
GI: We Take Microsoft's Joy Ride For A Spin

Game Informer: Microsoft's Joy Ride was first revealed at last year's E3, though it was then just a vanilla-flavored arcade racer. What a difference a year makes, eh? Since that first announcement, Microsoft and BigPark have been quiet about its whereabouts. The game has been transformed, removing its traditional controller inputs for Kinect's motion-based scheme. We got to play it for a while today during our Kinect tour, testing out two of the game's modes.

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36T5210d ago

Too bad they didn't think of making avatars wearing Playstation shirts standing in the middle of the road waiting to be ran over. Now that is what i would call good times!

interrergator5210d ago

lol they said last year that game was supposed to be free


NZGamer: Joy Ride Review

NZGamer writes: "As a kid, how many times did you race around the house in an imaginary car, gripping an imaginary steering wheel in your hands? Some? Lots? I’ll bet a bunch of you still do it to this day, yes?"


Kinect Sports, JoyRide trailered, soccer mom thrashes children

Microsoft put out montage trailers of both Joyride and Kinect Sports this morning, showing one woman soundly beating both a small boy and young girl. She really takes them to school.

TotalPS3Fanboy5128d ago (Edited 5128d ago )

that the daughter isn't his. The difference is so huge. LOL.

rekof5127d ago

funniest comment ever ! pure genius !

kasasensei5127d ago

"TotalPS3Fanboy + 21h ago
He's so occupied pretending to have fun that he didn't realize
that the daughter isn't his. The difference is so huge. LOL."


DelbertGrady5128d ago

Will be interesting to see more of the table tennis game.

JohnApocalypse5127d ago

I on't know why you need to be 12 or up to play it though. PEGI sucks, BBFC is better

TheOldOne5128d ago

more actors? kinect is a joke.

Anon19745128d ago

Yeah, nice to see Microsoft really has their thumb on the pulse of what gamers want.

Xwow20085127d ago

if u see the Kinect sport video u will notice 1:16 that the mom shoot by her right leg but the avatar shoot by the left leg :))

lugia 40005127d ago

But glad that this is free...

Blaze9295127d ago

if you're referring to JoyRide then note, it's no longer free...

divideby05127d ago

yea..that will make me rethink buying Kin...
what the heck is MS thinking about these minigames

SillySundae5127d ago (Edited 5127d ago )

"what the heck is MS thinking about these minigames"

Answer: People who would fall for gimmicks and marketing.

8-bit5127d ago

I hope they do fall for it. They will realize right quick that they made a mistake. Are these games FULL RETAIL PRICE? I mean did Joy Ride go from FREE to $60?

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Joy Ride Screens

Get your battle on with these new images.

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