
Destructoid: Deathspank Review

"As a single-player game, though, DeathSpank really shines. The addictive nature of leveling up and looting treasure chests and fallen enemies is here in spades, not to be missed by fans of the genre. It’s also one of the better-looking and most polished titles in the digital space, it’s also one of the meatiest -- there’s easily hours worth of play time here, more than many retail titles, all for $14.99. So what are you waiting for? Arm your “Demon Poop Hammer,” there’s feces that need collecting."

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BiggCMan5185d ago

played the demo last night, it was pretty fun. more than worth it for the price. theres lots to do in the demo alone. a lot to learn also.

xYLeinen5185d ago

It's cheaper than a MW2 map pack >_>

RememberThe3575185d ago (Edited 5185d ago )

But the demo was pretty damn fun. Once I get get some funds and pay all my friends back for all the weed and alcohol I've been mooching, I'll definitely buy this. It's funny as hell, kind of reminds me of The Tick from back in the day.

HammockGames5185d ago (Edited 5185d ago )

Hadn't originally planned on buying this. Snapped it up after playing the demo.

If you're on the fence, download the demo. You'll probably be hooked within 2 minutes.

Hysterical, great voice acting (is that the voice of the guy that did The Tick?), slick 2D-ish graphics (ala Paper Mario), and the gameplay is pretty well done too. Easily one of the top downloadable games of the year.

waltyftm5185d ago

A very fun game imo, The voice acting is great and suits the funny humour well.

AusWarrior5185d ago

I bought it a few hours ago, very fun game. Recommend it to any RPG/Adventure fans who love cool artstyles.

jessupj5185d ago (Edited 5185d ago )

Pity I go screwed over yet again because it hasn't been released on my store yet. I'm f*cking sick of it. There's no excuse when it's digital.

And no doubt it'll be $25 here as well.

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Bundle Gameplay - Humble Weekly Sale w/ Hothead Games

GG3 returns with more game deals, brought in the form of a gameplay commentary, so that it's clearer whether a good deal is worth it or not. This time, it's time for the latest Humble sale and Deathspank is the narrator.


Hothead Games Beneft from Humble Weekly Sale

Hardcore Gamer: Paying anything over $1 gets you a Steam key for DeathSpank, DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue, and Penny Arcade's On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode One. Paying $6 or more gets you Episode Two and The Baconing. OSTs are DeathSpank and Episode One are included with every purchase.

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