
Rainbow Six Vegas Black Pack + Red Pack now FREE on Marketplace starting June 30th

MajorNelson.com writes:
"Ubi has send me the official word on the RSV Black Pack (which went MIA earlier this week) and it is good news:

'Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas Black Pack Downloadable Content for Xbox 360 Live was originally intended to be free content for the fans of Rainbow Six Vegas. We apologize for the error. All players who purchased the Black Pack will be reimbursed automatically. The Black Pack will be posted Saturday June 30th and will be free of charge. Also, as a token of our appreciation for the Rainbow Six community, we are making the Red Pack free as of Friday July 6th as well. Thanks for playing and we hope you enjoy this free content."

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soldier sean6200d ago

Even though i purchased both , atleast i will get reimbursed for one of them , this rocks !

Im really glad they are doing this , Thanks Ubisoft , that was a classy move. It was a sucky feeling knowing that i have all these extra maps and the cheapo's out there werent buying them leaving me nobody to play against. This will definitely bring them out in droves to play the new maps , making my road towards Elite (im a major now) that much more enjoyable , seeing that everyone just stuck to those old default maps which started to get boring awhile ago even though i still love them .

THanks ubisoft , once again , we appreciate this.

Soldier sean .

R69L6200d ago (Edited 6200d ago )

Soldier sean I have to agree with you on this, now we will have more people to kill it hit a bro up,I host all the time with a full room,of course I don't have any lag in my room.


Schmitty076200d ago

I decided not to buy the packs because I don't play the game anymore, but now I'll have a reason to.

ichimaru6200d ago

this is uber cool. its about time something worth downloading was free. take notes microsoft and keep it up

toughNAME6200d ago

but MS admitting a error?
how rare is that?

(personally, the fact that MS has no balls doesnt bother me...since im on my launch 360:D)

TruthHurts6200d ago

"personally, the fact that MS has no balls doesnt bother me"


toughNAME6200d ago

you now ignored by SIX people

bung tickler6200d ago

hmm.. so why would anyone buy the ps3 version... can someone please explain that to me? ubi kinda kicked themselves in the nuts here didn't they? i mean its gonna be real hard to push the ps3 version now... how they gonna make their money back from spending all that time porting it? if joe blow goes out to the store and say hmm i could buy version a on the 360 and get better online play, and less jaggies/smoother framerate, better lighting, and achievements.... or i could get version b on the ps3... hmm choices, choices...

dodgefate6200d ago (Edited 6200d ago )

As bad as it sounds it would not be free if the ps3 version was not free, how messed up does that sound 1 console makes you pay an 1 does not for same stuff.

People would buy ps3 version cause:

a) not everyone has a xbox
b) still has 1 ps3 only map
c) something new to ps3 even tho it is not a good port

An even tho this was not said from M$ or Ubi I will belive it when I see it cause this was on xbox forums this morning by just a user an no link to prove it, an M$ is the last! company in the word to give back few million.

Ignorant Fanboy6200d ago

What about the people that only have a PS3??

Should they still buy the 360 Version? Will it work in a PS3?

You make no sense, If they have both systems, ubisoft will get paid for which ever version they buy, it doesnt matter, they get paid either way.

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Xbox Black Friday Sale kicks off - All the Xbox One and Xbox 360 digital game discounts detailed

Neil writes: "It's the time of year that many have been holding out for. No, it's not Christmas, it's Black Friday sale time! And this year there are a whole host of brilliant discounts available on a huge range of Xbox One and Xbox 360 games."

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timotim2043d ago

I see me spending about $80-100 on this sale. Some good titles in there and surprisingly for me, a lot of BC titles I want to pick up.

Donnie812043d ago

Yeah this is a great sale. Ive already spent 80 to 100 lol

Skull5212043d ago

I’m pretty good this year on games though I did pick up the XCOM 2 expansion. I’m hoping to see some good sales in the Movies and TV section so I can flesh out some of my digital library but there doesn’t appear to be any Black Friday sales in there yet.

2042d ago Replies(1)
optimus2043d ago

i'd rather see actual prices instead of percentages. 😒....at any rate, I'm only interested in hallow knight and it's not on that list so I'll keep waiting.

Tankbusta402042d ago (Edited 2042d ago )

Great sales...too bad I have AC:Odyssey, Red Dead 2, Hitman 2 to finish, so it wouldn't be prudent to spend anymore money for the backlog...but I am sure I will get at least one game :)


Rainbow Six Siege, Rainbow Six Vegas and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 bundle discounted on Xbox One

The Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege with Rainbow Six Vegas and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 bundle for Xbox One has been discounted to $28.99.

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Bismarn2972d ago

Great way to play three old Rainbow Six games. Of course you won't find much if any multiplayer presence but you can at least enjoy the nostalgia.

Eidolon2972d ago

Super nostalgic to me and honestly I prefer that gameplay over Siege.

ScorpiusX2972d ago

You mean 2 old RBSG and a new one .


Celebrate The New Year With New Xbox One Bundles

Major Nelson:
During the holidays, we announced more bundles than we ever have before, delivering an unprecedented number of choices for every gamer. While the holidays are now behind us, we’re excited to ring in the New Year with even more value and choice for our fans to experience the greatest games lineup in Xbox history well into 2016. Today we’re announcing two new Xbox One bundles: the Xbox One Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Bundle and the Xbox One 500GB Name Your Game Bundle.

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Yi-Long3088d ago

A 1 TB XBO with 2 controllers, and Ori, Sunset Overdrive, and Forza Horizon 2 (or Forza 6) would probably convince me to buy one, cause those are the games I'm most interested in on playing on the XBO.

That said, I think for now I'll wait for what Nintendo will be announcing about their NX console, and might get that as my 2nd current-gen console instead.

sk8ofmnd3088d ago

Agreed, im waiting for a few other games to drop and prob pick an xb1 up next holiday season when it gets another pricedrop and a slim version. 250$ is the sweetspot for me. Currently ps4wiiu covers most my bases except games you can only get on ms's console. That being said currently im only interested in ori and halo 5 mp.

3088d ago
OC_MurphysLaw3088d ago

I have to say that 2nd bundle 500g with Forza Motorsport 6, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition or Rare Replay is a pretty great bundle @$349.

Chevalier3088d ago

That second bundle would be better if you got all those 4 games instead of choosing just one. It's not a bad deal otherwise.

OC_MurphysLaw3088d ago

Ahh.... yeah didn't note that catch.

TL243088d ago

Damn, these are some nice bundles! I have a PS4 but would love to have a X1 as well, might just have to do it!

Kribwalker3088d ago

I was the opposite and just picked up a ps4 to sit next to my xbox when they were on sale for Boxing Day in Canada. $369 with ucc and God of war 3. Not a bad deal then

TL243079d ago

XBox One + PS4 = WIN

3088d ago
3088d ago Replies(1)
3088d ago