
Kotaku: DeathSpank Review: Best Game Involving A Purple Thong

DeathSpank is a nerdier gamer's delight. If you can't stand fantasy or jokes about quest logs, go away. If you can't get over how un-nutritious it is to keep playing a game out of loot lust, find something more innovative. If you want to look at lots of gray and brown graphics, ignore this hero and his purple thong. If you want to have fun and laugh and just keep bashing through Orques and stoopid chickens, download and play DeathSpank. And cheer that the game ends with an interesting tease for a very different sequel.

Chuk55093d ago

It's such a charming game.


Pixels Or Death Interviews Michael Dobson

Interviewing voice actor Michael Dobson, Pixels or Death talks about his career, the roles he's played, and how the industry has changed since he started.

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Bundle Gameplay - Humble Weekly Sale w/ Hothead Games

GG3 returns with more game deals, brought in the form of a gameplay commentary, so that it's clearer whether a good deal is worth it or not. This time, it's time for the latest Humble sale and Deathspank is the narrator.


Hothead Games Beneft from Humble Weekly Sale

Hardcore Gamer: Paying anything over $1 gets you a Steam key for DeathSpank, DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue, and Penny Arcade's On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode One. Paying $6 or more gets you Episode Two and The Baconing. OSTs are DeathSpank and Episode One are included with every purchase.

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