
ZoKnowsGaming: DeathSpank Review - Defender of Justice, Boredom and Bacon

ZoKnowsGaming writes "How he got his name, we may never fully know, yet for DeathSpank the action speaks for itself in the latest downloadable addition from Hothead Game... DeathSpank had the potential to be a full-fledged game, rather than a mere download, yet for what it offers and what it is... it's more than worthy of anyone’s time."

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harisaminn5086d ago

If you ask me death spank is a combination of art and intelligence. Its colorful and enjoyable.

NecrumSlavery5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

Agreed. DeathSpank is pure awesomeness throughout. It's a phenomenal game. Everyone should get it. The creativity in art and humor is 250% brilliance. I love this game and will be buying the sequel day friggin one!
.... 9.8/10


Pixels Or Death Interviews Michael Dobson

Interviewing voice actor Michael Dobson, Pixels or Death talks about his career, the roles he's played, and how the industry has changed since he started.

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Bundle Gameplay - Humble Weekly Sale w/ Hothead Games

GG3 returns with more game deals, brought in the form of a gameplay commentary, so that it's clearer whether a good deal is worth it or not. This time, it's time for the latest Humble sale and Deathspank is the narrator.


Hothead Games Beneft from Humble Weekly Sale

Hardcore Gamer: Paying anything over $1 gets you a Steam key for DeathSpank, DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue, and Penny Arcade's On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode One. Paying $6 or more gets you Episode Two and The Baconing. OSTs are DeathSpank and Episode One are included with every purchase.

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