
JeuxActu: Heavy Rain Review

JeuxActu writes: "For all these reasons, good and bad, leave a chance for Heavy Rain, try it once you get a chance. You cast it may be the lever without completing the demo, but it is also possible that you discover is your game of the year ..."

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Bungie5257d ago

another solid review

when is this game coming btw ?

ZombieRollz5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

when is this game coming btw ?

It's coming never because it's a PS3 exclusive.

Edit: You can disagree all day long, Xbox fanboys. It's not going to magically appear on your console if I hit 100 disagrees.

DMason5257d ago

It appears as though European sites are getting first cracks at the reviews, as there is an embargo on reviews that is up Feb 11th. Seeing as the developer is French, I can see why they're getting their reviews out first. I'll be interested in seeing stateside reviews and if they match up. Different cultures, different tastes.

I LOVED Indigo Prophecy, and I'm getting super impatient waiting for this game.

PrimordialSoupBase5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

Huge lols at anyone who actually thinks 8/10 is a bad review. You demented fools have sad perception of reality.

Aquanox5257d ago

The first reviews are clearly biased for this game is French and mostly only french sites have reviewed it... in exclusive.

Lets wait for the real ones to see how much is Heavy Rain worth.

commodore645257d ago

@ aquanox.

I don't know why people are disagreeing, it's true.
All of the reviews I have seen so far have been from France.

We have seen some solid scores for HR from their fellow frenchmen.
Is it patriotism?
Who knows.

In the end, reputable websites from around the world will provide additional meaningful consensus.

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Bungie5257d ago

there's always Bioshock 2 for February

still think HR deserve 8.3 at least

JasonPC360PS3Wii5257d ago

Another flop for the PS3 first MAG now this chic flick.

-Alpha5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

But a pretty solid score.

Actually I'm a little surprised, but not upset. HR is not exactly traditional so I can understand if people don't connect with the game as much as the next guy.

But regardless it's a solid score.

"Contrary to promises, the phases of QTE are still extremely numerous and their repetition is no shortage of annoying. The sequences of travel and research are only slightly less painful. The will of David Cage make the player feel the effort made by his virtual avatar is commendable, but its implementation does not always convincing. The controls are extremely rigid and the mere fact of having to hold R2 to make the hero walk (then guides you with the left stick, yes, as in a game of cars) is enough to disgust many players. "

So the main complaint seems to be control adjustment annoyances and QTE being abundant. Fair enough-- again, non-traditional game, but it seems this guy's experience was hurt with it.

And in the end that's all HR needs and aims to do: offer an experience.

With subtle things like the trophy notifications turned off it's clear that Cage is really attempting to keep the player immersed and it seems like he has mostly succeeded.

With that said I'm still skipping out on the game for the time being due to cost and time. I think I'll get TLG before this though-- I am looking for that one unique single player story and I'm far more interested in TLG.

DaTruth5257d ago

I actually remember other games doing that same walking thing and it was annoying. I can't really remember what game and if it was gamebreaking.

All the other reviews I saw were good, I thought this would be a hit or miss but the early reviews were all positive.

Xi5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

indigo prophecy/Fahrenheit by the same develoepr used that control scheme. It's very similar to Heavy Rain.

I wouldn't call either gamebreaking, they're both very similar to shenmue 2, albeit less action oriented and more thriller driven.

Alan Wake5257d ago

hehehehehehe Flop hehehehehehe

once again Flop game for PS3

happy flop year for pshit3 owners

damnightmare5257d ago

ODST is a major flop then I guess

CWMR5257d ago

Neither game is a flop.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5257d ago

ODST has higher reviews and sold 5 million

bjornbear5257d ago

all the french siteS? they get an earlier embargo lift date or something?

fair score =) this game is an 8-9.5 easy

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Please stop comparing video games to movies

"Many video games catch not only great commercial attention but remarkable critical attention as well. We have seen games like Heavy Rain, The Last of Us Part II, and even entries in the Metal Gear series described as fantastic interactive experiences, even heralded in the same way as Hollywood's greatest films.

I would suggest that not only is this an unfair comparison but also a harmful one. Video games, by their very nature, are an intricately different medium and should be weighed against one another rather than another form of media," Phillip writes for GF365.

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Fist4achin1317d ago

Yes, please stop. They're better than most hollywood drivel nowadays.

BLAKHOODe1317d ago

I think Hollywood films will becoming increasingly more like video games in the future, especially as the world embraces the "new normal" from the pandemic. It makes sense, as games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales showcase just how realistically we're reaching in graphical capabilities, as well as showcase extreme action sequences in spectacular ways. And as time goes by, it'll get easier and cheaper to produce such "art", as well as create new star "actors" that never age, never die, never complain, never gets involved in scandals, etc. Technology is amazing and we're only just getting a taste of what it'll eventually be.

sourOG1317d ago

No. Some games are like movies.

medman1317d ago (Edited 1317d ago )

No. For the money spent, a quality game provides far more entertainment value than a quality movie. Especially when looking at what is going on in the world, and how a studio can attempt to pilfer from consumers by charging 30 dollars for Mulan via streaming. Ridiculous. There is no comparison....games all day.


The David Cage Experience: Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain

What exactly is the David Cage experience, and is it of value? We examine two classics, Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain, to find the answer.

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Quantic Dream Celebrates Heavy Rain's 10 Year Anniversary With New Video Series

Quantic Dream has announced a new video series to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Heavy Rain. Check out the first part here.

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ClayRules20121474d ago (Edited 1474d ago )

Have you played Detroit? While it’s my personal favorite, I fully understand many preferring Heavy Rain more. I’m glad you enjoyed Heavy Rain too.

bouzebbal1474d ago

def. one of my top 3 best experiences on PS3

ClayRules20121474d ago


That’s awesome to hear! What’re the other 2 best experiences?

akaFullMetal1474d ago

Great game, need to get started on Detroit soon.

ClayRules20121474d ago

Glad you enjoyed the game! Yes, Detroit is a masterpiece of a game, and their best work to date “in my opinion”

ClayRules20121474d ago

Wow, 10 years...and yet, still one of the best/most emotional/thrilling gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

So grateful to Sony for believing in Quantic Dream’s vision for this game, and giving them a chance. I’ll never forget David Cage saying “We want to challenge the player, but not with the controller, but mentally, with their decisions of “How far would you go to save someone you love” Well, they broke my emotional gamer heart lol.

My teenage son refuses to play this game, because I’ve told him in little detail the emotional impact it had on me all those years ago. Maybe one day he will.

Z5011474d ago

Still have my origami crane they teach you how to make when you're installing for the first time.

C-H-E-F1474d ago

it's been 10 years? wow, that was so fast, I feel like this console gen went fast as well although it hasn't. I really look forward to the PS5 this holiday season though.