
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City Coming to PlayStation 3 and PC

The two action packed episodes will also be available for download on the PlayStation Network and Games for Windows® LIVE on March 30, 2010. Each episode boasts the same detailed and immersive Liberty City we all know and love. Games for Windows - LIVE players can enjoy 32-player multiplayer matches and an advanced video editor, and all fans will have the chance to once again listen to the dulcet tones of Liberty City Radio.

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maskedwarrior5213d ago

Kind of expected after all the rumors. Another big game for March?

MasFlowKiller5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Of 2008

sorry R* but WTH is happening to u?
If it barely was profitable in the 360 wat makes you think porting it to the ps3 will do?

this is very illogical, i know that the DLC is superior then the actual game but how many people do u think actually still have the game, specially considering that his was the worst GTA experience of the series(and this is coming from a guy that has a copy of the code of wat the first GTA game was suppost to be, and played every single GTA game including the gameboy color unreleased game)

is not that am hating on R* for releasing it on the 360 but that they could be working on the next GTA instead of porting code of a DLC that barely broke even on its intended console.

"Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City for PS3 will become available in stores on March 30, 2010"

Really u think ur going to make some money off of this?
Heavy Rain
God Of War
White Knight

are all coming out before March 30.
Is it really worth it?

WildArmed5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

bah.. another march title.
Dont see anything good going for it atm.

Maybe the DLC/digital version will get some extra push

PS: Thank MS for funding the DLC for all GTA 4 fans-- lol.. i didn't like GTA 4 much personally

Dontcha mean,
BAM! There it is!

deadreckoning6665213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

I sold my copy of GTA4 ages ago, but this pretty much solidifies my decision not to buy a 360 this generation. If M$ paid $50 million for these episodes, just to have them as timed exclusives, then I'd be incredibly surprised if the same thing doesn't occur with Mass Effect 1 and 2. Things aren't looking good for the 360.

@skv- Man, all I can say right now is..BOOOOOM!!! With the Bayonetta patch(and future patches), GOW3 advetisement at 7-eleven, and now this, Sony is LITERALLY doing everything right in 2010. I'm done defending M$. Sony is just embarrassing them right now. I can't wait to see the mainstream's reaction when they see GOW3 and later figure out that its not on the 360 :)

SoapShoes5213d ago

Horrible investment for MS. $50 million for a timed exclusive? Weak sauce.

UnSelf5213d ago

how long does it take for a new game to drop to about $20? i guess ill pick this up in March 2011

i cant wait!!

qface645213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

i just find it a little funny because a while back people would say its not gonna happen

these rumors about (insert 360 game here) coming to the ps3 usually come true most of the time

anyways i haven't even played gta4 for a long time ill just wait for the next gta game

rroded5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

worth picking this up jus for that imo tho i never finished the sp but i still play online. Its one of the best games to play with a few friends imo. Hope they give us a good deal on it so everyone on me friends list can afford it. Been dying for those new online modes on psn.

n for those who havnt tried it give it a go tons of modes and stuff ta do even without the dlc.

WildArmed5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Hmm i think I'll be picking up the PC version of them..
I always love moding/hacking away on GTA games..

On a sidenote:
and another unfortunate incident happens..
My 360 just died on me.. >.> I'd been waiting to pick up mass effect 2 all week long.. and it doesn't matter anymore :(
went to pick up my preoder awhile ago..
i wonder if i can turn my 360 copy in for a PC version? (unfortunately the game is unsealed.... )

TheHater5213d ago

I am expect Mass Effect to be announce for the PS3 within 6 months. I was one of those people that thought this was never coming to the PS3 because MS paid $50 million dollars for it. Honestly WTF. I will not be surprise at any xbox 360 exclusive jumping ship to the PS3 also.

Fanb0y5213d ago

Wow, Microsoft blows. 50 Million invested and they can't keep an exclusive. I guess it's all about the profit, right? Once they're done making their money, ditch it.

Persistantthug5213d ago

I was wondering if you could spare 50 million dollars....

I'd be so grateful. :)

SilentNegotiator5213d ago

I don't even know what MS is thinking anymore.
How can you pay 50 million for a TIMED exclusive?

4 months exclusivity on the second episode. Essentially, $25 million smackers for 4 months of exclusivity?

Immortal Kaim5213d ago

Good news for PS3 only owners.

Guys are can't believe you just blindly follow others assertions that it was $50mil for exclusive content? It was always loan (as described countless times by Take-Two execs), MS lost nothing on the deal, in-fact that took away the risk of millions of ppl flocking to the PS3 to buy GTA, a smart move no?

Anyway, this guy sums up the deal fairly well. I suggest you have a read.

nix5213d ago


GTAIV sucked!!! big time! i didn't even bother to finish the game. and i never will touch it again. has left a bad taste.

i hope Agent and L.A. Noire isn't like the latest GTA.

badz1495213d ago

after all they paid $50m for these DLCs!

40cal5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Really? Microsoft paid 50 million for timed exclusiveness? Gay Tony came out a few months ago.

Still I have my eyes on R* this year, like Red Dead Redemption will be day one for me and I have high hopes for L.A. Noire and AGENT.

blue7xx75213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Wow I thought the rumors were fake. MS really is stupid I love my xbox 360 but come on seriously $50 million for a timed exclusive DLC is just dumb with that money they could have made atleast 4 AAA exclusive games or open up new studios like Sony does. But great news for PS3 and PC gamers they should definitely buy these episodes they are the best DLC ever made especially if you loved GTA4.

Immortal Kaim5213d ago

Umm guys, did you not read my post just above. I suggest doing some research before making an ar*e out of yourself...

ThanatosDMC5213d ago

GTA4 on consoles still looks like a unpolished turd compared to the PC version. Also, this expansion is very old. It's sad people are gonna buy this for that price. $9.99 sounds better.

Pika-pie5213d ago

You do know you dont need the original version of the game to play Episodes boxed copy right?

presto7175213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Dont you? Too bad this one isn't anymore.

TheDeadMetalhead5213d ago

I'm glad I only rented the 360 version, then.

Venatus-Deus5213d ago

I read it and it’s basically a blog in IGN of a guy who has pieced together quotes from different sources, used Wiki to understand the definitions of the terminology of the “quotes” used in these sources and then come to a conclusion. The sources are from seekingalpha and 2opgaming. The only good source he used was the NYtimes and that article doesn’t actually back up his claim.

So what you basically have done is call everybody an a**e because you have found a blog that uses the quotes of other blogs to conclude that you are right.

Good work fella!

pixelsword5213d ago

I never bought it myself; they showed incredible graphics only to look marginally better than it's PS2 counterparts in the past *(at least for me) Niko looks like what Bert from Ernie and Bert would look like if he had a surreal twang to him.

people were saying it would come, I think HHG was one of them, but I have no idea if that's accurate in my memory or not.

vhero5213d ago

Should shut those 360 fanboys up for a bit who said this would never come to PS3 now for Mass Effect 2 and we done here.

5213d ago
zeeshan5212d ago

M$ are probably going to be responsible for a new word in dictionary. "Timedclusive"

m-s-8-25212d ago

I had to force myself to finish the second half of GTA4. After San Andreas it felt like they were going backwards in too many ways. Ill pass.

Venatus-Deus5212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

“Timed Exclusive ” is two words and…

“Timedclusive” isn’t going to be in any dictionary. Ever.


gaffyh5212d ago


That rumor was shot down by many people, saying it was wrong. Oh wait, turns out it's true.

Jinxstar5212d ago

I said the same about Ninja Gaiden2 and Fallout 3 DLC and Braid and plenty of others. Whenever MS says exclusive they actually mean timed exclusive.

andron5212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

And I'm not surprised to see it's true. Poor fanboys will have a fit (on both sides).

Might pick it up if the price is right, otherwise I can always wait some more for a bargain.

And this really will spur the Mass Effect trilogy rumours no end LOL...

Edit: Funnily it was the subject of my first blog entry: http://www.n4g.com/NewsPend...

DaTruth5212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

So 360 fanboys can run around with SDF in their names and shouting SDF from the buildings, but I get deleted.

Gee, guess who's also mad about this news!

Edit: Looks like anything that might be construed as hurtful towards 360 owners is getting deleted; While these dudes run rampant in PS3 only topics!

mastiffchild5212d ago

@immortal Kaim-I also read a few of the sources the guy you linked to used and i'm still not convinced what MS and R* did either way if i'm frank with you.

For a start what do R* get out of this? I doubt they'd have any trouble making the DLC as they normally would without cash from Sony or MS and would not , then, have risked half their potential market having moved on by the time they released it a year late(in the case of TLAD), would they? Why would they take a loan off MS just to pi55 off PS3 gamers? Why? Something's not right here.

That said, I also think 50million for a little timed exclusivity(and remember a lot of 360 gamers felt THEY got the DLC too late anyway!)is unbelievably expensive. I get that MS might well have wanted to assert GTA as a MS platform game to negate the PS history for future releases in the series-something they would be esp keen to do in light of the three game exclusive deal that , I beleve, was brokered between Sony and R* as part of the negotiatons to take the then PS exclusive GTA4 multiplatform(I see three new IP as a fair exchange for a known mega seller like GTA4, and onwards, staying exclusive/going multi for both parties). If Sony were looking like getting a whole lot of R* love(of which the first fruit will be Agent)then MS would surely want to maximise the impact of GTA as a series on their platforms so helping R* out a little is expected-but50million? I cnnot see that!

Most likely the truth lies somewhere between the two extremes I reckon. You have to think what R* were giving up IF they just borrowed the money from MS, don't we? I've never heard them have problems before in funding games and DLC for the biggest series in the universe at that time wouldn't have been difficult to come by at excellent rates for R* that would have maximised their profits by allowing simultaneous release, you understand me? I simply don't see R*getting anything out of a loan deal when it makes their profits look slightly/greatly at risk. They have to pay the 50million back anyway AND, more unbelievably, they had to borrow it at a time when they must have been flush with GTA4 money anyway?!!As I say it makes ZERO sense no matter what certain outlets have been led to think.

Inm it's barest terms I say that R* would NOT risk their PS3 sales for the sake of a loan which amounts to no net gain whatsoever-all it achieves is a net loss in profit from lost sales from bored or annoyed or lapsed PS3 gamers, no? On the other hand I cannot think even MS would spunk that sum just for timed exclusivity-10-15million for the benefit of the series MS future? Certainly a possibility but not 50, not a chance. If I had to gues at what I imagine to be the best possibility I'd go with this: MS offered the 50million for development(which actually, btw, seems a little steep for a pair of DLC where a fair bit was meant to be stuff/ideas cut from the orignal game and for DLC that they had everything, engine and physics wise, in place for anyway)at great terms where R* only pay back, say, 40million or so? That way everyone keeps what they want and Sony don't care as they know it's coming and have their own deal in the bank-however, I just don't imagine for one minute that MS ended up giving R* nothng for timed exclusivity and a loan they could have got anywhere(if they even needed it) isn't nearly enough reason tom lose out on overall profit now, is it?

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 5212d ago
rebirthofcaos5213d ago

XD too much for the poor month of march, please give some room....

LtSkittles5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Oh PC too?

TheIneffableBob5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Lost and Damned achievements were added to the PC version in December, so I'm assuming a PC version will come eventually.


LtSkittles5213d ago

Yeah, I read that, and then I edited, and put that in my message. Like I said yesterday "YAY!"

life doomer5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

so much for xbox 360 2009 line up.

edit: troll police xbox 360 had some games, a racing game and something else i forgot the name of.

5213d ago
TheHater5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

MS paid $50 million for what exactly? For time exclusive on the episodes?

LtSkittles5213d ago

I guess it was just a loan, I wouldn't invest $50 mil, in something that would eventually get to my competition. I would pay a lot, but not 50 mil.

Michael-Jackson5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

1 down, so how many 360 exclusives were there in 2009? WEAK! Sorry :)

agent0275213d ago

Microsoft has a habit of spending money stupidly.

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi_5213d ago

...is? the? point? of? owning? a? xBox 360??? ;-D

AliTheBrit195212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

To all Droids:

The $50 Million was a loan and had NOTHING to do with the timed exclusivity of Episodes From Liberty City.

And Rockstar paid Microsoft $70 Million Dollars

So by PS3 Fanboy logic, that's $20 Million Microsoft has taken AWAY from Agent development costs, Right? ;)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5212d ago
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