
The 8 Worst Things About Nintendo 3DS

From the viewing angle to the lack of original games and from the likely price to the late release, 411's Chris Lansdell counts down the 8 worst things about the Nintendo 3DS in the latest edition of Elimin8.

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5199d ago Replies(1)
Solidus187-SCMilk5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

Im left handed and Ive never used or needed a left handed treatment. The only thing I cant do with my right hand is wright(not well anyways).

I throw, mouse, surf, use scissors and game just like a right handed person. Maybe thats why I dont understand the whole lefthanded thing. I think Im pretty much right handed, but chose to wright with my left when I was little.

Left handed people have always had to play videogames designed for rightys, so he should be used to it.

Not sure, but Im getting a 3ds for sure. If there is a game that makes you use the analogue and stylus at the same time, I guess i would have to put my right hand to the test. I probably wouldnt like that game anyways.

edit- you know the 3ds is looking sweet when his list is full of crappy reasons. Also, there were some new games like kid Icarus and the new RE game. Im sure there will be a bunch of other games that are not just remakes.

Also, how does he know the price and release date of this thing. Or even the complete specs? he doesnt, yet he complains about them?? FAIL.

MiamiACR5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

You typed "wright" with your right hand.

TruthbeTold5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

8. Complaining about the lineup? Seriously? They just announced the damned thing, and they announced several new games. Not to mention the 'old' stuff that most can't wait to play again with upgraded graphics, and in 3D.

7. It's not the most powerful everz? Oh well. You don't hear anyone saying it looks bad, so what's the problem?

6. Ah... Here is the problem. The writer is left handed. It does suck, but for one, lefties may still be accommodated in some way. Two, it isn't as if you can't play with your other thumb, it just isn't ideal.

5. No Nintendo handheld has ever had an analog stick. This one gets one, and immediately people complain that there aren't two. Well guess what? First person shooters aren't going to be the bread and butter for this thing, and most gamers are fine with one. Not to mention that there is still the touch pad...

4. Everyone does want to know the price of this thing. But how can you complain about the price before the price is even released? Also, most people are high balling the price at around $250. We'll see.

3. Yeah. We don't know when it will be released yet. That and the fact that we don't yet know the price probably should have been the #1 and 2. ..

2. Not many were complaining about this at E3. Even so, if you get tired of the 3D effect, guess what? You can turn it off! Imagine that!

1. The entire premise of this one is off. The DS was made for everyone. And the 3DS has a recommendation that very young children as in the under 7 crowd not play it. At least not in 3D.

Almost every one of these was contrived, and bitter sounding. I honestly hope that Nintendo accommodates lefties so you can enjoy this thing to the fullest and don't feel you have to try and contrive reasons people shouldn't be happy about it.

wiggles5199d ago

It must be the author...or people who have a horrible grudge against Nintendo...

although it would be nice to see a rebuttal against your points from the author...

Solidus187-SCMilk5199d ago

and I can use everything designed for right handed people fine. But Im really half and half, so maybe it is a real problem for 100% lefties??? I dont really know.

I cant wait for the 3ds. All of those poor reasons remind me how much I cant wait to get one of these things.

despair5199d ago

good points you made here, except for the two analog one.

Using that Nintendo has never done an analog on a handheld as an argument against 2 sticks is not very convincing. The second analog can be used for a variety of purposes other than FPS, Lets look at a 3d Mario, metal gear or any other 3rd person shooter or platformer, it can be used to rotate the camera and something that simple can change a game a lot.

Many of problems with the psp games for me were from the lack of a second analog stick and even with the touch pad, its no substitute for what definitely should have been included(hell it even had space for it).

browngamer45199d ago

this article should have been titled"the eight reasons i suck as a writer" or "why fanboys should never be allowed to become journalist"

TruthbeTold5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

I don't agree with the guy, but I'll approve. I didn't approve earlier because it's not my cup of tea, but he's being hit hard with the reports. I'm not going to blackball his article just because I don't agree with it...

wiggles5199d ago

It's not that I don't agree with it...it's that he doesn't make good points... it sounds like he has some sort of vendetta against the 3DS

Take point #4 the price point....there is no price point..how can you disagree with a price point when it has not been set?

or point #7 that they are using an outdated chip....and he infers that Nintendo is going to make the cheapest hand held on the market.....

The author assumes to much, thus making it a low quality article which shouldn't be allowed on N4G

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Antnee5342563d ago

Why in fucks name did the designs for the mc make it through the planing stages of development? They are by far the worse thing pokemon have produced.

MeteorPanda2562d ago

but...you customize your own characters now? l dont like that boys neck. holy shit it's about as strong as a twig

Antnee5342562d ago

I understand that, but if you pick a boy you get the worse choices.

MeteorPanda2561d ago

oh for sure. The franchise just shits on the male version more and more per new entry, lol

Antnee5342561d ago

It's so weird being that the player base is 70/30 male you know. You would think that they would give the males a better choice selection.


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TargusX2562d ago

Every time I see 'released on Steam' my heart sinks. Why don't these guys release on GOG instead?


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