
Eurogamer.fr: Heavy Rain Review

Eurogamer.fr writes: "The game of Quantic Dream has touched me, unquestionably, both as a player because he symbolizes today the culmination of a genre halfway between cinema and video game that has always seemed interesting in its intentions but rarely conclusive.The adventure game by hosting a new representative of choice. But also as thirty, cinephile at times, to which the scenario well oiled and the adult aspect of the universe but also the characters are what I eat in other media. A high score therefore, to welcome risk-taking that represents this type of production today."

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Berserk15257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

Eurogamer.fr writes: "The game of Quantic Dream has touched me, unquestionably, both as a player because he symbolizes today the culmination of a genre halfway between cinema and video game
that has always seemed interesting in its intentions but rarely conclusive.The adventure game by hosting a new representative of choice. But also as thirty, cinephile at times, to which the scenario well oiled and the adult aspect of the universe but also the characters are what I eat in other media. A high score therefore, to welcome risk-taking that represents this type of production today."


ToastyMcNibbles5257d ago

can't wait...day one buy for me..loved indigo prophecy and i hope anyone interested in Heavy Rain trys it out to get a small sample of whats to come when this game drops

DaTruth5257d ago

Never would have thunk it, but this game might take down Uncharted 2 for highest rated PS3 exclusive!

Can't believe I didn't put a preorder on this. Feeling stupid now!

BeaArthur5257d ago

DaTruth...I seriously doubt it will unseat Uncharted 2. Do you know how many 100's it would have to get to do that? Uncharted 2 is the second highest rated PS3 game and the highest rated exclusive, it will not be easy to unseat. Not saying it's not possible, I'm just saying I would be shocked if it does.

die_fiend5257d ago

Well considering it's got 2 9/10's that's unlikely. But UC2 is 2 good 2 surpass any time soon. This looks pretty damn good tho, Fahrenheit was quality until the very end and this game blatantly won't go mental like that did, so should be pretty incredible

-Alpha5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

It's a game where you push a stick and press a button. That's mostly (or all) what Heavy Rain is in terms of gameplay. Yet, it manages to capture the gamer and create an experience that seems unrivaled since something like Shadow of the Colossus.

Amazing accomplishment if a dev can do that IMO. It's evident that this is going to be a rare, unique title. HR started off as a crazy idea yet it seems to be impressing critics. I'm excited solely because this is what I look for in single player games: an experience. It's rare these days, but HR seems to be one of those exceptions.

menoyou5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

Wow if Eurogamer is giving this game a good score you know it has to be good! Now let's wait for Edge to come out with their 8/10, desperate for hits, score.

sikbeta5257d ago

Awesome, HR will have the support of Europe for sure, I hope it'll the same way here in America

Gamers FTW!!!

baum5257d ago

"IT DOSE"?????

I cringed

OmarJA-N4G5257d ago

AAA & GOTY contender confirmed... :)

Haters got owned big time. :)

Christopher5257d ago

They definitely had a lot to say about the game. But, it seems that the reviewer was happy with the juxtaposition of cinema and gameplay that is presented with Heavy Rain.

Blaze9295257d ago

Anyone know if they still mapped the walking to R2 and L2? Or was it R1 and L1?

All the videos I seen including the new shower scene the walking seems to be just like Fahrenheit where it can get annoying a few times and the character will keep turning around.

Tinted Eyes5257d ago

Wasn't this game supposed to flop miserably in ratings???

Guess not :)

Maddens Raiders5257d ago

when even trolls are forced to mix in adoration for the game, whilst they grit their teeth typing bs.

Nineball21125257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

Getting some really good reviews so far... I'll be interested to see what the average score is.

sparta765257d ago

Great review!!
Now I really can't wait for this!
@ alpha male, nice jab there at heavy rain.
Read some of your comments here today..
U don't like the game I see., have u played it?
Why comment if u not even gonna give it a try?
U talk about all the fanboys but look at yourself!!
1st mag
now this game!
Give them a try., rent and see u you'll like them.
I know I'll be busy feb23!!!

-Alpha5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

What are you talking about?

I appreciate HR. If you are going to make some baseless accusations then back it up.

It wasn't a jab. To my understanding, Heavy Rain is QTE-based with some adventuring.

Am I wrong? Please tell me if I am, I would love to know.

Don't give me some BS about being a troll if your comment was directed at me Madden. If you are replying to me, then reply to me directly.

You call me a troll despite not knowing jack about my gaming preferences. In fact you openly admitted that you were "ok" with me until I started making more critical comments to the PS3. Sorry I don't share the same views as you. It's funny that whenever i make a critical comment you call me a troll but your nowhere to be seen when I make positive comments about the PS3 (assuming of course that you are refering to me, if not, sorry)

@Grey Wulf

If I really care about what? Oh, and there's a criteria to be a "gamer"? I didn't know, thanks for the elitist pep talk.

You didn't even bother to answer my question.


Ok, I didn't "know" that. I was simplifying what HR was and if it sounded condescending I apologize because it wasn't my intention


Because he's directly called me out on being a troll before and has a problem with my PS3 comments, despite never managing to actually respond to my comments.

Greywulf5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

Try Indigo Prophecy if you *really* care, which im sure you don't. Else you'd know already. You've had 6 years..

DatNJDom815257d ago

Damn looks like the "QTE movie" as the haters say, turned out to be something great. Must be killing them inside.

jmare5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

Here we go: Why is it QTE based? Because icons pop up to show you the contextual actions you have to do in order to play the game? Aren't QTEs random button presses during scripted events? The gameplay is not QTE based. You control your character and contextual prompt appear showing you various actions that you can perform.

The action sequences are closer to QTEs but unlike almost every other implementation, they are not the traditional "Press X to not die" variety. The prompts can be missed leading to different results. Every game with QTE requires the player to remain focused, where as in theory you could set the controller down during one of Heavy Rain's action sequences and the story would continue, although the outcome is likely to be bad.

Heavy Rain implements an evolution of QTEs in the action sequences. Everything else is player directed with cues as to what actions you perform.

EDIT: NO harm, no foul, Alpha. I think people get pissy because saying it is all QTE is inaccurate for one, and two, everyone hates QTEs. They kill all the fun in games by taking control out of the player's hands. I remember Indigo Prophesy and it was awesome the way you had contextual controls and the different perspectives on the same story. Unfortunately in ended up in a huge QTE that was weird as fvck. But this time it looks like Quantic dream is actually evolving the original concept of QTE and turning it into a legitimate gameplay mechanic for storytelling.

But I really think there wouldn't be as much hate for this game if it was multiplat like Indigo was.

Shang-Long5257d ago

y r u being so defenisve alpha? He didn't call u out he said *trolls.*.

bjornbear5257d ago

he has some strange gripe with PS3 exclusives

he did the same with MAG -_-

-Alpha5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

Thank you. I didn't mean to say that HR was ALL just QTE-- the fact of the matter is that that's what I've seen and that's what I've been hearing. I haven't been following the game as close as you have apparently.


Show me where I've had a problem with MAG. It's not my cup of tea. Is that so hard to accept? Now I've been meaning to try it based on how people have praised it, but show me where I've hated on MAG.

I criticized the fact that PS3 fans said NOTHING about the pre-embargo reviews when they were positive but when the game got a 6.8 people started getting upset and then acted as if they cared about the integrity of the reviews.

They saw two 8.0 scores and said "Wow, MAG is great!" yet had nothing to say about the actual content of the review itself, even when it was crystal clear it was written pre-embargo. But nobody said "This is just for hits, this is based off of the beta, this is dishonest".

Then, there came a 6.8 review. And then a 7.2. All of a sudden, people question the score and then bother looking into the review. Finally people understand that the review was falsely written. All of a sudden it's too early, it's for the hits, and it's dishonest.

That was my only problem. I said that either you accepted all the pre-embargo reviews since it was clear that the reviews had apparently played enough of MAG to grasp the content, or ignore them (the correct choice) and give MAG some more time. But even AFTER the embargo people would criticize the reviewers for being biased or not playing the game correctly. And then when some sites gave MAG a PERFECT score (even giving the story an 8.5 on one site, despite the game not having one) people once again dropped the detective work.

I've only based MAG off of opinions and facts about the game, and I've openly admitted that, so please don't tell me I have a problem with PS3 exclusives. Where were you when I claimed DS for my GOTY or when I gave FPSOTY to K2? Or does that fall under the preconception that I'm a "troll"?

It's funny how the mentality works around here. Act like a sheep and follow blindly what the majority say and your ok. Question something, make a fair criticism or go against the majority and all of a sudden your some kind of fanboy. Am I supposed to fall in love with every PS3 exclusive?

FreeFalling5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

I've read your comments throughout N4G and read the ones on this one too. You said nothing wrong or flaimbait, ignore the butt-hurt PS3 fanboys just because they do not agree with you not squealing over a game that does not fit your preference.

Arnon5257d ago

You're not supposed to not like PS3 exclusives. You're not allowed an opinion. Stop your tomfoolery.

Anyway, I wouldn't listen to the majority of the community on this site. I've bought so many PS3 exclusives just because I listened to their extreme zealous hype, and only a handful have kept my interest for more than a month.

With this being said, I'm still on the fence with Heavy Rain. I have it pre-ordered, and the reviews sure do seem to be nice, but I'm not sure if I'd honestly want to replay something like this multiple times to see a different ending.

Jamescagney5257d ago

Maybe every site should give the exact same reviews, as long as they are positive towards ps3 games off course. That would be better wouldn't it? Then there would be no arguments and we could all live in a happy world filled with bunnies and sunflowers. No difference of opinion, just glowing praise shared by all.

Ahh, what a wonderful world it would be.

TotalPS3Fanboy5256d ago

"It's a game where you push a stick and press a button."

Isn't that what all games are? You use the stick to move around and press a specific button to do a certain action when you want. That is not QTE. Heavy Rain is not QTE.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 5256d ago
young juice5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

eurogamer, was this one of the big sites people were waiting for?

this is the lowest score ive seen for this game besides OPM.

LarVanian5257d ago

I'm pretty certain Eurogamer UK will give the same score. Edge is the one place I'm really expecting to give Heavy Rain an 8/10.

vhero5257d ago

Eurogamer are known for giving ps3 exclusives lower scores than 360 exclusives just like EDGE so this is an amazing score.

darthv725257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

does this mean the next 360 exclusive reviewed by this eurogamer will get an 11+?


@baum: don't take it so seriously. The game got a good score. Why arent you more pleased?

-Alpha5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

UC2 10/10
Demon's Souls 9/10


I hate these conspiracy theories. Eurogamer is just fine, they are though, a little different. They aren't "known" to give 360 higher scores as if they are fanboys. Do you have any particular case or are you just vaguely trying to imply something?

Also, this is EU France so we still have to wait for the English Eurogamer.

Still, this isn't the only AAA score HR has gotten so far.

Cold 20005257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

From Eurogamer

KZ2: 9/10

Uncharted: 9/10

Uncharted 2: 9/10

Infamous: 8/10

LBP: 9/10

Resistance 2: 9/10.

The only major PS3 exclusive that got a "controversial" score from Eurogamer is MGS4 wit a 8/10.

Now tell me...HOW did u PS3 fanboys get to the conclusion that Eurogamer are biased ?

They gave Mass Effect, Gears Of War and Forza 3 all 8/10. Why isnt their any conspiracy theory from 360 fans concerning Eurogamer ?

@baum: You can check yourself on eurogamer, why would I lie about those scores ? Go ahead if you thinking I'm lieng lol.

baum5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

@alpha-male: You know nothing about statistics, apparently. Exceptions Do not make Eurogamer less biased. And to the guy suggesting 360 games would get 11+: No dumbass, it's just that Eurogamer scores 360 games either in an average or above average relative to others while the opposite is true for ps3 games.
This is worse with edge.

@Cold 2000: Any links to back those claims? There are more PS3 exclusives you know. But I'll retract what I said if they are not biased (statistically speaking). I was under the impression that they were, but I guess it's only Edge. Or maybe they handed 10s to Halo like they are candy?

-Alpha5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

So when given solid evidence of Eurogamer giving high scores to the PS3, you ignore them as "exceptions"?

Sorry, but that is seriously naive. In fact, that falls right in line with conspiracy theorists who, in light of evidence, will continue to fight some vague crusade (not directed entirely at you, but in general). And look, Resistance 2 and LBP even got a 9/10 according to the poster above you. Are those also "exceptions"?

LBP even got GOTY from Eurogamer.

So please, we are far from "exceptions".

Some PS3 fans make these vague conspiracy theories with the media anytime one of their games get marked down. Eurogamer is known for being tough. Not only on PS3 games but on multiplatforms and 360 games as well.

Edit: @baum below

It's clear no amount of evidence is going to convince you. You simply shrug off the proof already given without any reasoning.

What's funny is that you claim I know nothing about stats, yet you didn't know jack about the Eurogamer reviews, you admit to maybe it was just EDGE, and you ask Cold for evidence when you clearly don't know for yourself the site you criticize.

Also, Stats don't show anything about bias. If you are convinced Eurogamer is downplaying the PS3 then prove it yourself. Your bringing the case so its up to you to PROVE it. Don't shift the burden of proof, that's poor argumentation.

We've already given you stats at how some of the highest rated PS3 games have gotten equally high praise on Eurogamer, even winning GOTY. If you really think EU had some kind of bias why would they give GOTY to LBP and UC2 when in 08 they could have given it to a number of other games and in 09 when they could have given it another game as well. UC2 was a media favorite and won GOTY universally, but some sites gave it to other games. Eurogamer would have been completely justified in giving 08 GOTY to some other game and if they had a bias they surely would have. You continue to act as if EU is just biased against the PS3 despite the fact that they are tough on games in general.

Cold may be trying harder but that doesn't give you the right to continue denying the "exceptions".

baum5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

LOL, get a bigger sample if you want to say it's "solid evidence". A least Cold is trying harder. You just proved tou know nothing about statistics.


Sorry, it's been proven multiple times that Eurogamer is biased, I do not need to prove anything; you're the one that has to disprove it. And sorry but as raztad showed below, Cold failed as nobody sai Eurogamer.fr is biased; it's its parent website, EGUK whom most sound gamers claim to have spot a bias. Raztad only confirmed our beliefs once again. It's now up to yo. To find significant evidence that contradicts ours (have fun waiting for all 2010
PS3 reviews).

Also, who denied the "exceptions"? You just owned yourself by proving you don't understand how to make inference from stats (but most importantly, how NOT to). Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

raztad5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )


Where are you getting those numbers from?

I'm sure as hell Eurogamer.NET (UK?) gave inFAMOUS 7/10. There are others Eurogamers though. Eu.pt, Eu.es, Eu.it and this is the first time I read something from Eu.fr.

@Cold bellow

Those are from Eu.fr. It's ok, not problem here but lets keep in mind Eu.NET is a different beast. They scored inFAMOUS 7/10. Dont mix things up.

@EDIT: WTF? I got a stupid disagree for stating the truth. Here you go disagree fairy


Cold 20005257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )




I'll let u check the other scores by yourself.

edit: @raztad, yeah you're right. But anyways and so what if they gave Infamous a 7/10 ? Does that make them biased ? I guess Eurogamer.fr are biased against the 360 then. I mean 8/1O for Gears, ME and Forza 3 ??

If every site that gives an exclusive a "mediocre" score is biased then that is just a completly stupid thing to believe.

In that case more than half the sites on the web are biased against the 360, I'm sure they have all given a mediocre score to a 360 exclusive or two this gen.

Nineball21125257d ago

Cold... dude, don't lie.

Eurogamer gave UC2 a 10! :D


Eamon5257d ago

lol. Conspiracy theories, eh?

It's simple. If a website gives an exclusive a low score, the fanboys think it's being biased towards that console.

Simple as that. I remember when fanboys were upset that Uncharted 2 got 9.5/10 from IGN. And probably half of them don't even own a PS3.


On a positive note and going back to topic, this is a good review. Eurogamer are known to be tougher than other sites on their reviews, so to see Heavy Rain getting a good score is making me more want to get it.

Let's now await what other sites will give it.

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Michael-Jackson5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

Where's my Mediocre Score? "TheTruth2009" I think it was you who said it will get low scores? Lies... LOL

Show all comments (101)

Please stop comparing video games to movies

"Many video games catch not only great commercial attention but remarkable critical attention as well. We have seen games like Heavy Rain, The Last of Us Part II, and even entries in the Metal Gear series described as fantastic interactive experiences, even heralded in the same way as Hollywood's greatest films.

I would suggest that not only is this an unfair comparison but also a harmful one. Video games, by their very nature, are an intricately different medium and should be weighed against one another rather than another form of media," Phillip writes for GF365.

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Fist4achin1317d ago

Yes, please stop. They're better than most hollywood drivel nowadays.

BLAKHOODe1317d ago

I think Hollywood films will becoming increasingly more like video games in the future, especially as the world embraces the "new normal" from the pandemic. It makes sense, as games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales showcase just how realistically we're reaching in graphical capabilities, as well as showcase extreme action sequences in spectacular ways. And as time goes by, it'll get easier and cheaper to produce such "art", as well as create new star "actors" that never age, never die, never complain, never gets involved in scandals, etc. Technology is amazing and we're only just getting a taste of what it'll eventually be.

sourOG1317d ago

No. Some games are like movies.

medman1316d ago (Edited 1316d ago )

No. For the money spent, a quality game provides far more entertainment value than a quality movie. Especially when looking at what is going on in the world, and how a studio can attempt to pilfer from consumers by charging 30 dollars for Mulan via streaming. Ridiculous. There is no comparison....games all day.


The David Cage Experience: Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain

What exactly is the David Cage experience, and is it of value? We examine two classics, Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain, to find the answer.

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Quantic Dream Celebrates Heavy Rain's 10 Year Anniversary With New Video Series

Quantic Dream has announced a new video series to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Heavy Rain. Check out the first part here.

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ClayRules20121474d ago (Edited 1474d ago )

Have you played Detroit? While it’s my personal favorite, I fully understand many preferring Heavy Rain more. I’m glad you enjoyed Heavy Rain too.

bouzebbal1474d ago

def. one of my top 3 best experiences on PS3

ClayRules20121474d ago


That’s awesome to hear! What’re the other 2 best experiences?

akaFullMetal1474d ago

Great game, need to get started on Detroit soon.

ClayRules20121474d ago

Glad you enjoyed the game! Yes, Detroit is a masterpiece of a game, and their best work to date “in my opinion”

ClayRules20121474d ago

Wow, 10 years...and yet, still one of the best/most emotional/thrilling gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

So grateful to Sony for believing in Quantic Dream’s vision for this game, and giving them a chance. I’ll never forget David Cage saying “We want to challenge the player, but not with the controller, but mentally, with their decisions of “How far would you go to save someone you love” Well, they broke my emotional gamer heart lol.

My teenage son refuses to play this game, because I’ve told him in little detail the emotional impact it had on me all those years ago. Maybe one day he will.

Z5011474d ago

Still have my origami crane they teach you how to make when you're installing for the first time.

C-H-E-F1474d ago

it's been 10 years? wow, that was so fast, I feel like this console gen went fast as well although it hasn't. I really look forward to the PS5 this holiday season though.