
LittleBigPlanet 2 trailer teases 3D Support

PS3Hype writes: 'After looking at the just released trailer from LBP2 for the 6th time, something got my attraction. In the trailer you will see a sackboy with 3D glasses on. We all know that Media Molecule likes to tease us a bit on a creative way. Is this a tease that we will see a LittleBigPlanet 2 in 3D on our new 3D TV's? Why not!'

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SasanovaS19875252d ago

im pretty sure it will happen. pretty much all games developed for the 4th quarter of 2010 will have 3d support, at least all exclusive ps3 games...why not if their trying to push out 3d? it only makes sense..

deafwing5252d ago

... but honestly I'm not into it. I don't want to wear shades with my headsets while playing (do you know how uncomfortable that will be?) ...

if they can find a way to make the presentation 3D without extra gear, then program away mighty developers and blow my brains out the back door.

Someone needs to give Johnny Lee a job so that this can happen - http://www.youtube.com/watc...

deadreckoning6665252d ago

Yeah, me too. I'm waiting for 3D WITHOUT the need for glasses...and when 3DTVs become more affordable and gain more mass market appeal

thehitman5252d ago

Is like virtual reality without a helmet just can't happen. The effects of
3d is to manipulate the light that your eye recieves it's impossible without some sort of shade to between your eyes and the screen.

Hideo_Kojima5252d ago

that video has nothing to do with stereoscopic 3d which is seen in movies like avatar and will be seen in 3d games on ps3...

it would be impossible to use that technology in movies unless you found a way to record people 3d holograms with 4+ cameras spread around the room.

The easiest approach would be to scrap the whole video games on tv thing and release helmets with motion sensors that you can wear.

That way you will have stereoscopic 3D and 3D effects like those in the youtube video.

cryymoar5251d ago

There was a time when people didn't even think the concept of the television was possible, and look how far we have come.
Everything is eventually possible (within the boundaries of the laws of physics) and I don't see 3D without glasses not being possible.
Hell look, we can power devices wirelessly now, and the theory and model behind that dates to the beginning of the 20th century.

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HighDefinition5252d ago

It supports almost everything else.

hay5252d ago

Sony themselves had mentioned in recent Qore that LBP will get 3D support.

sikbeta5252d ago

Yeah!!! 3D support for this Amazing will make it even more Awesome, can't wait...

BannedForNineYears5252d ago

Could just be a simple costume. -_-
I mean, they had a chicken costume, doesn't mean they'll end up flying.

KILLERAPP5252d ago

This is for sure; Sony will want not only LBP 2 to push out the Move but also 3D by the end of the year…

samich20075252d ago

PSMove is not supported, but will be in a future update ;)

samich20075252d ago

It would be a cool extra feature!

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Inverno151d ago

The only PlayStation dev I care about tbh.

Inverno150d ago

Dayum did I hit a nerve. Sorry for not liking most of this gens games coming from PS, not really doe.

Cacabunga151d ago

Hopefully doesn’t take them a complete gen to release it

TheColbertinator151d ago

Good. Something not boring, not one of those "make your own game" crap and also on Steam would be nice.

Stopac151d ago

I too like to look for things in the wrong places.


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