
Ni no Kuni Press Conference Gallery

A gallery of pictures from the Ni no Kuni Press Conference .

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camehlheon5207d ago

Please, please, PLEASE make this game come to US/Europe !!


Ni no Kuni DS Fan Translation Patch Released

A group of Ni no Kuni fans have released an English translation for the original Japanese DS version

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2117d ago Replies(1)
Protagonist2116d ago

People are amazing for doing this when game companies fails, now we also need that Persona 2 Eternal Punishment's PSP translation.. no pressure.. no pressure ;)


5 remasters we're still waiting on

GameFans: "A lot of games are getting remastered these days, yet there are some we’re still feverishly waiting on."

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Yi-Long2978d ago

I would love an Assassin's Creed Ezio HD Trilogy. Absolutely loved AC2 GOTY, but never picked up his 2 follow-up games.

Games like SSX3, Burnout 3, NBA Street 3, Vanquish, Def Jam Fight for NY, Jade Empire, Lost Odyssey, the Project Gotham Racing series, etetc all deserve a proper follow-up and/or HD-Remaster as well...

SilverDemon2978d ago

just give me demon's souls and I'm good

superchiller2978d ago

Would love to see Sonic Racing ported to the PS4, it's one of the best kart racers ever made! Much better than MK8.

ironcrow23862978d ago

if those are the best your holding out for then you really need to get out more :)

Yui_Suzumiya2978d ago

Now since BioShock: The Collection is coming, all I'd truly want is Mass Effect Trilogy , Dead Space Trilogy and Resistance Trilogy.

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Beating The Backlog Demon

Klaire88 talks about that backlog of games waiting to be cleared. Everyone has a list, what's yours?

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Hoffmann3118d ago

Tales of Symphonia
Disgaea 2 on PSP
Disgaea 5
Samurai Warriors 4-II

shodan743118d ago


DarkZane3118d ago

I decided to stop caring about trophies recently (unless it's a game I really wanna platinum). Ever since then, the backlog is somehow clearing itself much faster.

yeahright23117d ago

That's pretty much where I'm at. If I enjoy a game, I'll do my best to 100% it. Like witcher 3, I went through the whole thing, every side quest, every contract, every question mark. Then with the Batman titles, I just kinda flew through the story. If I got a trophy, great, if not, I didn't go out of my way to nab it.
I like trophies, they scratch that completionist itch. I just don't have the time to be a completionist when it comes to gaming.

Perjoss3118d ago

With Steam sales a gaming backlog can get ferociously out of hand really fast.

yeahright23117d ago

Tell me about it. I've owned my PC for about 6 weeks or so and already have over 100 PC games in my backlog. humble bundle, steam sales, gog, I love them and hate them.

VJGenova3118d ago

Of just games I own:

1. Dead Space 2 and 3.
2. Crysis 2 and crysis wars
3. DmC
4. Fallout 3 (half way through)
5. Metro 2033 and Last Light
6. AC Syndicate
7. Path of Exile (new expansion)
8. Dust
9. Fez
10. Super meatboy
11. Strider
12. Dragon age 1 and 2
13. Arkham City (10 hours in)
14. Destiny (played like 20 hours)
15. Borderlands 2
16. Deus Ex: Human Revolution

That's just off the top of my head. Anyone care to help me decide what's next?

I also need to buy GTAV, Fallout 4, Divison, Far Cry Primal, Arkham Knight and a ton of others.

Yui_Suzumiya3118d ago

Holy crap! That's one hell of a backlog. About 10 of those games I got at launch. Fallout 3 was actually my first platinum. Wowser! You got some serious work ahead of you :3

VJGenova3117d ago

I'm like 35ish hours into Fallout 3. I don't 100% any games and I feel like I've gone a "good amount" of things in it. Granted, I do have the GOTY edition, so I'm sure there's like 100+ hours of content left ... I "beat" New Vegas in about 40 and felt good about it. I didn't do any stories on the strip, but instead went in guns blazing! Good times!

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