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Pure Football - Gameplay trailer

Ubisoft has release a new gameplay trailer of Pure Football.

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But which PlayStation game are Chelsea like?

Play-mag: "Chelsea manager makes comment about PlayStation when talking about football, we go wild and over-analyse it. Obviously."

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Community5141d ago
Senden5141d ago

Chelsea are just like fifa..just like EA, they thrown money at their problems and after subsequently doing it enough, they eventually reigned supreme. Hard for me to admit it being a man utd fan but Chelsea are a notch above everyone else in the premiership at the moment and probably just below barcelona in the world.

AusWarrior5141d ago

I have to agree, even though I'm a ManUtd fan as well. They are an amazing team to watch.

Shadow Flare5141d ago (Edited 5141d ago )

They spent a lot of money but they spent it wisely. Man utd have also spent big in the past but fergie was also wise with his spendings. I'm more interested to see how man city do this season. Because I'm not so sure if their spending was wise. They literally spent over 100 million, way more then they should have. But it doesn't guarantee them success. It's not just down to money. That's why Chelsea deserve some credit. Anyway, I'm an arsenal fan. I hope we do it this year

BYE5141d ago (Edited 5141d ago )

Not sure about Chelsea, they might do well in their country but I think they're not as good as Barcelona, Inter or Bayern at the moment.

ThatIrishGamer5141d ago

They won 6-0 and even then they were boring and dull. When United win 6-0 you have lovely passing moves, wingplay. . .god it's glorious to watch.

Chelsea on the other hand - eugh.

Infernostew5141d ago

Chelsea, wherever you may be. Don't leave your Mrs. with John Terry. Could be worse, he could be a scouse. Then he'd be shagging your wife and robbing your house.

Shadow Flare5141d ago

I like that song you man utd fans sing about ji sung park.

'Park, Park, wherever you may be
You eat dogs in your own country
It could be worse, you could be scouse
Eating rats in your council house'

And that's your own player! lol

MaximusPrime5141d ago

Chelsea will remain champion. Man U what happened to you? lol

Infernostew5140d ago

What happened? Between Chelsea's prem title in the 05/06 season and this past year in the 09/10 season Manchester United have.... Won the premier league 3 times, the champions league, fifa club world cup, 2 time carling cup winners, and 2 community shields (3 if you want to count this year). This is all within 3-4 seasons. Chelsea retain the title once in a 3 year span and everyone pretends like they're unstoppable.


Pure Football price cut to £9.99

Blockbuster slashes £20 off Ubisoft sports title’s RRP.

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Community5176d ago
kevin360uk5175d ago

Not surprised. Pretty much ALL games depreciate in value not long after its release. Look at Alan Wake, that can be picked up for £20-£25 new already.


The most disappointing games in 2010

Cynamite has listed the most disappointing titles released in 2010 so far. These ten games include titles like Alan Wake, Lost Planet 2 and All Points Bulletin. You can also add your personal disappointing to the collection by commenting on the text.

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Community5182d ago
rzafan15183d ago

These games are just fuck-ups. I'd call it craplist!

ian725182d ago

I have the Saboteur and its quite good really. MAG is a good game if you like online shooters with teamwork. Dark Void is ok, nothing special. Haven't got the others so can't comment on those.

Xeoset5182d ago

The f*** is up with these kinds of things?

Lost Planet 2, All Points Bulletin, Alan Wake, The Saboteur and Singularity are all great games.


Grow the hell up.

AngryTypingGuy5182d ago

I wish that these Top 10 list stories would stop being approved. They're a complete waste of time.

Independent_Charles5182d ago (Edited 5182d ago )


to be fair, there only a waste of time when people waste there time on them.

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gamerzBEreal175182d ago

mag was good to and heavy rain was a great game but i was dissapointed by the hype about all the differnt endings when they all had the same outcome i would put that on here to god of war3 kinda felt the same to and i have to say after playing part 1 and 2 over again i was so sick of part3 and it was lacking the new feel that god of war2 had and the bad ass feel that part1 had not saying it was a bad game it was a great game 9 on my list but i was exspecting it to be a perfect 10 ? would have been way bigger if launched in 2008 are 2006 but by 2010 we was used to huge set pieces big boss battles and hack in slash gameplay? just imo but 2 be fair i would put crackdown2 on here also

tinybigman5182d ago

bayonetta the combat alone could not make me stomach this game. horrible story, voice acting, and the most annoying thing i've ever heard is the god horrible game music.

ARBitrator5182d ago

I am currently on episode 4 of Alan Wake and I am loving it. I have play plenty of other games in 2010 that I liked less than Alan Wake. I don't this game is a disapointment at all. Seriously if you own a 360 and haven't played it yet, give it a rent and see if you like it I think you will.

Independent_Charles5182d ago

alan wake is brilliant but i dont understand the ending,but i wont spoil it for you.

AAACE55182d ago

Some of those games just came out at the wrong time. I wanted Alan Wake, but chose RDR instead. Had Alan Wake come out a few weeks before it, I would have got it.

hennessey865182d ago

its an amazing game. well worth buying, its got the best lighting ive ever seen and its easily the best graphics on the xbox

avengers19785182d ago

I was actually disappointed with MAG, but relieze that it's more me than the game... It really just didn't fit my style. I did not care for Final Fantsy.

muDD5182d ago

For the people who actually played it, this is one of the best games of the year... Graphix, environments, and story, made this game a must buy... but for some reason, M$ did not do a good job in advertising this game, and so the only disappointing thing about Alan Wake is its sales... The author needs to clarify what is meant by "disapointing." The saboteur is not a disapointing game either.

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Shmai_the_Cat5183d ago

To be honest: My greatest disappointments were Bioshock 2 and God of War 3. Of course, they are brillant games, but the lack of innovation simply makes me yawn.

Focker-4205182d ago (Edited 5182d ago )

God of War 3, a lack of innovation?! Are you insane?!! In what games do you climb 2 1000 ft tall titans. One where you fight one of most innovative and unique depictions of Poseidon. The other that you actually have to fight where you eventually rip his guts completely open.

Or when you pound a guys face in until its nothing but mush. Rip a guys head completely off just so you can use it as a flashlight. Or sleep with a guys wife and then kill him a few minutes later.

I guess none of that is innovative. :rolls eyes:

edit: And those are just a few events that occur amongst dozens of the most violent and brutal killing sequences ever seen in a video game.

Darkfiber5182d ago Show
Focker-4205182d ago Show
Dead_Cell5182d ago

Hands down the best Hack-And-Slash going but it isn't innovative.

Tito085182d ago

There are games that doesn't need to have any innovation or little things, I want the game to be great, with good AI and challenging, I don't care for little things, like those idiots who think they are game industry critics.... For me, God of War doesn't need to be innovative, it needs to be more and more challenging, that's what I care about mostly!!!!!!

Bloodraid5182d ago (Edited 5182d ago )

Dude, your comment is absolutely retarded.

"In what games do you climb 2 1000 ft tall titans." - Shadow of the Colossus has you climbing giant Colossi.

"One where you fight one of most innovative and unique depictions of Poseidon." - I could say the same about any game that has a creature unique to that game.
1. Killzone - Helghast
2. Resistance - Angels
3. Resident Evil - Tyrants
4. Siren - Shibito
5. Gears of War - Brumak

"The other that you actually have to fight where you eventually rip his guts completely open." & "And those are just a few events that occur amongst dozens of the most violent and brutal killing sequences ever seen in a video game." - Yeah, gore is definitely an innovative thing my man. It's never occurred on another game ever. Except maybe 90% of them. You'd have a harder time finding a game without gore than one with gore.

"Or when you pound a guys face in until its nothing but mush. Rip a guys head completely off just so you can use it as a flashlight. Or sleep with a guys wife and then kill him a few minutes later." - Need I bring up manhunt? Silent Hill? Resident Evil? Fatal Frame? The Suffering? No? Didn't think so.

"I guess none of that is innovative. :rolls eyes:" - Lose the sarcasm and you'd be right.

Look, I'm not trying to knock God of War 3, it's a good game. However you saying that everything the game does is innovative is absolute bullshit and you know it. Stop talking out of your ass and just accept the fact that the game doesn't open up a new genre or bring new mechanics into the world of gaming.

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J-Smith5182d ago

what? god of war 3 was brilliant

Halochampian5182d ago

he said it was brilliant...

ico925182d ago (Edited 5182d ago )

it should be called "The most disappointing games in FAR."

VideoGameJimmy5182d ago

As the third game in a trilogy, why would God of War 3 open up a new genre? It's a set franchise and, by the way, what genre could it be hmmm?

"Or when you pound a guys face in until its nothing but mush. Rip a guys head completely off just so you can use it as a flashlight. Or sleep with a guys wife and then kill him a few minutes later." - Need I bring up manhunt? Silent Hill? Resident Evil? Fatal Frame? The Suffering? No? Didn't think so. - None of those games, except for Manhunt and The Suffering, you beat anyone's head into "mush". None of those games can you sleep with some guys wife and then kill him minutes later. Neither do those games use heads as flashlights.

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DelbertGrady5183d ago

The only thing disappointing about Alan Wake was its undeservingly low sales. Probably the best horror game this gen, alongside Dead Space.

seij5555183d ago

Lol Wake is not a horror game. The best TRUE horror game this gen has been Siren.

Bloodraid5182d ago (Edited 5182d ago )

Isn't Siren like the ONLY true horror game this gen..?

Condemned & F.E.A.R really aren't horror games in my opinion. I mean, they're scary, but they don't really have all the elements of real horror games.

- Fear you get an endless supply of ammo it seems.
- Condemned is a bit closer to a horror game, but there's still something missing from it.

Inside_out5182d ago Show
boodybandit5182d ago (Edited 5182d ago )


Aren't you suppose to feel a sense of fear in order to be called a horror game? I played and completed Alan Wake in my dark basement with my surround sound cranked and not one time was I spooked. My son, age 17, just completed his first run through in the same gaming room of our house. Nothing.

I really don't see what the fuss was about with this title. It's a real good game, not great, definitely not amazing and no way in hell is it close to being one of the best horror games this generation. Dead Space, Siren, Condemned and even Doom were a hell of a lot scarier than Alan Wake.

IMHO Alan Wake is one of the most forgettable games I have played this gen. I hated the ending but that is just my opinion.

Shoot the Takenado with some flares and then the story will be told! *YAWN*
That was the most boring ending for what was suppose to be a horror game I have ever played. My N4G member name is my XBL GT. For those that doubt my having played it.

Disagree without a reply = you have no valid argument to debunk what you have read. Just done out of being PO'ed.

agingerbreadbum5182d ago

it's a thriller (that's how it's advertised and that's how it is) the reason it's great isn't cause it's scary ('cause we all know it isn't... but it'll still spook my gf) it's because of the rich and detailed storyline that i've seen as par to none (except red dead redemption, my god that game's orgasmic, but even then the story itself isn't as detailed and nurtured as alan wake(but i still think red dead's better)) if you're complaining about this game you either don't give a crap about storylines (which is fine, this just isn't your game... at all) or never stopped to wonder about what exactly is the darkness or cared about its creation or wondered how tom wrote that page of alan before he existed and what it means.... in other words you didn't dive into the story enough to allow it to show you the great game it is... worth the purchase, but more like a good movie than a fun video game, like heavy rain.

inception1235182d ago (Edited 5182d ago )

i agree alan wake was a good game unfortunately it was given to a shallow group of gamers. if it was a sci-fi game then 360 owners would eat it up. also to make things worst they hyped it up to be some amazing game when in reality it was just good and didn't even buy it. so i say the only bad thing about alan wake was the 360 fanbase.

edit: just good means it is worth a rent and then you move on. amazing means you buy it, love it and play it multiple times. alan wake was short, repetitive and had some bad acting at times but stll did some things right. so yes alan is just good not amazing.

coolbeans5182d ago (Edited 5182d ago )

I must say, I can't believe something like "just good" is actually spouted. How does that make any sense?

No Way5181d ago

So, where is the split between good and amazing?
Between renting a game and playing it multiple times?

inception1235181d ago

the difference is easy to tell just look at alan wake and uc2. uc2 has far better writing, graphics and gameplay then alan wake on top of having a massive amount of replay value which alan wake has none. alan wake was seen as the 360's answer to uc2 but didn't deliver on the things that uc2 did which is why it got average to good scores and uc2 is one of the most critically acclaimed games ever made.

ryhanon5182d ago

Yeah, I would disagree with Alan Wake, MAG, and Saboteur.

I really enjoyed Alan Wake, the gameplay was perhaps a little too repetitious, but otherwise I thought it was a fantastic game. I wouldn't call it a disappointment at all.

I think MAG is absolutely fantastic for what it is trying to be. It is an extremely innovative game that is often not given the credit it deserves for all the fantastic teamwork innovations. 256 players online is cool and all, but for me, what really makes the game shine, is playing with and against, truly organized teams that know what they are doing and are actively working toward the same goal. Of course, this relies on the people playing the game to play it "properly" which is sometimes hard to guarantee, but when it works, it works damn well.

And the Saboteur was a perfectly enjoyable open world game that was visually beautiful - the contrast between the black and white nazi controlled areas and the liberated areas that were washed in vibrant colors was a great touch. It was a bit rough around the edges, but one of the things that I really thought was fantastic was how all of the optional side-activities you could engage in actually had a real impact on the world, and they all felt like meaningful things that your character would realistically participate in. On top of that, who doesn't like shooting nazi's?

As for the rest of the games on the list, I either agree or haven't played them so have no opinion.

TotalPS3Fanboy5182d ago (Edited 5182d ago )

its sub-par resolution, its bland graphics during the daytime, its repetitive un-innovative/non-revolutionar y gameplay, its unsatisfactorily ending, its non-imaginative final boss fight (a tornado?! serious?!) and most of all, it's very very low sales.

I was expecting a Triple A title like Max Payne from Remedy. I was disappointed. Luckily, I don't own a 360, or I would have felt like I wasted my money.

palaeomerus5182d ago (Edited 5182d ago )

Since you didn't even play it, who cares what you think about it?

ryhanon5182d ago

The sales were a big disappointment, I'll give you that. Honestly though, I didn't expect it to do very well on the Xbox given the majority of the Xbox crowd are FPS players. Alan Wake is a niche title on a system with an install base that will have limited interest in the title to begin with, which is a shame. I think it's the kind of title that would have done better sales on the PS3. On top of that, Microsoft did not market the game very well at all, which is just ridiculous of them given all the hype that had been riding on it for years.

The graphics were definitely over-hyped, but I would not call them bad. Regardless, I am not a graphics whore so as long as I can tell what is going on and it looks reasonably nice, I am not going to complain about that.

I think the gameplay was plenty innovative, if repetitive.

I thought the ending was perfectly satisfying (as was the rest of the brilliant story-telling) especially given it has been stated countless times that this is *not* the end of the story. The game was always meant to be consumed in an episodic fashion with many additional episodes yet to come.

I absolutely disagree about the boss fight. Alan Wake is *not* an action game, an over the top, classic style boss fight would have felt ridiculously out of place.

You should really amend your post to say "These are the reasons I felt Alan Wake was a disappointment because I was really expecting something else entirely and also I'm a TotalPS3Fanboy and cannot separate my love for the PS3 from my criticism of perfectly good games on other platforms"

TotalPS3Fanboy5182d ago (Edited 5182d ago )

"You should really amend your post to say 'These are the reasons I felt Alan Wake was a disappointment because I was really expecting something else entirely and also I'm a TotalPS3Fanboy and cannot separate my love for the PS3 from my criticism of perfectly good games on other platforms'"

These are the reasons I felt Alan Wake was a disappointment. I was expecting a Triple A title like Max Payne from Remedy, and instead, what 360 gamers got was an average game. As a PS3 fanboy, I cannot seperate my love for my PS3. However, as a PS3 fanboy, I do not have any love for the 360, and hence, can have an unbiased neutral critic of Alan Wake, uninfluence by my love for the 360, unlike 360 gamers, who let their love of their 360 influence their view of the game, making it to be better than it really is.

In the end, it is just an average game, and can not compare to the likes of their previous game: Max Payne (on the PC).

Jazz41085182d ago

Dude you never played AW to say something like that. |AW blew away uncharteds cartoon by a mile in graphics and the enviroments have so much going on and its clearly the best game this genere has seen in many years. Play the games befor you comment. Just becauses another of your friends that's a ps3 fanboy did damage control does not make it true. Be a gamer and play it as its clearly a brilliant fantatic game.

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facelike5183d ago

MAG is on that list. It wasn't critically acclaimed, but my friends who own that game treat it like it's crack. They are constantly paying it, still.

Jazz41085182d ago

I have not played Mag since I like most games to have a camapaign but AW is my favorite game in a long time and this idiot or anybody that has not played it and commenting on it are fanboyz. Again I left Mag alone since I have not played it and I could easily just bash it since its sonys game but I'm not like that and I wish ngn would grow up it would be so much better to have gamers and not haters.

Ibol5183d ago

APB is the biggest disappointment so far. It just lacks on everything and then they even want money for the crap...

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