
New Mindjack Screenshots

Andriasang: New shooter from Square Enix and Feelplus. (Total 28 images)

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Myst5206d ago

Still have $5.00 on this game, and for the first time in my pre-ordering history I am actually quite weary of my choice...

The single player looks interesting enough, but the multiplayer I don't know...the cam video on GT doesn't seem to be all that good and not to sure if it does it any justice. Overall I'll probably still get it, but I feel that Square Enix needs to put a bit more work into this...


Phoenix Down 82.1 – Mindjack

We yawn ourselves to the end.


Phoenix Down 82.0 – Mindjack

We try not to die of boredom.


Top 5 worst games of the 2010s

Mindjack was released in 2011 to negative reviews.

BrandanT3043d ago

To me, Duke Nukem was playability at least. Most movie games were more intolerable than that.

Sciurus_vulgaris3043d ago

I remember being really excited for Alien Colonial Marines, until I checked the review scores.....

3043d ago Replies(1)
ccgr3043d ago

Thankfully I never bought any in the list :)

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