
GameFocus: Green Day: Rock Band Review

GameFocus writes: "The music/rhythm game genre isn’t as popular or cool as it once was. Since the first Guitar Hero title hit retail shelves, an incredible number of music-based games have emerged, some great, others not so much. After AC/DC, Aerosmith, Metallica, Van Halen and of course The Beatles, Green Day is the latest band to star in their own game. Since its first reveal last year at the Spike VGAs, Green Day always felt like an odd choice to feature for a full-game knowing that there are far bigger bands out there that could have been chosen. U2? Queen? Heck, even some of the hair bands of the 1980’s like The Scorpions, Def Leppard, Iron Maiden or Motley Crue would seem to have storied career to explore".

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Community5125d ago

Green Day states that they are worried about violent video games?

It appears as if the old punk-rock band Green Day has complained about violent video games and MMA fights to Kerrang. So this is my (Robin Ek, TGG) take on the matter.

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Community2852d ago
TwoForce2853d ago (Edited 2853d ago )

I agree about this article. Green Day hasn't been revelant since.There is difference between fiction and reality. Before you disagree me, video game don't make people violence but other people who have low mentally issue and can't control themselves. Most people would agree with me that is parents fault for not educated their children enough. When I was child, I had mental problems but thank to my parents for educated me. I can see the difference. The only thing I can worry about playing video game is the health safety. Playing video game too long could cause people tired or brain damage. Like I said, video game never make people violence.

TGG_overlord2853d ago

Thanks =) I´m glad to hear that you enjoyed my article ;) Yes, and if one can´t tell the difference between reality and fiction, then it´s time for that person to seek mental help asap. Correct, and my parents did a great job with me and my brothers (we weren´t allowed to play games that weren't meant for us to play due to our young age). Yes, people have even died from playing too much video games (I think it was a Wow or Starcraft player the last time that it happened?). However, that could be said about anything really. As too much of anything is most of the time not a good idea.

TwoForce2853d ago (Edited 2853d ago )

Yes, I agree with you. Like I said, the only I worry about people playing video game. It's people health especially a person who has unstable mind and need a treatment ASAP. And also, there are some young age people who play violence video game are not affect this because these people are lucky to have parents who know how to teach their children well.

2852d ago
Glemt2852d ago (Edited 2852d ago )

TGG_overlord, it feels like the title of your article is asking me a question : D So, my answer would be: I don't know.
Also, you make a lot of sense. Thank you for being sensible : )

CrimzonRazor2851d ago

They died from a clot just like you can from sitting in one place to long fling,driving,etc nothing that the games caused.

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Simon_the_sorcerer2852d ago

I never liked Green Day, and I can´t say that I like them more now. Imo, they are just a trio of old ex-rockers that drop moral tantrums like some elderly ladies at the mall.

The 10th Rider2852d ago

Hey man, there are some smart elderly ladies with some perfect valid moral input...Unlike Green Day.

GameHead852852d ago

Should we even care what Green Day thinks. I mean they compose songs like "Wake Me Up When September Ends". When they got millions of teens watching them. Doesn't make sence for them to be "worried" about "violence in video games".

rainslacker2851d ago (Edited 2851d ago )

I'm not really sure what makes Green Day relevant to write an article about how they are worried about video games. Who cares? They can worry about it....it's their prerogative just like we can not worry about it.

I mean, I am free to say how I feel the homogenization of modern pop/rock music is detrimental to the philosophical growth of the human spirit as a whole because it offers up no diversity to support the expanding of free thinking among today's youth when they are most susceptible to forming their future outlooks.

It doesn't mean my opinion is worth validating with an article or attention just because I said it, anymore than it's worth it for an article to do it for Green Day just because they're musicians.

Unless they go on some campaign that extends outside their fan base who may give their opinion some sort of respect due to their status(Like Jenny McCarthy and vaccinations), I don't see the issue. For those who would follow that campaign blindly just because it's from a group they respect or like....well those people are just idiots who have no real critical thinking skills to determine their own stance, or bother to take the time to actually learn anything worthwhile.

@The 10th

Some of those elderly ladies could probably beat the crap out of Green Day while they are so distracted by the violence in video games.

kneon2852d ago

American Idiot is perhaps even more relevant today than when it was first released, just watch the US election coverage. The US is heading for full blown idiocracy.

jmc88882852d ago (Edited 2852d ago )

Yep, how many of my fellow Democrats protested against Bush, only to love the fact Obama (and perhaps soon Hillary) is doing the same things?

Q: You mean you hated Bush when he invades the wrong country, lets wall street run roughshot, outsources jobs, spying, droning, giving police military equipment, etc, etc???.... (and this list really does go on and on and on)

A: YEAH!!!! I hate that guy. We need to impeach him.

Q: Well, Hillary and Obama support the same things

A: I love them! They are the best eva!

Idiocracy is already here.

kneon2851d ago

I find it funny how most Americans think they have left and right wing parties when in fact there are just two right wing parties, with one being just a bit more right than the other.

Even Sanders would only be a centrist at best by world standards.

Relientk772852d ago

Green Day was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last year. Their new single "Bang Bang" came out 2 weeks ago, awesome fast punk rock song. Their new album comes out in October, and announcing a tour soon. They have a Broadway show based on American Idiot which has won numerous awards and been a huge hit. The band has sold over 75 million albums, and people still talk about their albums today especially Dookie and American Idiot. Not to mention the countless number of bands they have influenced (along with Blink-182 and New Found Glory) but you say not relevant >_>

Wish someone who actually cared about Green Day wrote this article, as a fan had a really hard time reading this.

TwoForce2852d ago

It's not easy to hear them say that. Look, all we have to do is move on and find a better solution.

rainslacker2851d ago

Of all the bands out there, Green Day is one of the ones I like more.

Doesn't mean their opinion is of any more importance on the topic at hand....at least beyond the fact they have it.

Not that they can't express it, or even talk about it, but I don't feel their status or relevancy should give their opinion more weight than anyone else who may speak on it in a hyperbolic fashion....which is most who speak on being worried about it.

2852d ago Replies(1)
JasonKCK2852d ago

Green Day has never been relevant. They're only famous do to who they know.

2851d ago
JasonKCK2851d ago (Edited 2851d ago )

GD was made popular by Seinfeld. GD is famous for the same reasons the Beastie Boys were. You should slap yourself in the face for even putting them in the same list as those other actual artist.

2851d ago
CrimzonRazor2851d ago

Were is the study you seen saying gaming to long can cause brain damage

2851d ago
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TwoForce2853d ago (Edited 2853d ago )

Doom is FPS game and it is violence,but I played the game and it didn't affect me because it's fictional. It's video game goddamit.

TGG_overlord2853d ago

Same here, and I´ve been playing games since 1988...

Simon_the_sorcerer2853d ago

1991 in my case, and I sure haven´t killed anyone yet ;)

Simon_the_sorcerer2853d ago

If a person can kill another human being just like that, then it would make any difference of the killer played games or not. As the person is clearly lacking both morals and a normal functional mindset.

TwoForce2853d ago (Edited 2852d ago )

Like I said, people who has low morals and unstable mind. They need a treatment ASAP.

Edit :@Pintheshadows It is not. Those people who is lack of morality and unstable mindset only affect by video game if they are not strong enough to control themselves.

Pintheshadows2852d ago

You say that, but are you not a full blown sorcerer now after being taught by Simon the Sorcerer?

Games affect lives.

trooper_2852d ago

Yeah, I used to play Turok and Duke Nukem and I'm not losing my head.

BLAKHOODe2852d ago (Edited 2851d ago )

Well, you haven't experienced a traumatic childhood that led to mental issues and insecurity yet. When that happens, we'll know now what to blame. [J/K]

Sam Fisher2852d ago

Yea, the traumatic childhood that led the mental issues and insecurity..... This is a joke right?

rainslacker2851d ago

Dealing like issues like that is a lot harder than just finding a easy thing to blame like video games.

Inzo2851d ago

Yes its fictional, I read what Green Day and their concern isnt violence in a fictional frame, their concern is that the line between fiction/fantasy and reality is being blurred by devs.

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TGG_overlord2853d ago

"Yes, I agree with you. Like I said, the only I worry about people playing video game. It's people health especially a person who has unstable mind and need a treatment ASAP. And also, there are some young age people who play violence video game are not affect this because these people are lucky to have parents who know how to teach their children well."

Exactly, and crazy and evil people have existed far longer than video games have...

robtion2851d ago

Yeah, video games are not the problem.

Green day should stick to music. If they want to worry about something perhaps the impact of drugs on youth and crime in general. Or corruption in politics. Or greed and capitalism running rampant.

But yeah, poor people, immigrants, and video games are the real issues in the world. Just see Fox news if you don't believe me.

SegaGamer2853d ago

Pathetic from Green Day.

I'm sure they don't like it when people say that their music makes people want to cut themselves and hurt others, so you would think they would know better than to bring out this tired old argument about games.

TwoForce2853d ago

They haven't been revelant since.

TGG_overlord2853d ago

Nope, last album dropped over four years ago. And they went down hill after the late 90s and early 2000s.

Simon_the_sorcerer2852d ago

Nope, imo, their "relevance" died out by the late 90s. In the matter of fact, I haven´t heard one single song by them on radio for the last eight years or so.

TGG_overlord2853d ago

They´ve got a new album coming up, and that´s THE only reason that they attacked MMA and games (Mmmm, free PR).

TwoForce2853d ago (Edited 2853d ago )

Kind of little bit off topic, What about Skillet ?

WeAreLegion2851d ago

What about them? Did Skillet say something?

Simon_the_sorcerer2852d ago

I don´t think their bs statement about violent video games and MMA will help them sell more records (on the contrary), but I guess that they are too stupid to realize that?

kneon2852d ago

I doubt they really care at this point, I'm sure they have more than enough money that it makes no difference. They can write whatever they want rather than what will sell.

mclean_5142852d ago (Edited 2852d ago )

Exactly, back in the day people made arguments that punk, rock and metal was a catalyst for violence. It seems hypocritical that they would use the same argument for video games.

iceman062852d ago

Take that even further back and Beethoven was considered violent by some classical critics. Society, as a whole, really likes to look outwardly for answers that often point directly at the members individually.

opinionated2852d ago

And MMA as well. "I'm supposed to eat in a restaurant watching two people kick the shit out of each other?". Don't go to a restaurant with a bar on fight night, dumbass. People go to the bar so they don't have to spend 100 dollars on a payperview.

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IndominusRex2853d ago

Things like hatred, racism and religon start violence.

TGG_overlord2852d ago

Yes, but it´s way easier to blame all of that on video games instead.

IndominusRex2852d ago (Edited 2852d ago )

Edit: Ops. My bad i didnt read your comment properly...

Mr Lahey2852d ago

Agreed. I would say fear is what starts hatred like racism and homophobia etc. And from that we get violence.

jmc88882852d ago (Edited 2852d ago )

No, the people at the top start the violence.

They use what you described (hatred, racism, and religion) to get the plebs to buy into committing that violence.

iceman062852d ago

Simple-minded people use hatred, racism, and religion as an excuse for violence.

CoDsuperstar2851d ago

Islam is a religion of peace.

Mr Lahey2851d ago

Chrisrianity is as well, right? Oh Wait..

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Review: Green Day: Rock Band

GuG Writer, Wesley Wood does a review of Green Day Rock Band on the Wii.

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Relientk773406d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Game was released in 2010. Falls outside of the 'relevant' time period. Should be opinion piece.
Christopher3406d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community3405d ago

How Harmonix sparked the DLC revolution with ‘Rock Band’

VGW's Brian Shea: "The notion of downloadable content is commonplace in today’s landscape of launch-day DLC and season passes, but prior to 2007, to have a legitimate, laid-out plan to support a console game post-launch was not a common occurrence. Harmonix, a company that was in the midst of a transition away from the most popular franchise in the industry at the time, Guitar Hero, had a vision for a brand new IP that would eventually revolutionize the concept of downloadable content."

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Community4071d ago
LOGICWINS4072d ago

One of the few games that did DLC right.

Game4life4071d ago

dlc for the gmae made sense though unlike most games


infestation is more like it..