
No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise gets new box art in Japan

Amazon Japan has uploaded a new box art for No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

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5353d ago Replies(1)
Gobot5353d ago

microsoft or sony should pick up the publishing rights to this game, so they can claim some stupid ass type of exclusive, but either way its going to sell like crap lol

Kattleox5353d ago

Well, I can attest now to them selling at least one copy.

andron5353d ago

And japan 360 version gets the more violent american one? Really hope we get the bloody one here in Europe if this game is released here.

No More Heroes was released with no blood in Europe, but that was on the Wii and probably a commercial move to sell more. Don't see the point in loosing the blood in an European PS3 version...

ZombieRollz5353d ago

No blood, no buy. The over exaggerated blood spurting makes this game AAA.

Umbrella Corp5353d ago

Hopefully the states gets a bloody version,No More Heroes with no more blood will be a no buy.

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The Best Hack and Slash Games of All Time on Xbox 360

It's game time!, or is it hacking and slashing time? Doesn't matter! Enjoy the best hack and slash games on the Xbox 360

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darthv72422d ago

....and that's a bad thing how?

343_Guilty_Spark422d ago

If it ain’t on Sony box it’s bad

autobotdan422d ago (Edited 422d ago )

Ninja Gaiden 2 was never multiplat. NG Sigma 2 is a remixed game not the same game at all

darthv72422d ago

Dante's inferno... such a great GoW inspired game. So sad the sequel was canned, it sounded like it was going to be even more epic than the first.

Vits422d ago

Yeap, classic GoW is still better mechanically. But the aesthetics and atmosphere of Dante's Inferno were just top-notch. Shame it never got a PC port, but at the very least is available on modern Xbox.

Juiceid422d ago

This list is ok, but Ninja Gaiden reigns supreme!

GhostScholar422d ago

I just can’t get into the devil may cry series. In my opinion you never feel powerful in those games. The guns are pointless as they only serve to be a flashy part of a combo. DMC was the only one that I could tolerate long enough to beat.

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No More Heroes | Long Story Short

Justin Scerbo (@ZeroSkerbo) breaks down No More Heroes in 60 seconds!


Up Up Down Down: No More Heroes

GameZone: "Released for the Wii in North America in 2008, the bloody, foul-mouthed, pervy action game No More Heroes brought something vastly different to Nintendo's happy little family-friendly console. The game was eventually ported to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise, though we only got the PlayStation 3 version in North America. It's a hell of a ride, no doubt, even if it's not without a handful of hindrances."

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randomass1713811d ago

This one I never got the hype for. It was fun, but it became very repetitive very quickly. Travis is a fun character though. I'd definitely like see more of him someday. But first, Killer7 sequel! Make it happen Suda51!

3810d ago
MadLad3810d ago

This and the Galaxy series made the Wii for me. Fantastic games.

Venoxn4g3809d ago

great game, best playable with Wii or PS move controller :)