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IGN: Greed Corp. Review

In the style of heady German board games like Carcassone and Catan comes Greed Corp., a fascinating strategy game taking place in a new fantasy world called Mistbound. There is a major difference, though -- whereas Carcassonne and Catan are about building and cooperating, Greed Corp. is about beautiful destruction. This is a highly polished first effort from W!Games and is a welcome addition to Xbox Live Arcade.

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NA PlayStation Plus Update: Ninja Gaiden Sigma Free for Members

Posted by Morgan Haro // Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms -

January is almost over, and we have one more Plus update for you, but first let’s reminisce on this month’s offerings, shall we? Plus member freebies included NBA Jam: On Fire Edition, Darksiders, Mega Man 9 and 10, along with Foosball 2012, and we there were some awesome deals with the 13 for ’13 discounts (last day is today). Topping it all off was access to the God of War: Ascension multiplayer beta, and the 12+3 Plus promotion where you can buy one year of Plus and get three extra months at no additional cost; which is active right now.
We’re sending January off by welcoming Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus for PS Vita, free for Plus members! There are also some amazing PSN gems at fantastic prices that you may have missed. Read on and enjoy the update, which takes effect when the PlayStation Store updates on January 29th.

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Godchild10204253d ago (Edited 4253d ago )

Happy to see Ninja Gaiden Sigma on Plus for the Vita. Just in time for the second one.

ABizzel14253d ago

They should have done the PS3 and PSV versions, but still a new / old Vita game is always welcomed.

doogiebear4253d ago

Your not entitled to both. Stop crying, and learn to appreciate. Have u ANY idea how many free games, deals, etc we already got in January alone?

UnSelf4252d ago

FYI: people are not necessarily disagreeing wit ur statement just with ur attitude

ABizzel14252d ago


You seem to be the one throwing a hissy fit. I was just saying it would have made sense to release both version seeing how the original is over 7 years old on the PS3.

I still have the original Sigma, it just would have been nice for everyone to get both since not everyone has a Vita. Which I have as well.

Think before you speak, you come off as rude and obnoxious. Neither of which are appealing qualities.

4252d ago
Axe994252d ago

I don't think Sigma for PS3 is on the PSN though is it? Would have been a big ask for them to mail a copy out to every PS+ subscriber if not.

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Snookies124253d ago

Heck yes! I always wanted to play this on PS3 and Vita, yet never got the chance to own it. This'll be great. Man I love PS Plus...

UltraVegito4252d ago

Wow NGS+ this week,you done well SCEA you done well.

Never did gotten around to it and was thinking about purchasing it before NGS2+ but guess i won't have to ^^

Simon_Brezhnev4252d ago

I will admit i dont have to buy too many vita games. They do give us better Vita titles than PS3 titles.

4252d ago
IAmLee4252d ago

For the EU users:
We get:
Sleeping Dogs – February 6th

Quantum Conundrum – February 6th

F1 Race Stars – February 6th

WipEout 2048 – February 13th

Lumines Electronic Symphony – February 20th


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Merrill4253d ago

Glad I didn't renew my membership.

Temporary4253d ago

lol...yeah getting dozens of free games for 50$ a year and awesome discounts is such a horrible deal.

dazzrazz4253d ago

Maybe he was referring they offer games he has no interest in ? Its not like we are all the same and like same games duuuuhhh !

Biggest4253d ago

He must not be interested in games at all.

Temporary4252d ago

There are too many games PS+ offer for someone not to enjoy any of them...he's just trolling...there's something for EVERYONE on the PS+ instant game collection...and most of the games are actually VERY good...

I understand someone may not enjoy a game they release one week, but to make a statement insinuating that the whole PS+ instant game service is not worth it is ridiculous.

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Merrill4253d ago (Edited 4253d ago )

I love my PS3, but PS PLUS has been lacking lately, unless you're in Europe where you get Sleeping Dogs for free in February.

I'll renew it if it gets better, until then I'll use that $50 for a Last of Us pre-order.

Riderz13374253d ago

Lol we just got DarkSiders, Bioshock 2 and RE 5 Gold Edition. How exactly have they been "lacking". Also this isn't the big PS3 game that we are supposed to get for the month. See the EU blog shows monthly update while NA does weekly so we will more than likely get a full retail PS3 game in the coming week.

Merrill4253d ago

Darksiders is mediocore game(IMO), Bioshock 2 is terrible, and Resident Evil 5... do I even need to say how many things are wrong with that game?

I'm happy other people are enjoying the update, I'm just glad I didn't renew as nothing has been tickling my fancy for quite sometime now.

Godchild10204253d ago (Edited 4253d ago )

I understand that you may not like the games offered to you from Plus as of lately, but its not only about games that you have interest in, but games you would have never tried before.

There have been countless games offered to me on plus, that I would have never bought because I had little to no interest in it. I'm happy to be a plus member, because I can download a game for free at least once a week that I may not have played before. And If I did, I can have it on my Hard Drive and give my retail copy away.

I also favor the discounts on games due to being a plus member. I got LBPK for 10 dollars, Shank 2 and Warp for 2.50 and The Unfinished Swan for 3.75. I paid less than $20 dollars for games that would have normally ran me close to $80 or $100 dollars. Some of them I had no interest in and the potential lose of not liking them was at a minimum, because of the savings and the price for them.

That is just me though.

sandman2244252d ago

Dude, ps+ is far from lacking. I for one beat re5, bio2, and darksiders a long time ago. I was bummed that we didn't get duex x and won't get sleeping dogs. I got over it and I still think ps+ is one of the best things that ever happened to ps3. So keep your chin up son.

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doogiebear4253d ago ShowReplies(2)
DivineAssault 4253d ago (Edited 4253d ago )

greatness.. now ill be buying sigma 2 plus day uno.. As well as DOA 5plus

lovegames7184253d ago

Yes!!!! glad i do my yearly renewal every year!!!! Never bought Darksiders so i can enjoy that one and Ninja Gaiden Sigma for vita!!! Hell Yeah.
Just beed more space because both my ps3 HDD (250 gig) and vita are at its capacity.

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The Most Hardcore Android Strategy Games Ever Made | Hardcore Droid

The world of Android gaming has expanded greatly in the past few years, and the strategy genre has not been left out. From turn-based military strategy games, to classic real-time strategy gameplay in the tradition of Command and Conquer and Starcraft, to city-building games focused on creating instead of destroying, to the tower defense games that seem to comprise about two thirds of all mobile games published in the past five years, there’s something for everybody.

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Conzul4267d ago

Slay is pretty cool, but I wish Sean would also bring Critical Mass to android. Or maybe not....I'd NEVER get anything done

4267d ago
3-4-54267d ago

Heroes of the Order of Chaos * Kingdom & Lords both look good.

I don't have my iphone yet but those are both purchases once I do. I'm just not into the finger swipe game controls...maybe I'll have to invest in the ios Controllers they have out now.

Any work with iphones ?


The Indie Gala Returns With A Multitude Of Bundles

DIYGamer: Digital scarcity is an interesting concept. There should be no logical limit on how many times you can copy a file or generate a key, some places seem to just run out of stock anyway. That’s a deliberate decision on part of the Indie Gala managers for this pay-what-you-want (kinda) sale, as rather than have a time limit, this particular sale will end with 50,000 bundles sold. In addition, there’s three different bundles available here, offering 3, 5 or 11 games respectively. Oh, and like the enormously successful Humble Bundles, a chunk of the takings goes to charity. Lots of choices. Hit the break for a quick run-down of what each bundle and game offers.

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