
Would You Like Some Exploding Breast Wallpaper?

Andriasang: Everyone's favorite exploding breast fighter Ikki Tousen Xross Impact sees release today.

I call it "exploding breast fighter," but what's really happening is the busty female fighters' clothing is disintegrating as they fight.

This results in screenshots that look like this...

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NateNater5261d ago

I probably should have added a "NSFW" to the title. So...many...boobs... lol

RandomGamer5261d ago

Boobs what a wonderful thing.

GAM3R7l5261d ago

....like a trick question? >_>

midgard2275261d ago

people act like boobs r bad!!! screw them i draw boobs all the time :p not nude but u know lol.

wanna check my stuff!!!!? http://midgard229.deviantar...

if curious on how i draw them :p

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NSFW: Clothing damage being exported to North America?

The Border House: While I wouldn’t exactly call clothing damage a hallmark of Japanese/Asian games, it’s something that is common enough that (for the most part) it doesn’t raise any eyebrows. However, it’s not exactly something that’s been too common in North American games. Unfortunately, it looks as if that trend may be changing, thanks to games originally made by Asian companies and translated for North American players.

So here for your, um, edification are screens from Kabod Online, Soul Calibur IV: Broken Destiny, and Parasite Eve: the 3rd Birthday. I wanted to confine this post to titles that have gotten more hype than others – but there are certainly smaller titles featuring clothing damage as a key feature that are being translated as well: Ikki Tousen Xross and Queen’s Blade: Spiral Chaos are just two that I’ve stumbled across recently. I’m sure there’s more.

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FordGTGuy4927d ago

"They modeled ladybits, didn't they? That's just gross."

What in the hell? Is the guy who wrote this 10 years old? I guess women are only beautiful with clothes on nowadays?

The comments on the website read like a christian group.

Can't wait for the day when being completely naked in either male or female form is considered normal and not gross or disgusting.

GhostofHorizon4927d ago

Comments on the site are funny.
I don't see why everyone has such a huge problem with it.

I've been noticing articles such as this one more often lately. Should I feel bad now that I'm purchasing any of those games? It's like the article hints at that.

I really see no point in these articles.
It's almost as bad as the IGN Last Guardian - "Why isn't the lead a girl?" article.

Wenis4927d ago

Yeh because every single atheist is a-okay with nudity in games, so it must've been one of those pesky christians again... But I agree that the comment by him was lame. Its no more 'gross' than Michelangelo modeling the 'gentleman bits' on the statue of David.

FordGTGuy4927d ago

The Pope was the one that order all those statues with "gentleman bits" to be removed, defacing works or art.

So yes I think I'll stay with Christians as my guess.

Wenis4927d ago

Could just as easily be any other religion out there. Muslims usually aren't too fond of women going out without being covered head to toe. But its no fun to pick on them.

Jezuz4927d ago

wenis, no that's not true. I live in a muslim country and most girls don't cover their faces and bodies completely. It depends on the country

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4927d ago

"Can't wait for the day when being completely naked in either male or female form is considered normal and not gross or disgusting"

Youre joking right? The day that common decency takes a back seat to that idea is the day the world surrenders completely to the will of disrespect and depravity. Look, if you want social nudity go to a camp. But that crap isnt for the public. Yes, I am a Christian. No I'm not tolerant of your idea just as you are so apparently intolerant of mine.

Cant believe the crap people say nowadays.

ECM0NEY4927d ago

But glorifying violence in games is ok?
I would rather have my kids see a nude person, then see a person get their head blown off.
America has this so a$$backwards.

The developer can put as much violence and nudity he needs to tell the story.

Im an American who enjoys sex, drugs, violence, and nudity is his games. But that alone does not make a good game.

FordGTGuy4927d ago

If it is considered art than why can the real counter part be indecent, disgusting and gross?

I'm not saying people shouldn't wear clothes I'm saying that our natural form shouldn't be considered taboo.

There is nothing wrong with the naked human body.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4927d ago (Edited 4927d ago )

"But glorifying violence in games is ok?"

Okay so I reread my comment I didnt find where I said that.

Using nudity or violence to tell a story is one thing. But the way most video games use it is just plain immature and depraved. A mature story can use nudity without actually showing it. You cant do that with violence. That's why it gets treated more lenient. Still imo it gets treated a bit too lenient.

The "naked form" is not indecent. Exposing the naked form is indecent. As a Christian I believe all God's creation is a work of art especially our form which is made in his very own image. But it's not to be flaunted like in a gallery. Part of its value is that it should only be exposed to the one you love. Flaunting it decreases its value.

DigitalHorror814927d ago

This article was written by a feminist on Border House, which are, and I quote, "...for gamers. It's a blog for those who are feminist, queer, disabled, people of color, transgender, poor, gay, lesbian, and others who belong to marginalized groups, as well as allies. Our goal is to bring thoughtful analysis to gaming with a feminist viewpoint and up-to-date news on games, virtual worlds, and social media."

That should clear up at least part of it.

4927d ago
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B1663r4927d ago

Sucker Punch wouldn't have been so awful if they had clothing damage in it. But then it also certainly would not have been PG13...

Errr scratch that... Other than the pure awsomeness of a super mash up of every genra of movie ever made, this movie was irredeemably bad.

just_looken4927d ago

stuff like this reminds you of the month of the famous heavy rain glitch. sex/nudity sells

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4927d ago

Article is actually pretty funny and truthful.

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Rune Factory Oceans Originally Planned Exclusively for Wii


Marvelous discusses multiplatform strategy, 3DS development costs and more in investors Q&A.

The company also disclosed midterm sales results.

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Ikki Tousen: Xross Impact Vid Has Shark Kicking And Shredded Clothes

Marvelous' second Ikki Tousen PSP game is a side-scrolling beat 'em up with 22 playable characters and ad-hoc play for two. Ikki Tousen: Xross Impact has an original story that takes place after the Great Guardians arc which will be fully voiced.

Keeping key elements from manga, Ikki Tousen: Xross Impact also has plenty of uniform damage as seen in this trailer.

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