
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd scans

Check out some new Monster Hunter Portable 3rd images from Famitsu.

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Valay5187d ago

There were supposedly something like 16 pages of this game, but these are the only scans available at the moment.

AbyssGravelord5187d ago

Okay thanks for the upload either way =D

HolyOrangeCows5187d ago

I wish they were big enough to see....anything :/

George Sears5187d ago

I am so stoked for this game. I don't mind playing online via Ad Hoc party but I would love if Capcom get there act together and make infrastructure so I dont have to depend so much on my PS3.

-Mezzo-5187d ago

Looking forward to it. =]

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The Best Monster Hunter Games

An experienced Monster Hunter veteran looks at the best games in the series, explaining what makes each one so great.

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Capcom: Future of Monster Hunter outside Japan “very bright”

Gematsu: "Capcom held one of their regular “Ask Capcom” live stream events today, during which the company’s Christian Svensson addressed fan concerns over the Monster Hunter franchise’s fate in the west."

GameTavern4536d ago

So it seems more and more likely that Nintendo will be a publishing partner on this going forward?

Stunt4536d ago

Might be what they're waiting for: Nintendo's final call on the whole thing.

GameTavern4536d ago

I have to imagine that publishing in the West was part of the deal Nintendo made to get the game and 4 on the 3DS

That or sacrificing Mario's first born.

ronin4life4536d ago

I think that capcoms deep relationship with Nintendo has more to do with it. (Though I wouldn't rule out such deals and partnerships.)
They have been close partners on quite a few projects over the years.

FarCryLover1824536d ago

"very bright" = DLC out the WAZOO?!?!

ronin4life4536d ago

Mon hun has, as far as I know, only free dlc.

FarCryLover1824536d ago

That's a good thing. But based on Capcom's track record, one would assume otherwise. Hopefully Capcom are on the right path and won't charge much in the States.

Jensen4536d ago

soo does that mean... no more MH on a sony device...?

sloth33954536d ago

maybe it should have real online on the ps3 and not just ad hoc

SamPao4535d ago

thats capcom, always relying on sony, but when sony does not deliver they change to nintendo, THE F!! whats wrong with these guys..

phantomexe4536d ago

I had never played a monster hunter game until i played the one on the Wii and i loved it. This one was money well spent.

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Vita Version of “Monster Hunter Portable 3″ Appears on Play.com

With the Vita’s sales lagging in Japan, there’s one series that could quickly turn things around – Monster Hunter. If Play.com is to be trusted, the Vita is in luck as “Monster Hunter Portable 3” is set to come to the system sometime in the future. - PSLS

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Lifewish4586d ago

This will be a huge boost for the Vita whenever it releases.

Sev4586d ago

This is pretty much all the Vita needs in Japan and boom - PSP level sales.

Emilio_Estevez4586d ago

That is big news if it's true. Vita sales will jump in Japan.

decimalator4586d ago

Please, please, please be true. I was considering learning Japanese so I could finally play MHP3rd on PSP. A native Vita version in English would be teh awesome.

dbjj120884586d ago


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