
Resident Evil 2 is the greatest survival horror game of all time

Rely on Horror writes: "Ok you may be reading the title of this article and thinking:really? Now that response could be devoured in two ways, the first being the "oh really? of course it is!" response and the second being the one that survival horror fans today may have: "really? ResidentEvil 4 is!" If your feelings correspond with the former then you might love to hear yet another opinion on this horror masterpiece. But if you're a member of the latter camp then consider this a wake up call to horror at its finest. True statement: They don't make them like this anymore. Here's why Resident Evil 2 is the crowning achievement of the genre."

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swiftshot935291d ago

All of them up to 4 were amazing, and RE5 was an awesome action game too. And yes, that includes Nemesis to all you haters.

fantasygamer5291d ago

RE3 was my fav and RE2 comes second than RE1 then 4 only because i felt it stepped away from the Horror aspect of the series ^.^

peedie165291d ago (Edited 5291d ago )

Silent Hill says HELLO

cayal5291d ago

Agree, bubbles and proposal for marriage.

El_Colombiano5291d ago

By the power invested in me by N4G, I pronounce you Silent and Hill!

Megaton5291d ago

RE2 is my favorite of the series, but greatest survival horror? I like Silent Hill 1 and 2 more.

spydersvenom5291d ago

I'd remove instances of Resident Evil 4 in there. RE 4 is not really a horror game, but rather an action shooter, and I don't think many would consider it competition for RE 2 in terms of horror. On top of that the article doesn't dissect any arguments or make any true comparisons to the two games. Stay focused - celebrate RE 2 and keep it's newer brother far away. Oh and for the record, RE 2 is the best of the series. I fully agree.

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Resident Evil 2 GOG PC port finally gets a release date

Following the surprise release of the classic Resident Evil 1 earlier this year, GOG has announced when the next entry will be available on PC.

Puty35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

It is criminal that this playstation born classic is still nowhere near "classics" of PS Premium.
And give me trophies in these games, Sony x/

TheClickGG35d ago

Agreed. Although, if you do have a PC or a way to emulate games, Retro Achievements does have a fun list for RE2, I think its like 131 achievements.


The OG Resident Evil just hit GOG, with Resident Evil 2 and 3 joining "soon"

Thank GOG for that!

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TheNamelessOne87d ago

I feel like they should have included the original games with the remakes they've been doing.


The GOG Resident Evil 2 port is based on the worst version of the game

The SourceNext version was a Japanese exclusive which could be why it wasn't used.

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87d ago Replies(1)
mastershredder87d ago

Anglos weebing this had is pretty hard to watch. No f given on the subject matter at this point. If you fetish for culture is that hard, get a room honey or advanve past your teen years.

CrimsonWing6987d ago

I’m not quite picking up what you’re laying down. 🤔