
Dylan Cuthbert wants Blasto re-released as a PSOne Classic

Dylan Cuthbert wants to see Blasto re-released as a PSOne Classic on the Playstation Network.

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BeaRye5148d ago

Makes me miss Phil Hartman

FACTUAL evidence5148d ago

I always wanted this game when i was little!! Never played it....I forgot alll about this! damn PS1 those were the dam days!

Reibooi5148d ago

Anyone else think that Blasto might have been one of the influences for Captain Qwark in Ratchet and Clank?

Anyway I loved Blasto I still have my copy. A PSN re release or a HD remake would be awesome.

Cajun Chicken5148d ago

Hmm. Never got past level 3 from what I remember, great jumping puzzles though.

kaveti66165148d ago

OMG, I loved this game. I'm so glad I am reminded of it now.

DarkSpawnClone5148d ago

i forgot about this never got to beat it my friend borrowed it and i never got it back, i might buy it a again a HD remake would better tho :P

-Mezzo-5148d ago

Awesome, i still remember all the fun i had with it. Good Times. =]

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FallenAngel19842634d ago

Would Nintendo even make a sequel to a franchise who's last mainline installment didn't even sell a million

rolando1232634d ago

If another developer handles the game and doesn't have shitt motion controls

_-EDMIX-_2633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )

That's the thing I don't want another developer touching this game, Nintendo needs to make it in house and they need to stop Outsourcing their damn games.

(If you mean another developer like Nintendo then I definitely agree)

All I want from Starfox is very simple fly straight, shoot stuff ,give me blue lasers and occasional all range mode

If they made a Star Fox game that was basically just Star Fox 64 with different levels and better-looking I would buy that game in a heartbeat, I'm not asking for any of the garbage that they've been releasing for the past two decades this is literally getting absolutely ridiculous on how badly this company has butchered this property.

_-EDMIX-_2633d ago

Better question is if it's going to be the quality of the previous do we even want any? I'm more worried about the quality of The Next Star Fox game as opposed to whether or not we get one or not because I'm kind of tired of getting crappie games.

MilkMan2633d ago

It better, Zero was such a pile of dungheap that the only enjoyment I got was from the semi-tower defense game they also created. That's crazy.

quent2633d ago

a re remake of starfox 64 would be nice to have on the switch