
Top 10 Biggest No-Shows at E3 2010

Although this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo had a lot of big announcements, some of the more popular games and hardware was completely missing from the convention. Here is a list of the top 10 biggest no-shows at E3 2010.

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-Mezzo-5151d ago

Resistance 3 & Agent's no-show was a bit of a shocker i was certain that we would get to see some sort of teasers.

mjolliffe5151d ago

Yeah I was pretty shocked to not see something of Resistance 3!

Cartesian3D5151d ago (Edited 5151d ago )

SONY just made their final presentation at last day.. Im sure they have plenty of stuff (teaser trailers for future games..etc). its GAME theory.. they have more than one startegy

you want proof.. after Micorsoft good show last year they just showed the WORD AGENT and announce there is exclusive title , no teaser nothing.. or showing FFXIV trailer .. right now SONY has more than enough exclusives and all of them need sufficient BUZZ. so we will find out about all of them soon (TGS , GC..)

and after Microsoft Awful conference I think they decided to just focus on some 2010 titles and before E3 2011 ones(Killzone 3, Infamous2..)

TheXgamerLive5151d ago

1. Saints Row 3, easily one of my fav series and hella more fun to me than the GTA series except for vice city, ties there.
I heard that thq is waiting until the VGA awards in december to make an official showing.

2. Boarderlands 2, who'd a thunk that after the mass success of Boarderlands that there would atleast be some boarderlands 2 news. I mean even a cg trailer just causiing a little hype thrown in with some interesting news on B2 would of been nice.

Ok, don't laugh but i was hoping that a Too Human II would emerge. It would of had to of been completely revamped but there was potential there. sad:( It's now called paradise lost, lol.

EliteAssass1n5151d ago

i also was disappointed to see Saints Row 3, but not for the same reason as you. I remember that the SR2 developers stated that SR3 would go in a new direction.

ico925151d ago

TLG was my anticipated game of E3 this year next to R3 so i was really dissapointed chances are we'll probaly see an appearence of it at the Tokyo Game Show, but the chances of a 2010 release date like i hoped are really slim.

FACTUAL evidence5151d ago

I was shocked to see no R3, agent, or FFvs13. SE might as well make vs13 FF15 at this rate.

mrv3215151d ago

I love these articles, don't you find it funny people complain if someone announces a game not due out 'till after next E3 and now they are complaining so very games didn't show.

MajestieBeast5151d ago (Edited 5151d ago )

Definatly the last guardian but i think they are saving that for TGS and hopefully starhawk for GC. Also resistance 3,uncharted 3 at spike game awards.

Gladiator75151d ago

most of the games that we didn't see at e3 are ps3 exclusives.
i think sony trying to focus in some games, move and we will see many
anticipated game at TGS this year like tlg and ff13v.

the-show-stopper5151d ago

im in the minority for this but i was a little dissapointed that the next brothers in arms game wasnt nnounced but maybe they'll announce it later i hope

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Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

Here are the games that will be leaving the Extra and Premium tiers of the PS Plus subscription service in the month of May, 2024.

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gold_drake101d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies101d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix101d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled100d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


Best Sci-Fi Games on the PS3

From the cosmos to crash-landing back on good old planet Earth, come read through the best sci-fi-nastically games on the PS3

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zaanan105d ago

Not a single Reistance? Fuck this article.

mastershredder105d ago (Edited 105d ago )

Starhawk over Warhawk?...... Dude, NO ONE should listen to you.

Odd choices for "best" more like you settled as these being the "best" that available to you at the time, cause a lot of these blow or were average to poor performers that ended up in bargain bin.

Missing too many great sci-fi titles here. The Void, The Resistance Series, Killzone 2 and 3, Enslaved, man.. there were so many, this is redicu-list.

FreeckyCake105d ago

Nobody should listen to you either with that attitude.

OtterX104d ago

I agree that Starhawk shouldn't be above Warhawk, however I must say that Starhawk multiplayer was incredible for its time! Many people wrote it off bc the single player was quite terrible, bc it was basically 1 huge tutorial for the multiplayer. But I can tell you never spent any significant amount of time in MP. It was doing incredibly tense base building w air, foot and land vehicle (and mech!) combat long before Fortnite was ever a thing.

I bet it would have been much better received if it had just ditched the story mode all together. So many people like yourself completely wrote it off based on reviews by reviewers that let the criticism of single player weigh heavily on their scores. I bet you didn't even play it.

Friendlygamer104d ago

The riddick games are some of the best stealth titles ever, highly underrated

YourMommySpoils104d ago

What games? All recall plating was Escape from Butcher Bay.

Friendlygamer104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

There's also the less acclaimed 'assault on dark Athena'

( also, not saying this to you specifically but there's both resistance and killzone games on the list, it's amazing how even something so simple and innocent as a game list can be turned into misinformed vitriol here lol )

jznrpg104d ago

Glad to see Resonance of Fate. Enslaved was pretty good too. I’m sure there are others nobody has listed but I’m too tired to try and think of anything


Agent: Rockstar's PS3 Exclusive That Never Escaped the Shadows

No game proves how quickly things can change in terms of ethos at a studio quite like Agent.

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XiNatsuDragnel126d ago

I wished agent was revived so badly

Skuletor125d ago

Rockstar's game outpost has steadily declined since HD console gaming started . Hell, they were releasing new games every year since the PS2 launched, up to the start of the 7th gen.