because part 1 was under-rated and deserved a 90+ Meta' just as much as Gears, Batman, MLB The Show, Peggle (lol) etc.

It is too early to say Mass Effect has a bigger place in gaming than LBP. LBP2 is not even out yet. But from what we know, neither Mass Effect console game has individually reached the sales of LBP1, and LBP1 has a higher Meta' (95) than ME1 as well. It's far from over.

JsonHenry5176d ago

U2 was certainly the best action adventure game I have played. At least when it comes to the script/humor/cinematic like presentation. Great game all around. But all games will be toppled eventually.

Motorola5176d ago

LBP is kinda unique though, 3 games of its kind so far (LBP, LBP2, Modnation) Ive played some really good community levels that are memorable

Why o why5176d ago

what is H2....stupid twit....I think you mean U2 ;)

EvilBlackCat5176d ago (Edited 5176d ago )

hypocrisy of people like you

"My point is this game or genre may not be everybody's cup of tea but that doesn't mean you shouldn't or cant accept or acknowledge its achievements in gaming"

>>> "this game or genre may not be everybody's cup of tea" <<<

So then why you ignorants keep bashing those games or genre you guys do not like?

I like Racing Simulators

I like GT series PD have always been great in the visuals/Graphics but to call the GT series Simulator?.... B.S.

Visually Uncharted is beautiful but the story and gameplay is not the big thing on it.
EVERY LOYALIST FANBOY hype the graphics just like GT5 but the gameplay on Ucharted 2 is not that awesome like you guys like to hype... the story is fucking lame and the same goes for KZ2.

ITS ALL ABOUT graphics for you guys is just that.

Now God of War 3 have never been hyped sooooooo much like you guys did with KZ2, Ucharted2, Heavy Rain and now with GT5... WHY? God of War 3 is the best PS3 game out PERIOD.

You guys bash Alan Wake but the game can easily become a great movie or an hbotv series

Why o why5176d ago

cry more man....

who are you even replying to??

of course we like good graphics but good gameplay has to go alone with it. You sound like a loyalist. You also sound like one of those hypocrites that used to lord gears one and bioshock for the graphics. No, graphics aren't that important...whatever man

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IRetrouk5176d ago

obviously Ninja Theory are right about it being the best, but it will be toped, when halo reach comes out.... lmao only kidding i ment when uncharted 3 comes out.

FragMnTagM5176d ago

What part of in its GENRE didn't you get?

Hoje03085176d ago

I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

IRetrouk5175d ago (Edited 5175d ago )

obviously i was joking, you know how trolls get.
bubs 2 u Hoje0308

mrv3215176d ago

Uncharted 3 will most likely be shown at E3 2011 and come out Christmas 2011. Imagine what it'll look like.

OMG, ND are working with Guerilla and Sucker Punch, so better lighting for sure AND the ability to climb more stuff.... also it will most likely be 3D.

DrierofLeaves5176d ago

Uncharted 2 is great, and it definitely is the best adventure game ever. To say that it's never going to be topped though, now that's just plain wrong.

inception1235176d ago

yeah saying it won't be topped is just dumb we all know UC3 will top it nothing else will beat UC2 in overall package though.

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Unfortunately, Ninja Theory Isn't Actually Safe From Microsoft

Ninja Theory might have games in the pipeline, but that doesn't mean Xbox won't close it for no reason

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Community121d ago
rlow1121d ago

Alot of speculation on their part. Ninja Theory has two games that have been green lighted and are in the works. Yes it’s always a possibility they could be closed but no matter how you feel about the Senua games. They do make a quality game. I personally think MS is going lay low for a bit, after the firestorm they experienced last week.

darthv72121d ago

I really hope one of them is a long awaited sequel of heavenly sword or enslaved. Both are good games that deserve a 2nd chance... or at least a reboot.

blackblades121d ago

I'm 100% doubt its heavenly sword for obvious reason and Enslave 99% doubt it.

121d ago
Rynxie121d ago

Santa Monica is a great studio, but I would rather the minds behind the original make it (ninja theory). I never liked sequels that were done by someone else, they are usually never as good as the original.

rlow1121d ago

Enslaved would be awesome. If they did a remaster, then the next game in the series… can hope.

Yui_Suzumiya120d ago

Hopefully they'd get Evan Wells back for a sequel to Enslaved. After the original Enslaved he went on to Naughty Dog and did The Last of Us.

neutralgamer1992120d ago


HS IP is owned by sony and enslaved sold so poorly that you want a sequel now? let's say a sequel is made and sells like the first than this studio is for sure shut down. Their next game needs to be a big hit(if there is a next game)


that's not how business works, if a studio needs to go it will go whether ot not that will come with negative PR. They just spent 100 billion and now they are in the phase to find out which studios will survive and which needs to go to cut costs. NT let a huge opportunity slip away, they had the backing of MS and the sequel has even less gameplay, that makes zero sense

Chevalier120d ago

How?! Sony owns one IP and Bandai owns the other one

Plague-Doctor27120d ago

Heavenly Sword IP is owned by Sony and Enslaved IP is owned by Namco Bandai

Hellblade was the only IP that Ninja Theory themselves owned when MS acquired them

Sonic1881120d ago

Heavenly Sword or Enslaved didn't sell that well

Cacabunga120d ago

NT completely lost it since dmc, their
last good game to date! And has been a long time since.
An average studio at best, got lured by MS money and forgot to improve

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Rynxie121d ago

They make quality games, but they're usually hit or miss. Either they are average, or they are awesome. However, besides heavenly sword and DMC, they aren't big sellers either. Ms is as big of a corporation as it gets. If ninja theory isn't making them money, they will shut them down. Simple as that.

MrDead121d ago

Studio survival no matter who is reliant on MS's quarterly reports, if MS is looking to save money then studios like Ninja Theory are gone as we've seen with Tango and others. MS has their IP's, the devs mean nothing to them but a handy tool to balance the books with layoffs.

DarXyde121d ago

Eh, maybe. Microsoft seems like a phenomenally wealthy company that's (generally) wise with how they handle their finances. What they're not wise with is how they spend social capital. As soon as they get it, they spend it by doing something nefarious. Can't say they're the only ones of course.

Will they get rid of Ninja Theory? No earthly idea. Honestly, I have a hard time even speculating about it because we don't have any details on performance metrics. If I had to guess... And really, this is is a guess... It's just about engagement. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. If you've got a popular mobile game or MTX-heavy multiplayer game, you're safe. King and Activision aren't going anywhere. Even if player count tapers off, MTX keep them in the game as a form of engagement.

But then you've got single player games. I suspect that's a losing battle because single player games, unfortunately don't get long term engagement broadly. So games launching half baked is perhaps a strategy for the studios themselves to get people coming back to their games? It would make some sense, but it doesn't match with studios being surprised at the closures.

All of this to say, we'll just have to wait and see. The simplest explanation with the most streamlined thinking on the matter is just that they're getting rid of studios they see as dead weight in the long run. HFR was quite well received, but I guess it doesn't translate into happy investors because it's critical acclaim and not commercial success exactly. Bethesda isn't going anywhere. Making very long RPGs kind of saves you automatically in terms of engagement.

But on the other side of this, while studios don't close per se, nothing stops them or any other company from just cutting the work force within each studio.

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Einhander1972121d ago

It's not for no reason.

The reason is they made two games that were underwhelming (Bleeding Edge) and didn't/aren't going to grow the user base for game pass.

They spent 5-7 years and this was what they produced, it's easy to see how they would be on the short list for termination at this point.

Sciurus_vulgaris121d ago

One thing to point out was that all the recently closed studios were under Bethesda. Before being purchased by MS, Bethesda had a slew of poor or under performing titles (Evil Within 2, Prey (2017), Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, Young Blood, and initially Fallout 76 ). I don’t think, Ghost Wire Tokyo, Deathloop, Redfall and sadly even High-Fi: Rush performed well after the buyout.

Einhander1972121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

I bet this game with a 5-7 year dev cycle being launched directly onto game pass is going to generate less tangible cash profit than any of those games.

I'm sure Microsoft will brag about players or sword swings or some other pointless statistic, but those don't make cash money.

Chevalier120d ago

You do realize it took 3 platforms and like 2 years to sell 1 million for Hellblade 1 right? Added in 3 more platforms and it didn't move much.

Now cut our 4 platforms. How many copies do you think this will sell?! Not just played on Gamepass

Lightning77121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

Apparently Ninja Theory is safe From being closed down

Already working on a new game. They are a 80 person team and relatively inexpensive I suppose to any other publisher


Yeaah sorry this is MS, I don't believe anything MS says. They have to be joking if they think anyone will believe them besides gullible Xbox fanboys. Once again MS needs to earn my trust back. Just when they earn some trust back, they always seem to destroy it and have to work to get it back. I still think they're getting shut down and canceling whatever game they're making because the game won't sell, again MS fault for not advertising it.. This company man...


the article talks about that to i recommend checking it out when you get a chance.

121d ago
outsider1624121d ago

The problem with this game probably not selling will be because of Gamepass. Every comment i see from xbox players are "dude, no need to buy this amazing game, just get it on gamepass"

Will it sell well based on word of mouth? Will they release it on ps5? Will ps players buy this game vs free on gamepass? Time will tell.

JBlaze226121d ago

Look at what happened to Hi Fi Rush.The game was sold on PS5 and didn't sell well.

JBlaze226121d ago

I mean Sony has done worst and no one speaks up about it.

outsider1624120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

Well i dont know about hi fi i didnt buy it. I mean others are getting it on ill just wait it for psplus. Im guessing others are doing the same..soo..

Sure Sony has done it too..and people are vocal about it. Look at the helldivers fiasco for example..they got called out.

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Knightofelemia121d ago

I don't see Microsoft shutting off the lights to Ninja Theory. As a studio they actually have talent and have released some decent games. I love Enslaved maybe a sleeper hit but it's one of my favorites. Only way I see Microsoft shutting off the lights is if Ninja Theory releases games that sink faster then a lead weight. And there are fans of Ninja Theory one thing I would hate to see is Ninja Theory ending up like Bioware. Loosing all their talent and being a former shell of what they use to be.

Elda121d ago

Never say never. Tango Gameswork were just as talented as Ninja Theory & they were shut down.

darthv72120d ago

And they were also under Bethesda... Ninja Theory is not.

Profchaos120d ago

I honestly blame starfeild and Microsoft for the closure of arkane and tango it didn't turn a profit like other huge Bethesda games. If it .are fallout 4 money Bethesda would have had the capital to share among the other studios. Microsoft should of also had the ability to step in and save the studio but decided to kill them instead likely because of Bethesda's financial failure with starfield and Microsoft's stupid goal of turning gaming into a subscription that everyone and their grandmas subscribe to

shaenoide121d ago

To be honest for Microsoft (not Microsoft gaming) it's all about making for the 70 billion purchase of AKB. No matter how good the games are. If they don't generate sales or new gamepass subs the studios can be shutted down.

Rynxie121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

Yes, they make decent games, but do they sell? Unfortunately, no. Heavenly sword sold 1.5 million, even when the ps3 had a much lower install base than the 360. However, it's not a ninja theory ip. Enslaved sold poorly. DMC, sold well, but that's also not a ninja theory ip. Hellblade was a hit, but in my opinion, barely. Hellblade 2, unfortunately, might be a flop. There's no bigger corporation than Ms, they are as corporate as they come. If ninja theory isn't making them money, they will get shut down and their ips giving to another studio.

Elda121d ago

It was just announced that MS gave NT the greenlight for its next game. I just hope it's not another Hellblade.

shaenoide121d ago

Tango was working on a new game.

jznrpg120d ago

Xbox - Green light
MS - Red light

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Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 launch trailer will send shivers down your spine

Ninja Theory's latest trailer for their highly anticipated narrative action-adventure Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is absolute cinema.

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Community122d ago
Reaper22_122d ago

Like I said before, buying Ninja Theory was one of the smartest moves by Microsoft. Games looks incredible.

Rynxie122d ago

Unfortunately, their games aren't big sellers. Will MS shut them down if hellblade 2 sells below expectations?

outsider1624122d ago

If it sells below expectations, then i expect it to come to PS5.

Elda122d ago

The game may be a critical hit & still can get shut down. I highly doubt most XB owners will buy this game including the fact that it's digital only at $50. Most folks that have Gamepass will play the game through the sub service. If the reviews tomorrow are just average to low then that's another problem.

Obscure_Observer122d ago

"Like I said before, buying Ninja Theory was one of the smartest moves by Microsoft. Games looks incredible."


Just a few hours to go

I can´t wait!

z2g122d ago

badass. already installed via gamepass. if its as great as the first one I will pay for the whole game.

glenn1979122d ago

I just don't understand why all the down votes

jwillj2k4122d ago

Here we go again. Is this a game or a choose your own adventure???

purple101122d ago

if you choose left, turn to page 39, if you proceed forward, turn to page 43, to turn right, page 209, you finished the book early,

no but seriously this looks like Microsofts first hit, or should I say, first game of standout quality.

jwillj2k4122d ago

Never questioned the quality. Question is will there be a need for the controller.

anast122d ago

The time machine 'choose your own' were awesome.

Tedakin122d ago

If it's anything like the first game, you will spend a lot of timing walking and solving puzzles, with some fights thrown in.

Elda122d ago

LOL! Didn't send any shivers down my spine but I'll demo it after midnight tonight through Gamepass to see what it's giving.

Obscure_Observer122d ago

After the midnight? I see...

Day one as expected for another game that you said you had zero interest.

Elda122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

Finally making a re-appearance. When the heat was on about XB closing studios you were crickets on all articles. Now that the heat has died down all of a sudden you're here on an XB exclusive article or should I say a timed!! If you must know I can demo this game at midnight because the University I work at is closed for the summer so I can play video games until my heart's content until the end of August when I go back to work. That's what Gamepass is for, knowing I would not spend $50 on Hellblade 2 because the first one I thought was boring so I'm going to see if this one is still boring or is it interesting by demoing the game.

PhillyDonJawn122d ago

I'm surprised you're interested

Elda122d ago

Why not I have a year subscription to Gamepass, I don't have to spend $50 on a digital only game that I may not like including I'm on a lengthy vacation from work.

rlow1122d ago

It looks amazing, I’m hoping the reviews are solid. You can tell the studio really poured their heart and soul into this one.

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Ninja Theory trends on X as gamers fear for studio following Tango Gameworks closure

Following the closure of 4 studios, many are now worried for the future of Ninja Theory once Hellblade 2 is released.

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Sonic1881134d ago (Edited 134d ago )

How is it going to sell well when it's also releasing on gamepass 🤔

Sephiroushin134d ago

Meant better to sell the studio and not closing it 🤦🏻 not to sell more games….
and games are sold anyways, you can buy it on xbox (not recommended if you got gamepass) but many pc gamers prefer to buy on steam than deal with the xbox app or pc gamepass!

On a side note to OP, the sales of studios wont happen though, especially when they want to retain the IPs, and well nobody is gonna buy a studios without its IPs; the other publishers that want a certain dev from the studio that are closing on their team can try to grab them as soon as they see they notice of the studio.

RaidenBlack134d ago (Edited 134d ago )

Well hypothetically speaking, Ninja Theory can be sold to Sony at a lower rate sans the Hellblade IP.
Sony can then welcome them to work on the Heavenly Sword IP, which they still own.
Will be a nice proposition for Sony who can continue to offer a God of War-like hack n slash in their portfolio via Heavenly Sword 2, whilst Cory Barlog & co. decides to take a break from the God of War IP & venture some other genres.
On top of that, Ninja Theory was also interested in a sequel to Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and such Sony can come to a deal with Namco Bandai regarding the Enslaved IP.

badz149133d ago

selling the studio wouldn't be an attractive offer unless they come with their IPs. MS wants to keep these IPs, so even if MS is selling just the studio, no one would wants them

Lightning77135d ago

Because they're next come next year. HB2 won't hit some impossible metric within MS so they're getting axed in 2025. Leave gaming now MS.

XiNatsuDragnel134d ago

Ninja theory might as well be gone in 2025 at this rate

notachance134d ago

Every xbox studio is in danger now because there’s just no way they’re gonna rake in big money from game sales because of gamepass, even CoD was rumored to not come to gamepass because it would canibalize their sales number.

neutralgamer1992134d ago

If they are smart they don’t put COD on GP day one. It’s one of the best selling games on yearly basis

Hofstaderman134d ago

Satya will make sure that doesnt happen. As you rightly put it; why kill the cash cow?

But then again, it is MS after all.....

thesoftware730134d ago

I agree and disagree. They should not put it on GP, but CoD makes real money from the overpriced MTX that people buy for over a year. They also have it all linked up to the Mobile CoD, which will incentivize Twitch spending from consumers.

neutralgamer1992133d ago


That’s true but keep in mind COD is the best selling or top 3 selling game every year. So yes micro transactions money is there but so are billions more

They should have tiers of GP subscriptions and the higher end tier received AAA games while everyone else gets them in 60 days

MontyeKristo133d ago

Wouldn't putting it on Gamepass be smarter? Cod is typically played, I believe, for far longer than 6 months.. if you get everyone playing the game for a year, on Gamepass, you've essentially doubled your profit. $10 a month for a year $120 compared to selling the game once for $60.

Not to mention MT's, on top of it. Sell on PS5, PC and Switch, keep it on Gamepass for Xbox and PC. Much smarter in my opinion..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 133d ago
-Foxtrot134d ago

Also if you punish a studio for releasing a great critically acclaimed game which won some awards then what chance does anyone have

Elda134d ago

After this mess, I highly doubt the next installment of COD will be on Gamepass day one. It'll probably land on Gamepass 6 months after release date.

Noskypeno133d ago

Like I said earlier, I wouldn't even mind. There's a good selection of games on GP already, and it gives me time to play my backlog of games while allowing the games that need to sell millions of copies to make a profit a chance to succeed, a win win scenario.

badz149133d ago

not putting CoD on GP is sort of a violation of their own marketing though. they said ALL MS 1st party games will be on GP day 1, not some. CoD is 1st party, so to not put it on GP day 1 would be considered as false marketing.

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Rynxie134d ago (Edited 134d ago )

Ninja theory games were never big sellers. I could be wrong, but I doubt hellblade 2 will sell millions. I would rather they go independent and make heavenly sword 2.

solideagle134d ago (Edited 134d ago )

heavenly sword is Sony owned IP. this will never happen as original didn't sell enough...

Wikipedia: "In 2008, it was reported that a sequel to Heavenly Sword was in-development at SCE Studio Cambridge, but was canceled due to Sony no longer seeing it as a commercially viable product"

Flewid638134d ago (Edited 134d ago )

I remember. I feel like the amount of time & technology that has passed would make a sequel a big seller now. The game has enough legacy recognition to build hype.

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