Lou Ferrigno5236d ago

hellz yea sucka's! im a fan of the Pixel junk series and great fan of pixel junk racers original as well..

cant freaking WAIT!

SpaceSquirrel5236d ago

PixelJunk Racers is certainly the most overlooked game in the series.

riksweeney5236d ago

Whereas I do agree it's the most overlooked I also think it's the weakest in the series, but that's only because PixelJunk's other titles are so strong.

mjolliffe5236d ago

Brilliant news! Can't wait XD

socomnick5236d ago

I don't get it why do they keep releasing all these pixel junk games.

They have horrible art styles, are crappy yet they insist on shoving them down our throats.

Sitris5236d ago

You sir, are an idiot or a fanboy, which one?

Pennywise5236d ago

Socomnick, maybe you are better off only owning a 360. Us PS3 owners enjoy the diversity of games given. It is great to have different art styles. Not all of use want to pew pew pew all the time.

gaffyh5236d ago

OMG socomnick, I can't believe that you just called the PixelJunk series crap. I'm actually shocked at the stupidity.

The PixelJunk series is probably one of the best downloadable series of games available, every single one is, and I hate to use the word, "AAA" quality. They are better than some full-game releases in terms of value and gameplay!

Mr_Bun5236d ago

"They have horrible art styles, are crappy yet they insist on shoving them down our throats."

Were you referring to Halo?

FragGen5236d ago

The head of PixelJunk is a self-righteous ass so I never really even look at their games.

Godmars2905236d ago

Its the least liked you mean.

Where all the others might rate 8 or higher, its more a of 5.

Chubear5236d ago

PJRacer 2 before PJMonsters 2? So PJR was more of a success or something? That's hard for me to believe. Yes, I'm a PJM addict so I'm biased XD

COME ON, No PJM sequel by now has got to be illegal and if it's not, it bloody well should be.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5236d ago
riksweeney5236d ago

"before in addition to hinting at one for PixelJunk Shooter"

What tipped you off, an insider tip or the massive "To be continued" text at the end of the game?

Killjoy30005236d ago

I didn't like the original at all. Maybe I didn't get it, but all I was doing was holding down R2 and going in circles...

LeonSKennedy4Life5236d ago

Your name precedes you.

Yeah, that's exactly what you were doing. Lol. It was boring!

OmarJA-N4G5236d ago

Cool, more PixelJunk goodness.

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Multitap | Player 5: Games to play with large groups

Planning to have friends over and play some games? Good for you. There are lots of great options, as readers of this column know, and you can jump in wherever you’d like.

You know, until that fifth person walks in the door.

It’s a thing that can cause a train wreck in the head of any gracious gaming host. All those games you planned to play? Either you’ll have an awkward person just sitting around and watching, or you’ll have to split up, which isn’t the best option. But while your options may be limited, they’re not gone: there are some great games that support five or more players.

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Did SCEE Get The PixelJunk Sale Completely Wrong?


Earlier in the week the US division of SCE had all but the very latest PixelJunk games on sale for a dollar. The expectation – rightly – was that SCEE would do the same, and we could grab some of the PSN’s best games for a matter of pennies.

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Yi-Long4425d ago

... not the first time SCEE screws their European customers over though, so TBH I really shouldn't have been surprised.

Would have loved to have picked these games up for a dollar, but I guess I'll hang on to my money.

Blastoise4425d ago

Disappointing. Would have probably bought them all if they were a dollar/pound each

GribbleGrunger4425d ago (Edited 4425d ago )

and that my friend is exactly the point! what people forget is that it costs Sony and the devs NOTHING to distribute a digital copy of a game. there's no retailer involved, no box or box art either and no transit costs. most people will have looked at that deal in America and bought them all which, when considered as a whole, makes them as much as if you bought one game at full price.

if this is successful and it drove revenue up substantially, we may see similar offers in the future for other devs. hopefully, it eventually comes to Europe and Japan.

Shazz4425d ago

scee will never change unless customers complain then show them you wont buy the games . if people still buy them then scee will keep on fcuking

mr_badhand4425d ago ShowReplies(2)
PirateThom4425d ago

Monsters, Eden, Shooter and Racers are 79p with PS+... where's Sidescroller?! :(

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Q-Games is Having a PixelJunk Anniversary Blowout Sale

Starting tomorrow, to celebrate Q-Games 10th and PixelJun's 5th Anniversary all of PixelJunk games will be on sale.

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paybackprahl4427d ago

Sale looks sick. Can't wait to pick up a bunch of these for $1 apiece.

JoGam4427d ago

Damn I already have these games. The prices are so cheap I might buy them again, lol. WOW...Just $1? You'll be a FOOL not to buy them. smh!

ftwrthtx4427d ago

Great deals. Too bad I own most f them already.

TheDivine4427d ago

Holy shit thats a great deal. I want all of those on vita but il grab the ps3 ones for a buck. Too good to pass up.

kasasensei4427d ago

I hope we will get the same sales in Europe....

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