
Publisher rights rule out Midway games from Xbox Live


People who have been pining for a game of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 but have only recently amassed the funds to buy the title this week will be in for a shock: it's been removed from Xbox Live, along with its Midway buddies.

The announcement was made by Microsoft, letting fans know on Twitter that rights and permissions were stopping it from selling the games from the classic developer, who went bust in 2009 and were quickly bought out by THQ.

Not to worry, though; if you need to redownload the games, you'll be able to get them back again for free, and it has been implied that the whole range of offerings will be restored as of March 17th, when Xbox Live Game Room is released.

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Nitrowolf25324d ago

its still there for all i know

ZombieAutopsy5324d ago

Was there a few days ago when i downloaded it but im sure at some point itll be gone.

reaferfore205323d ago

It just seems weird that they'd take off UMK3 on XBL and leave MK2 on PSN.


Free MK Mugen game, Mortal Kombat Ultimate Revitalized 2.3, released

Styx has released a brand new version of the free MK Mugen game, Mortal Kombat Ultimate Revitalized.

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MKP Revitalized 2 Definitive Edition Update 2020 is available for download

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MKP Ultimate Revitalized 2.0, free Mortal Kombat Mugen game, is now available for download

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