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The Top 7... Best demos of all time

Demos are great. They give you a chance to try out a game before you part with your money, are usually free and almost always give you the same thrill you get from playing a full game when you start it up.

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SiteBot5251d ago
predator5251d ago

I will never forget the MGS2 demo, truely amazing when i played that for the first time

nix5251d ago (Edited 5251d ago )

i still play Motorstorm 2 demo. i realised that after i bought PES 2010 i didn't even play it for more than 3 weeks (i totally blame Demon's Souls for it). and this is a guy who played PES demos for the two years before that!

dalibor5251d ago (Edited 5251d ago )

Yeah that was an awesome demo. But for me a long lasting wound that will never be forgotten is when I had to go to the elementary school in the Silent Hill demo. Damn demon children were just freaky. That creeped me out (partly b/c I was young mind you, nothing scares me now except accidental pregnancy). And who could forget the demo for the first MGS game where you had to infiltrate the building. Good old memories.

@cez of rage
The Black demo was bad*ss. Same goes for the FF7 demo.

Inside_out5251d ago

Just cause was awesome...

SC C...great gameplay...



Bioshock showed some of the best graphics this gen...


Red faction...the driving Mad Max part with Mech going thru all the

PDZ...great Multi-player Dem...

Lost planet....amazing single player and multi...


Graw 2 single player demo was better than the single player game...Multi-player demo was good...would of been the best if the used Headquarters map from the real multi0player around...

Black...FPS last gen....INCREDIBLE destruction....MW2 and IW ripped these guys off bad...Bodycount...2011...

Too many to

Raf1k15251d ago

I've never played a demo as much as I played the GTA demo on PC.

I also absolutely loved the Command & Conquer demo.

secksi-killer5251d ago

and got the mgs2! that was truly an incredible demo. imo that is probably the best demo yet. i used to like teasing the A.I, hiding behind an in lockers.

Solidus187-SCMilk5251d ago (Edited 5251d ago )

Ohh yeah, I remember getting a disk for my pizza when I was little. I was amazed!!!

I also loved the MGS2 demo as it made me buy ZOE, which ended up being a gerat series(if 2 is a series).

Mista T5251d ago

I remember playing Burnout Takedown on my need for speed underground disk on ps2 for a LONG time. really fun demo

ico925251d ago

2 Demos that i feel deserved a mention ....

1. Bioshock one of the most memorable introductions to a game ever

2. Infamous, a great showcase of the gaming mechanics and depending on the player it was like an hour long

Blackfrican5251d ago

This demo came included with Xbox live. This was the first online multiplayer experience for many and it was amazing. You really got to learn about the type of players across the world:the pros, the schmos, people going backwards, people going forward, people constructing roadblocks, dark master voice masks, high pitch voice masks, crash masters, wheelie riders. Most multiplayer shit talk probably originates to this demo as there is very little I have heard recently that I did not hear on there. The matchmaking system worked, much better than many new releases today. Secret mini games in the credits! You did not need to be a racing fan to truly appreciate the greatness of this demo.

Marceles5251d ago

The FF7 demo that came with Tobal No. 1 should be on the list lol. The first time I saw Leviathan's summon I was blown away.

Playstation Picks was awesome too since it had the demos of all the best launch PS1 games: Battle Arena, Wipeout, Jumping Flash, Ridge Racer, Tekken, Twisted Metal, Warhawk...they should make more demo discs like that again.

willie62895251d ago

the original Gran Turismo 1 demo. I remember renting it from blockbusters. payed full price to rent just like a game, so worth it.

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knifefight5251d ago

For me, it's all about the demo of the *first* Metal Gear Solid, actually. My brother and I played that thing practically every day for months leading up to its release like 3 months later.

MAN those were good times. Our addrenaline was flowing like it never had before from a video game.

hay5251d ago

Yeah, I played with my cousin MGS demo a lot. On hard, going different ways we could find. Awesome.

BeaArthur5251d ago

Agreed, I played that one many times. For me it's just about any good multiplayer demo (Lost Planet, BC2, etc.).

Microsoft_Spokesman5251d ago

My top 2:

Batman: AA
Battlefield 1943

DelbertGrady5251d ago

The BF BC 2 multiplayer demo is probably the one I've played the most in recent times.

GVON5251d ago (Edited 5251d ago )

My favourite was the 10 minute GTA demo that came with OPM 7 or 14 on PSone.

Raf1k15251d ago

Yep that was absolutely amazing though me and my bro played that on PC and we'd take turns playing it.

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Transparent is Back - Introducing the Cipher Series - Xbox Wire

The transparent tech revival continues with Xbox Design Lab's Cipher Series, and Ghost Cipher Xbox Wireless Controller Special Edition.

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Community10h ago
Eonjay9h ago

I really like these a lot. Sony needs to make some Transparent DualSense controllers.

darthv728h ago

There is a little promo video on their X feed that reminds me of those old iMac commercials... except it doesnt have the rolling stones "she's s rainbow" sound clip.


Star Wars: Battlefront Turns 20 – A Nostalgic Journey Through the Galaxy

Celebrate 20 years of Star Wars: Battlefront! Relive the epic battles, iconic maps, and unforgettable moments that made this game a fan favorite.

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Community1d 4h ago
jznrpg1d 4h ago

It was fun back in the day. When they made it always online I skipped it


Dragon’s Dogma 2 Shouldn’t Let Its PS5 Pro Update Arrive Empty-Handed

Entering Q4 and with the impending release of the PS5 Pro and major AAA titles this holiday season, Dragon's Dogma 2 has a golden opportunity for DLC.

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Community1d 13h ago
Eonjay1d 10h ago

I have to disagree. Personally, I feel like DD2 still needs a lot of optimization. I really dislike games that try to sell a bunch of DLC when their game is still a mess.

Redgrave1d 8h ago

This, RDR2, Bloodborne.... and of course, Life of Black Tiger.