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The Best Cosplayer Ever?

The SWANTONMASTER Team go over who they think is The Best Cosplayer Ever.

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jimmins5202d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Duplicate story
Featuring same girl and identical images
jonlynch5203d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(3)
This is shameless, but it has no place on animebun either as it's gaming cosplay.
jonlynch5203d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(1)
jonlynch5203d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(1)
Ve3tro5203d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(1)
Sick of Cosplay
Mc Fadge5203d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(2)
How about you give us something newsworthy?
Salvadore5203d ago WhoDisagree(2)Agree(2)
Prcko5203d ago WhoDisagree(4)Agree(2)
Derekvinyard135205d ago WhoDisagree(5)Agree(3)
✔ Fixed
COSPLAY IS NOT F**KING GAMES! Everyone should start Reporting this sh*! Upload your COSPLAY articles to Anime Newsboiler!
xino5205d ago WhoDisagree(5)Agree(2)
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Frulond5205d ago WhoDisagree(3)Agree(2)
branchedout5205d ago WhoDisagree(5)Agree(3)
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send to
Blaze9295205d ago WhoDisagree(5)Agree(4)
enough with this crap
Blaze9295205d ago WhoDisagree(5)Agree(4)
Pandamobile5205d ago WhoDisagree(5)Agree(4)
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Community5203d ago
Excalibur5205d ago

I'm mean Likable, I'm mean...... :)

Neo Nugget5203d ago


Errrr.... WARTORTLE!

OneSneakyMofo5203d ago

I'd blastoise all over her jigglypuff.

dredgewalker5203d ago

Im gonna wigglytuff in her jigglypuff.

Shane Kim5203d ago

Lol Sneaky. This is why I love N4G. Filled with gold ;D

sikbeta5203d ago

Boo Derek Boo....

Don't Ruin the Fun dude :P

evrfighter5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

massive c-block derek...

HSx95202d ago

all I can say is "boobie bang" (keeping it at N4Gs standards)

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knightdarkbox5205d ago

I don't want to be rude on anything but, there are definitely pathetic American cosplays.

Western Cosplayers Stop Ruining Our Anime Characters..

lpfisher5203d ago

Dude... they've ruined nothing but a pair of my boxers. It's ok.

ShinMaster5203d ago

There's an exception when it comes to American cosplayers.

And THIS is definitely one of them. As long as they're pleasant in the eyes, they're more than welcome.

yoko_littner5203d ago

Its not the same images, it's from the set, but not the same. Therer is also a gallery of over 90+ Pics of her.....

swice5202d ago (Edited 5202d ago )

Bubble for you zuner

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wicko5203d ago

Eastern commenters stop ruining our english language.

Seriously though, the only thing wrong with those pictures is that she's wearing too much.

dredgewalker5203d ago

At least we understand and speak your language, can you speak ours?

greatjimbo785203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

"Ours" What, is there one language for the whole of East Asia now? You don't specify what language you're referring to.

greatjimbo785203d ago

What! How can anyone disagree with what I've written. Some of you clearly don't understand what disagree means. I've not said anything that you agree, or disagree with. All I did was ask a question about what language they meant, mainly because I can speak a couple of Japanese-Ryukyuan dialects.

wicko5203d ago

Even though I said "seriously though" at the end, some people didn't realize I was joking.

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lordgodalming5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

I think they must mean "best" in terms of "most similar to photos from Playboy" rather than actually looking like the characters they're supposed to be.

@wicko: So do most Americans (Australians, Brits, Canadians, etc) who post here edit their posts like they would a term paper to preserve your delicate linguistic sensibility? Feel free to insult people's language skills when your Japanese/German/Spanish or whatever is better than their English.

Edit: Please don't come back with some tiresome garbage about how "this is America..." blah blah blah. Gaming is an international passtime, and better for it.

N4Flamers5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

The question is not does he know any other language, the question is does he make a lackluster attempt to use it?

Personally I know spanish and english, but I dont go on japanese boards trying to speak japanese.

I thought it was a funny comeback lets not take it so seriously. I happen to agree that this chick is probably one of the most fail cosplayers I've seen, but I still thought the joke was funny. Why doesnt anyone get on that jerks case when he stereotyped western cosplayers.

lordgodalming5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

"lackluster attempt"??

Really? The biggest problem in that guy's original post is that he said "rude on" instead of "rude about." Wicko forgot to capitalize the word "English." Hell, I misspelled "pastime." Again, this is a gaming forum, not a class for writing or citizenship.

Sorry, but making fun of someone else's ability to speak or use a second language isn't funny or cute. It's insulting and ignorant. May as well laugh at a kid who's learning to read for mispronouncing a long word.

If you think his opinion was pointless or offensive, take issue with that. Report him. But what's the point in being as much of a "jerk," in your words, as he was? Just gets everybody's dander up. And besides that, with the exception of that one Rikku girl, most western cosplayers ARE terrible. ;)

At least we can agree that the woman we're all ogling looks fine a bikini but is a lousy cosplayer.

wicko5203d ago

N4Flamers got it, I was joking. I was pointing out how stupid his comment was by making my own stupid comment. Don't be so sensitive, the world would be a better place if we didn't get all riled up by some silly jokes.

And I know plenty of people who speak english as a second language and I can tell you they would also find it pretty funny and come up with their own comebacks.

Garnett5203d ago

Cosplay are for nerds anyways, the same people who play 200 hour JRPG because they want to live in a fantasy world and marry fantasy people.

Kinda like The Guild, the bald guy who lives in his van.

Focker4205203d ago

Sooo you don't like women dressed in skimpy outfits?! I guess thats only for nerds right?

dredgewalker5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Way to generalize people without knowing them. Most people say that gaming is also for nerds, so would you agree with them?

sikbeta5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Double Post


pustulio5203d ago

So sad people think she's ugly or stupid or something bad because her costume is not perfect.

I can't explain how SAD is people that say that.

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Tony-A5204d ago

She has a very nice set of..... ermm...... eyes. Yeah, eyes.

Why do I feel like there's been a sudden burst of sexy females on this site? It's like Boobs4Gamers now.

yoko_littner5203d ago

...Its not the same images, it's from the set, but not the same. Therer is also a gallery of over 90+ Pics of her.....

MGRogue20175203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Arrggghhh.... I don't know which one to choose.. The Pikachu girl or the Dragonair one.. :(

They both looks so tasty >.<

Can I haz both?? :P

hatchimatchi5203d ago

One of the few times where american cosplay doesn't disappoint. She'll be the next Jessica Chobot.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 Shouldn’t Let Its PS5 Pro Update Arrive Empty-Handed

Entering Q4 and with the impending release of the PS5 Pro and major AAA titles this holiday season, Dragon's Dogma 2 has a golden opportunity for DLC.

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Community1d 7h ago
Eonjay1d 4h ago

I have to disagree. Personally, I feel like DD2 still needs a lot of optimization. I really dislike games that try to sell a bunch of DLC when their game is still a mess.

Redgrave1d 3h ago

This, RDR2, Bloodborne.... and of course, Life of Black Tiger.


15 Hardest Games for the Super Nintendo

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Community4d ago
Gamingsince19814d ago

Didn't the snes come out in 1990 in Japan

Profchaos4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Sure did I can only assume the article is talking about old-school games in general

Also the thumbnail used in the article for super Mario bros the lost levels is a screenshots of the Famicom game


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