
Top 5 Sexiest Female Characters in Video Games

GFB writes: "Video games are packed with a lot of outrageous and interesting characters. One of the most intriguing things about gaming is that male gamers never have a problem playing as women. Maybe that's because the female characters aren't designed to look tough like the male characters. Female characters are designed to be hot. We've picked the five hottest female characters in video games. "

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PHOSADRA5225d ago

How many times do we have to have this hottest character comapison?
It is all personal opinion and really doesn't matter since they aren't real.
(Now if we talk about cosplay that is another story ^.^)

I am surprised that there are no FF characters.

presto7175225d ago

Have you seen her thighs in SF4? Damn. Unless you're into buff chicks, then hell no!!!

FanboysWillHateMe5225d ago

Tifa (FFVII), Sheva (Resident Evil 5), Eleka (Prince of Persia), Elena Fisher (Uncharted), Bayonetta (...Bayonetta), and Lighting(FFXIII)

Not necessarily the hottest, but they are my favorite female videogame characters. Most female characters are sexualized in some way, and I really like how all of that is thrown out with Elena Fisher. Instead, her character is reflected through her dialogue and interactions with other characters, and it really humanizes her and makes her all the more charming yeah?

christian hour5225d ago

Haha I agree at firsty up top. I actually thought it said "Top 5 sexist female characters" when I clicked on it. When I realised it wasn't that I didnt bother clicking the source link. no doubt this will be top of the page soon haha

Army_of_Darkness5225d ago

1. Tifa (FF7)
2. Fang (FF13)
3. Vanille (FF13)
4. Lightning (FF13)
5. Aya (parasite eve)

zeeshan5224d ago

Ada Wong is also one of the sexiest female game characters. Should have made it to the list.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5224d ago
charlescox45225d ago

I can't be alone in wondering how someone can overlook FF's Tifa right?

5225d ago
Wolfie5225d ago

My fav: Lara Croft, Claire Redfield, Maria (Silent Hill 2), Julia Chang (Tekken series), Chloe Frazier

C L O U D5225d ago

If only I met a girl with those legs :P

Dtoxz5225d ago

My gf has legs like her! Not nearly as extreme as Chun Li but nice, thick, strong legs. It's one of her best features.

Thats what I thought when I saw her legs too. Lol. I'm such a nerd.

presto7175225d ago

Or are you kidding? I cant tell.

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Didn’t Expect To See You Here: 5 Influential Fighting Game Guest Characters

Trevor Walker said: Fighting games have always been able to simultaneously experiment and innovate while staying true to their roots in the best of ways. Mechanics change, crossovers take place, and evolution occurs. One of the best examples of all three can be seen in the coveted guest character.

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PSP Versions Of Tekken And Soul Calibur Get Ratings In Taiwan

Taiwan has published ratings for the PSP versions of Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur, for release on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

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ken2813345d ago

Why not just release SC2 with Hehachi?


Soul Calibur IV - 15 Years of Soul

Soul Calibur IV launched worldwide 15 years ago, bringing with it the best performance of the series to date.

Terry_B361d ago

Hell no. It was the start of the downfall (SCV) of the series. Huge downstep from the giant SCIII

purple101361d ago

Switched to unreal engine. Ruined it.

Yi-Long360d ago (Edited 360d ago )

Used to love this series, probably my favorite 3D fighter, perhaps together with the now also dead Dead or Alive (2-3-4), but as with so many games in the fighting genre, their short-term greed (season passes) has made me lose all interest, sadly …

sagapo360d ago

Yeah, I remember playing Soul Caliber on my dreamcast at the time, that was insane!

sosro360d ago (Edited 360d ago )

the first three are much better games.

Walweeze360d ago

Loved Number 2 and 3( loved all the solo modes like chronicle of the sword ) so was super hyped when 4 came out but the lack of single player content was disappointing. Still love soul calibur to this day though

DarXyde359d ago

2 was definitely the golden era of Soul Calibur for me. I was a bit conflicted about it at times because there were 3 different versions (I liked the PS2 version for controls, I liked playing as Spawn the most, and I thought the addition of Link was really awesome). Even so, the single player content was outstanding. Easily the most fun I've had with a fighting game, followed closely by Tekken 5's single player modes

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