
Eurogamer: Joe Danger Hands-on

Sean Murray and Grant Duncan are patient men. They have waited a long time. Not just to start up their own studio with friends Ryan Doyle and David Ream - the friendly sounding and reassuringly friendly Hello Games. Not just to get people in front of their first game - Joe Danger, a charming mixture of platforming, trial biking and seventies hand-organs. And not just for a publisher to help them settle on a distribution mechanism for their dream game.

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doG_beLIEfs5217d ago

Exite Bike meets LBP....Play Create Share

Another game for the PSN that is unique, gorgeous, and looks like it will be a blast to play.

mastiffchild5217d ago

Looks like something me and my boys will have a lot of fun with. Be interested to find out whether the higher profile of user made stuff on PS3/PSN swayed their choice of platform. the Play.Create.Share thing has really gathered some fans on PSN and maybe that's why they felt it a better fit for JD at this time.

I hope it goes to Live and PC as well, though(esp Live on XBLA)as these kinds of toolkit games stuck to an already fun concept are real time sinks for some of us and with MNR looking so great and arriving on PSN/PS3 later this year I worry this may sink under the very radar that attracted it to Sony.

monkey nuts5217d ago

Exite Bike meets LBP meets trials HD (xlive)....Play Create Share crash over and over.

hazardman5217d ago

Trials HD is an amazing game..this would be the PSN equivalent to that..IMO

archemides5185217d ago (Edited 5217d ago )

joe danger = pimp

5217d ago

Joe Danger: Autistic boy, 8, inspires relaunch of game that helped him 'experience normal kid stuff'

Hello Games founder Sean Murray said the letter "broke our hearts and made us want to set things right". It has now been relaunched on iOS.

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GhostofHorizon870d ago

What an amazing story, Joe Danger was a fantastic game and hearing about these kinds of stories makes me much happier than hearing adults bicker back and forth about which animations a game is re-using and the amount of pixels on the screen.

This is what gaming is really about and I feel like some people just tend to forget that


Humble Mobile Bundle 12 Released

Hardcore Gamer: The twelfth entry of the Humble Mobile Bundle is now available and offers a lot of variety for very little money.

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Joe Danger Released on the OUYA

Hardcore Gamer: Joe Danger is a fantastic stunt racer, and now it has been released for the OUYA.

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