
NiGHTS Into Dreams Heading to XBLA and PSN?

Ripten reports on the ever increasing possibility of 15 year old fan favorite "NiGHTS Into Dreams" gracing the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 digital networks.

NewsForSnowflakes5207d ago

I've just found a leaked image of someone playing it with Kinect.

zireno5207d ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG seriously dude you are the first one that has made me laugh in n4g

bubbles +++

AAACE55207d ago

It seems like they are digging into the archives for inspiration with all of these old games that are looking at re-releases! I'm scared!

I started telling people that Hollywood ran out of ideas when they started remaking a lot of the older movies and making game and comicbook movies. It kinda seems like the games industry is trying to do the same thing in a way!

zeeshan5206d ago

@Squall: HAHAHAHAH dude, thanks for that! :)

As for the game, I LOVED IT back then and I will defenitely buy it. Heck, I have been waiting for a sequel for so damn long! Sega Saturn also had some decent games on it! Come on Sega, give us a sequel to this game!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5206d ago
Yi-Long5207d ago

Sadly, I never played the original, because like (too) many, I never had a Saturn (big faillure here in Europa).

Now, I only hope they will also announce and release SonicCD for XBLA and PSN.

Makidian5206d ago

What's it like on/in Europa,I bet it's fickin' cold!? I agree with the SonicCD sentiment though as well as NiGHTS coming.

XxRoosterxX5207d ago

found a good way to emulate a Saturn, I'd like to see it.

I mean that in all honesty, I would love for Sega to start releasing Saturn games.

Radiant Silvergun, Enemy Zero, and many 2d fighters would be great. Also the superior version of Mega Man 8 and Grandia would be excellent.

FACTUAL evidence5207d ago (Edited 5207d ago )

I loved this game for sega saturn! I even had the nights handheld game and beat it! I fell in love with the soundtrack for this game. I love nights into dreams!

yewles15207d ago

PLEASE let it be the PS2 version... *crosses fingers*

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1754d ago
SegaGamer1754d ago

Since I was a kid, I have always seen Chao's as the cutest ficitional creatures, but Baby Yoda is really staking a claim for that title.


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They're SEGA games and they're unavailable in Japan. F*ck you, Steam.


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