
The White Knight Chronicle – New Quests for May 6th

PS3Attitude: This week in White Knight Chronicles there are four new quests to explore. You know the adventure is going to be epic when you have to travel to the Theater of the Gods.

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Chris3995160d ago (Edited 5160d ago )

Especially considering all the free quests and extensive support. It's like getting free DLC. I'm at about 150 hours now with no signs of slowing down. If that isn't value, I don't know what is.

With the exception of Eurogamer's import review, I don't see how any of the reviewers even did their jobs correctly when the NA servers weren't live till launch day and the majority of this game (the real meat of it) is played online.

Edit: @ below. Yeah the PS3 attitude review and ongoing coverage of this delightful title has been stellar! Keep up the good work! ;)

Delriach5160d ago

I agree that the game is underrated. I have about 110 hours clocked in, although I haven't played it as much as I've wanted to lately.

Not trying to advertise my review, but the WKC review at PS3Attitude goes pretty indepth and it's a game that I recommend. Of course, that doesn't really matter anymore since you already know you like the game ;)

TheHater5160d ago

The IGN review (Ryan Clements) even said he didn't play the online and rush through the review on their podcast and in his review of WKC. If this game had Final Fantasy in the title, it was have gotten scores of 8+ everywhere.

hatchimatchi5160d ago

Yea, I like the ign ps3 team but clements comes off as an elitist. WKC is a great game, I can understand completely why some people might not enjoy it, but clements gave it what, a 4.3? That's insane, this game should get nothing less than a 7/10. Me personally, I don't follow reviews but most people do and a game that scores in the 4's from a big name site will turn away thousands of possible purchases. I really hope WKC sold enough to warrant the sequel being released stateside and in europe.

vicheous5160d ago

I have not even started this game yet! But it's in my collection... I think i'll have something to do this summer with this. Summer is always slow on games.

remanutd555160d ago

beat it already , loved it , cant wait for White Knight Chronicles 2 !!!! i hope level 5 and sony dont take too long to bring the game to the west

Delriach5160d ago

Indeed. I'm hoping that they did some localization on the second game at the same time as the first to speed up the process. I mean, it took a little over a year to release the international version. I'd like to think that they were multitasking to make things go smoother for the sequel.

Redempteur5160d ago

60 hours in ...stopped because ff13 ...so far no problem with the game ..Especially online with the numerous variant we have in a simple quest ...

Gamefan125160d ago

my problem was time .. don' thave time and too many games out there to play

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RETRO Review - White Knight Chronicles (PS3)

Grab your longsword, shield and round up the fantasy archetypes - there are Ice Dragons afoot!

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Memorable Music in Gaming #21

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

I am kicking things off by going back to a familiar well here - with a song from the Neverwinter Nights soundtrack. This is still arguably one of my favorite music scores in a video game ever, but I decided to lead off with it and then create something of a theme as I decided to pull all of this edition's songs from RPG games.

Neverwinter Nights (PC) - Battle - Forest Boss

I touched on the somewhat mystical quality of another Neverwinter Nights song last week when discussing City Docks Day. There were a lot of really good battle tunes in this one, but the Forest Boss song always stood out in my mind. The battle itself was not even the most memorable one, but right around the one minute mark, it reaches an epic level that just stuck with me.


The ten last-gen games that should have "HD Remasters"

Digitally Downloaded writes: "Below are the ten games we'd like to see make their way to the new generation of consoles this year. Or, perhaps, game collections that could be pulled together into a single disc package for even better value as we have seen other recent HD/ Remaster releases."

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Snookies123445d ago

B-But FFXII isn't last-gen. I'd love to see it remastered regardless though. Brilliantly fun game, I just disliked the story unfortunately.

hkgamer3444d ago (Edited 3444d ago )

story was ok, but very unlike the other ff storylines where there is a clear villian.

i just want the game for vita/ps4. international zodiac version would be interesting to play but i hope that the original glitches(?) are still there.

i had more fun breaking the game then playing the game properly.

would also be cool if they added dual wielding. would make some rare weapons actually useful.

MrSwankSinatra3444d ago

I really would like to see a HD Remaster of both Twilight Princess & Skyward Sword. Those games deserve to be in HD

Relientk773444d ago

Are you saying that they could make Ni no Kuni look even better, because I would like to see that.

hkgamer3444d ago

they could easily make that game look better. just make it as detailed as the animation. the 3d models had a lot less detail.

not saying it didnt look nice, just saying it could be improved a lot.

DougLord3444d ago

NONE - lets keep remakes to games from 2-3 gens ago!

PeaSFor3444d ago

what i want to see:

Patapon HD Collection
FFIX & FFVII Remastered
MadWorld HD
Thrasher:Skate&Destroy HD
EA Skate series HD
Lumines Collection
VibRibbon remastered
Mario Galaxy 1&2 Remastered
BF1942 Remastered

WheatBread3444d ago

Screw that we need new games

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