
F1 2010's weather system "the most advanced ever seen in a game"

TVGB: "F1 2010 features "the most advanced weather system ever seen in a game," according to Codemasters.

Speaking to TVGB, Codies' communications manager Andy Gray has explained exactly how the system works and how it affects the most important part of the game, the racing. It's far from just pretty clouds."

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ryuzu5292d ago

I hope Codies pull off something cool with this since environmental conditions are a major factor - I hope there's a real world weather option either based off realtime or actual historic race conditions... Historic race weather would be nice to see if you could achieve different results with the same conditions...

However this comment is a bit light on detail - it mentions dynamic weather effects but doesn't confirm whether a race can be subject to showers or rain stopping and starting mid way through. It also doesn't mention wind modelling which makes a big difference to handling in reality.

Even so, these days many "sims" shy away from any kind of weather modelling at all (even iRacing doesn't go there) so let's hope Codies and by extension other devs start to look at this stuff.

Being good in predictable & perfect conditions is one thing, being good in changeable conditions is where the great differentiate from the good....


dangert125292d ago

arcade or sim?
i want it if its sim

ryuzu5292d ago

I imagine Codies will claim the usual range for this - Casual to Simmer are all supported via gameplay tweaks.

The reality is usually that the simmer gets screwed, and arcade players move on when they get bored and/or frustrated.

Still, not much in the way of F1 simming around right now - only this and rFactor (or the iRacing Williams at some point) to speak of. iRacing will be the best sim but only of the Williams and it's not here yet.

rFactor + F1 mod is probably already better in Sim terms than what Codies will manage but I've never liked the feel of rFactor.

The problem really is that Codies may have missed the boat for an F1 game now - the last 3 seasons is where they could have cashed in since F1 got exciting again. This season might turn out to be a return to the bad old days of processional F1 and Codies aren't releasing this until the last bit of the season either.


bradlinho5292d ago

Yeah, the attention to detail in this looks awesome. A PROPER F1 game for proper F1 fans.

Still... it's no Pitstop.

Dizko5292d ago

Whoa, I mean what else is there to say really? It looks nice in the screen shot, hopefully it's actually that good.

PS360PCROCKS5292d ago


heres a dev diary with some in game footage guys ^^ just found it, looks cool. I will definitely try the demo out just to see the graphics, codemasters make some of the best looking games ever.

irepbtown5292d ago

This seems like Gran Turismo 5, all F1 needs is if you skid on the grass and come back on the track, mud tracks will be on the road.
But even this will make me buy this.
F1 and GT5 are on my top list this year.

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F1 2010 vs F1 2015 Monaco comparison

Team VVV writes: "Following our recent Project CARS vs F1 2015 Monaco comparison, we now compare the very first game in Codemasters long-running series, F1 2010, up against its latest offering and we once again take to the streets of Monte Carlo."

3354d ago Replies(1)

F1 2010 vs F1 2011 vs F1 2014 vs F1 2015 comparison

Team VVV writes: "To follow up on our recent F1 2011 vs F1 2015 video, we decide to go one step further and put four iterations of Codemasters' F1 titles side by side for comparison purposes and for a little fun too.

We have F1 2010 running at the top left for the Xbox 360, F1 2011 at the top right also for the Xbox 360, the bottom left is last year's F1 2014 for the Playstation 3 and of course F1 2015 running on the Playstation 4 completes the foursome in the bottom right video."

ps5fanboy3361d ago

Gonna have to be a big f1 fan to purchase, as PCars has f1 racing?

ABBAJESUS3361d ago

There is career mode and all the teams, tracks and drivers so yeh this gets my money cos im big f1 fan

deklore3361d ago

There is no career mode. You get to play as one driver for one season as often as you like. I think its called championship mode.

ABBAJESUS3361d ago

@deklore, it's pro season mode or something like that.

jay23361d ago

Mate this is a proper F1 game, all the teams, drivers, tracks, rules etc. so get the real thing over the amazing porject cars for a true f1 experance.


The F1 Series Needs A Pit Stop

Steve from Gamespresso argues that it's time for Codemasters to stop releasing new F1 games annually, stating that they should either add new liveries and licences to existing games as DLC, or not release a game at all.

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3645d ago
ABBAJESUS3645d ago

F1 2015 is going to be released Q1 2015. It is going to be "true" next gen game codies say. Over 2 years they have worked on that game. If it fails ..

Akuma2K3645d ago

The author of the article seems mad for whatever reasons that don't make any sense, the F1 racing series is a very popular which has had great success is sales from 2010 to now.

Can't wait to play F1 2015 in march/april if not mistaken (game is suppose to come out a month or so early before the F1 season starts).

mattritchiegspresso3644d ago

It certainly has had great success, and that's not surprising, but that doesn't mean that we should agree with essentially the same cash-grab being shipped out year after year, regardless of how good it is.

memots3644d ago

Got 2010, 2012 , 2013 , skipping 2014 just nothing new in there, 2015 is the true next gen