
Fallen Earth: Faction Wars Set to Storm Facebook

Fallen Earth is having a banner week around these here parts -- first was the in-depth tour into their new iPhone app, then came the news of a Mac client, and now Massively has received word that Facebook will be getting its very Fallen Earth game entitled Fallen Earth: Faction Wars.

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Post-Apocalyptic MMORPG Fallen Earth Dual Review, MMOGames.com

Fallen Earth is a post-apocalyptic MMORPG set in a near-deserted wasteland somewhere near the American Grand Canyon that recently announced its plans to re-launch with a free-to-play business model.

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Post-Apocalyptic MMO Fallen Earth goes Free-to-Play

On the morning of October 12th the servers of the post-apocalyptic MMO Fallen Earth will go down for maintenance, nothing out of the usual. When the servers go live however, a huge remodelling will take place. GamersFirst announced that Fallen Earth will be changing to a Free-to-Play subscription model.

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Miths4675d ago

Might be worth giving another look. I played it for around a month right after launch and quite enjoyed the setting and the sandbox nature.
Though as with all but a few MMOs I've tried, I wasn't quite hooked enough to keep continue playing.

MMOGames4675d ago

Yeah the free trial wasn't enough, it was a fun game but not enough to make me pay the same as other major titles. The scaling subscriptions seems much more suitable, if you ever decided to take the game more seriously.

I am sure there is plenty more there to experience, and I am looking forward to taking a closer look once it goes F2P :)

newn4gguy4675d ago


We all got an e-mail about this weeks ago. How slow are you people?

MMOGames4675d ago

The announcement was made on the 2nd of this month? :P

newn4gguy4675d ago

I got an e-mail weeks ago. Everyone who was a member got one. What's wrong with you people?

admiralthrawn874675d ago

i believe the free to play model will die out in a year or so. it worked at first because few MMO's were free so it was awesome to play DnD online, or lord of the rings online as a free WoW alternative. now that there is a lot of free ones, the player base will again split and each mmo will see low numbers

ATi_Elite4675d ago (Edited 4675d ago )

i just don't understand how you could say what you said but F2P helps eliminate piracy. Devs/Pub get guaranteed money every time you punch your Credit Card numbers in.

Subscription base model only works for the few truly Titan MMO's out there...like Eve Online, Warcraft, Rift and a few others in which this is like the only game you really play cause these subscription based games take away your entire life.

With so many quality MMMO's coming out you can't expect Publishers to think Gamers are gonna spend $10 to $15 a month for each of their MMO's?

I'm getting Tera, Firefall, Planetside2, The Secret World, Black Prophecy, Guild Wars 2 in the next 6 months. Do you think I'm gonna shell out $90 a month in subscription fees............hell NO!

F2P allows more MMO's to attract more gamers!


MMORPG Center: Fallen Earth - Review

"The MMORPG developed by Icarus Studios is one of those maybe “old-school” games in which discovering the intricacies of the game’s system is regarded as part of the challenge and of the fun. It is unfortunate that the current generation of gamers lacks the patience and training to rise up to such a challenge, because Fallen Earth is a very rewarding and complex experience that many would enjoy otherwise."

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