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Rumor: SOCOM Devs Working On "Star Wars: Battlefront Online"

Kotaku: Star Wars: Battlefront III may have been binned, but we've heard from sources that the series lives on, in the form of currently-in-pre-production Battlefront Online.

The game, for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, is currently being worked on by both Lucasarts and Slant Six Games, the studio responsible for SOCOM Confrontation and SOCOM Fire Team Bravo 3.

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LtSkittles5352d ago

Love the Battlefront series.

darkmurder5352d ago

If it is SOCOM dev's kill me.

mugoldeneagle035352d ago

Anyone who's seen me talk about SOCOM before knows I love the franchise. That said, Confrontation is by far the worst SOCOM. Whether it's because Sony rushed it (remember it was released when the PS3 was still taking hits for price), or because Slant Six just didn't know what the hell to do still baffles me.

I'm also a die hard Star Wars fan, and wants me some BFIII ASAP.

That said, I still give Slant Six a lot of credit. They get absolutely torn apart over on the SOCOM forums daily ( to see for yourself)yet they stuck with it and actually released the DLC. And they absolutely do listen to the community, so there is tons of upside for this project.

Let's just hope they make it the best experience possible. Battlefront 3 has lots of potential to be great

BattleAxe5352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

I'm not sure how Slant Six got this job. Lucas Arts is a mediocre dev, thrown in with Slant Six which are a bunch of screw ups.


The word is that Zipper had to step in and finish the patch 1.5 and they also had a hand in finishing the DLC, so don't give Slant Six creadit they don't deserve. They took my favorite franchise and flushed it down the toilet.

mikeslemonade5352d ago

Nope not interested because it's multiplatform. If it were PS3 exclusive i'd play it.

ThanatosDMC5352d ago

Warhawk devs would have been better... oh well, whatever.

SOAD5352d ago

What kind of attitude is that, man?

There are plenty of great multiplatform games. If this game got great reviews, would you still refuse to play it?

Or is your PS3 defective and only plays exclusives?

mugoldeneagle035352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

I doubt it.

I'm not saying it's not possible but Cold Front came out in early December, and was probably worked on for some time before that, maybe even summer. Considering Zipper had it's hands full with MAG about that time, I can't see them handling both projects.

There's always been tons of rumors surrounding Confrontation starting with the development process, to the patches, to DLC. Even Zipper has been rumored to have already been working on SOCOM 4 during the MAG development cycle. It's all just speculation, and we'll probably never know who's in charge of what.

morganfell5352d ago

Someone obviously has not played SOCOM lately. Yes the game had plenty of issues when it came out and was not given a free pass like Gears of War II received with it's wholly broken multiplayer.

Since launch, SOCOM has evolved into a very tight, engrossing, multiplayer title and anyone that pretends they can compare the launch version to how it currently plays is lying to the public and themselves.

It also amazes me to see people hate on Slant Six when:

1 - They had no choice when the game launched
2 - Could not not say anything about the decision being taken out of their hands unless they never wanted to work in this industry again...ever
3 - Busted their ass to bring the game to it's current state where it plays with the feeling of SOCOM 1 and 2 combined
4 - Gave incredible versions of classic maps

Anyone for blaming Slant Six for SOCOM has zero comprehension of how the industry operates or how the relationship between and IP owning publisher and a contracted developer operates.

vhero5352d ago

But they only make PS games does this mean the series is coming exclusively to PS3?

LtSkittles5352d ago

@Vhero /6 has only 3 games in their portfolio, and I am pretty sure Sony doesn't own them, but if you're talking about Zipper then yeah, it would be exclusive, but Zipper isn't the one that is supposedly developing it, and the battlefront series is always multiplat(except for the one that was only on the PSP)

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TheBand1t5352d ago

I find this very hard to believe.

TheBand1t5352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

Incognito would be a better choice.

N4PS3G5352d ago

Anything but Zipper Interactive

Noob5352d ago

Warhawk is an amazing game.

LtSkittles5352d ago

It's not Zipper, it's supposedly Slant Six

"Kotaku: Star Wars: Battlefront III may have been binned, but we've heard from sources that the series lives on, in the form of currently-in-pre-production Battlefront Online.

The game, for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, is currently being worked on by both Lucasarts and Slant Six Games, the studio responsible for SOCOM Confrontation and SOCOM Fire Team Bravo 3."

Sigh5352d ago

Read, it's slant six, how did you go off getting Zipper?

socomnick5352d ago

zipper or slant six both are terrible.

pixelsword5352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

-you have socom in your name

-you say "terrible" when you probably played nothing from either developer.

and get a better looking avatar, for the love of all that is decent.

every time I see that pic it reminds me of:

I mean, c'mon; that dude looks like he's taking it in in the poop-chute in some 3rd world prison.


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jalen2475352d ago

This means that the PS3 won't get a sloppy port if Slant Six Games is working on it.

TheBand1t5352d ago

Considering the sloppy mess Confrontation was, I wouldn't count on it.

BaSeBaLlKiD7215352d ago

but the game will be still sh*tty on both platform.

ex. SOCOM Confrontation, hell even the menu system is laggy as well.

jalen2475352d ago

I understand guys. I know Socom Confrontation had problems when it launched.

I was talking more about the fact that Slant Six Games have experience developing for the PS3 architecture.

I wasn't referring to the quality of the game that they created.

So basically, the game will run well on the PS3 but it might not be an excellent game, it might just be a good game.

BaSeBaLlKiD7215352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

If its going to be on Xbox 360 then obviously not Zipper since Sony owns Zipper... >.>

Oh and if I were you, I wouldn't be looking forward to Battlefront judging on how buggy SOCOM: Confrontation was/is. Don't get me wrong, I loved Confrontation but I gotta admit, that game is glitchy like a motherf*cker and had one of the worst launch in history.

And because of my avatar, you may be thinking I'm trying to stealth troll. Well think again,

pixelsword5352d ago

It's slant 6, not Zipper.

Kratos Spartan5352d ago

but i won't give up hope. I'll take this game, thank you! Love my Star Wars

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Is Star Wars: Battlefront Worthy of a Sequel?

Some games are decent enough that they receive a yearly sequel; Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed series, and Activision’s Call of Duty franchise to name a couple. Other games are just as good yet for whatever reason, due to underwhelming sales or internal development issues, fans might have to wait years, if ever to get a follow-up to a beloved game.

Despite being the best-selling Star Wars game of all time, Star Wars: Battlefront has yet to have a next-generation sequel. Isn't it worthy?

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Zha1tan4279d ago

blurry textures at distance? no thanks

horrible latency? no thanks

Wenis4279d ago

I wouldn't want DICE to touch SWBF3 thats for sure, after seeing how they took Battlefield downhill since BF2.

But yes, SWBF franchise needs to live on..

DA_SHREDDER4280d ago

"Is Star Wars: Battlefront Worthy of a Sequel?"

Does a bear crap in the woods?

Main_Street_Saint4279d ago

Well said! I voted bubbles up for you!

BanBrother4279d ago

I have never understood the hype battlefront gets. I loved the original, but it gets boring easy. To boot, it didn't even really have a story.

Suppose I am in the minority when I say it is average. Nonetheless, I hope they do make a 'sequel' so people will finally stfu lol.

rezzah4279d ago

To me what stood out in comparison to other games was that it felt like a real war.

Especially Battlefront 2.

The maps are huge and there are many AIs or players (online) fighting at the same time. Plus the usage of many vehicles and ships add to the experience.

From what I've read a long time ago BF3 was suppose to have ground, air, and space battles at the same time. In BF2, Ground and air fights occurred at the same time depending on the map. Space battles were battle that needed to be fought separably, but they planned to combined them all. This would have increased that epic feeling of fighting in a war within the Star Wars realm.

NBT914279d ago

Yeah that sounds like the only real way it could have improved to be honest.
No idea why they never made a third one, but I have accepted that its probably a pipe dream.

BanBrother4279d ago

Never played BF2. Never knew you could play it online. If that is true, I fully understand the hype, and am now extremely depressed I never got to experience it.

I live in Australia, and ADSL broadband was only available in my Area in 2006 or 2007. It was the 256kb download as well. Basically I only experienced Warcraft 3 online during the ps2 era.

Wenis4279d ago

Yeah, the singleplayer was really only fun to play if you had a friend over. But the multiplayer was awesome...

WeskerChildReborned4279d ago

Of course it is, it was an awesome game last gen.

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Star Wars: Battlefront Online Concept Art Leaks Out Of Slant Six

Siliconera: "The rumors are true, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City developer Slant Six was working on a Star Wars game back in 2010. Lucasarts hired Slant Six to make Star Wars Battlefront Online for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360."

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Bumpmapping4303d ago

You should be happy Slant Six is a crappy developer.

Jinkies4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

Haha, I was just going to say the same thing

I'd rather have no Battlefront sequel then a crappy one by the worse developer out there

Besides it's not really Battlefront 3 is it

SilentNegotiator4303d ago

Battlefront's good name went untarnished. That is a win.

Now if we could just keep the Banjo Kazooie, Crash, and Spyro IPs away from their perspective owners....

BattleAxe4303d ago

Slant Six must have a checklist of popular game franchises that they're out to ruin....

Resident Evil....Check!
Star Wars........

ZombieNinjaPanda4303d ago

The concept art showed Jedi in the game. I really wish these developers would stop focusing on Jedi. Battlefront isn't supposed to be about Jedi it's supposed to be about the soldiers and their battles.

Also Socom Confrontation wasn't a terrible terrible game. Once they patched it it became a fun game. But before that it was bug ridden.

MariaHelFutura4303d ago

Zipper fixed it, Slant6 couldn't.

DeadlyFire4303d ago

Well Jedi can be in the game. As long as balance exists. Not godlike superheros, but soldiers that are not immune to death. They should be able to die.

This works out very well in one Jedi Knight Jedi Academy mod with Jedi being balanced out to same level as soldiers. Personally I believe its gone a bit to far in the latest builds, but that's just me.

Check out Moviebattles 2 mod for JKA on Youtube or something like that. I actually get the feeling to play as another class other than Jedi in this mod without instant death fears.

Wenis4303d ago

Jedi in SWBF2 were awesome. So were regular soldier battles. Don't see whats wrong with having both

MastaPiff4303d ago

It's funny, I literally have SWBF1 in my PS2 running right now. I just got done serving the empire on Rhen Var: Citadel... The map were sweet on SWBF1, still pretty good on 2... They still need to make SWBF3 please.

If I remember correctly I seen video of gameplay on Endor maybe 1 1/2 yrs. ago, I think it was Pandemic's near completed version? (might've been slant six's but that don't seem right, oh well) It looked sweet, you could hop in a X-wing & shoot some Tie Fighters down then dock up in space!!! Looks aren't everything so maybe it didn't make for a focused game. You're right also Slant-six has mucked up quite a few good franchises LoL...

4303d ago
Neoprime4303d ago

I want my game offline, Bbbboooooooooo slant six.

Neoprime4303d ago

This is probably that Star Wars that was leak from a time ago.

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Slant Six Hiring Again, SW: Battlefront Online Still In Development?

A job listing hints that Slant Six are starting work on the speculated Star Wars: Battlefront Online, again.

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SpaceSquirrel5267d ago

A new Battlefront game for the ps360 would be great.

mjolliffe5267d ago

I've missed Battlefront so much! Would love this to materialise :)

NateNater5267d ago

I've actually never played Battlefront before. Is it good? I might have to try it out.

Sunny_D5267d ago

YES IT IS! Think of it as a 3rd person Battlefield or Warhawk set in the Star Wars universe. When a player is doing amazing in the game, they will get the chance to become a Jedi or Sith depending on what team you are on. When you become one, you can rape the puny armies. With force push, lightsaber throws, force lightning, force choke, and force run and jump! You can have Jedi vs Sith battles, space battles, vehicle battles, or normal army battles.

PoSTedUP5267d ago

battle front 2 was amazing, just like the movie attack of the clones with the huge battle scale. loved it. great with split screen, online, or just singleplayer. that game had it all.

Government Cheese5267d ago

I hope this is true, Damn, the last real battlefront came out over 4 and a half years ago.. all we've been getting is crappy handheld ones, I don't even have a PSP so I couldn't even play them

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kidnplay5267d ago

Battlefront keeps popping up at the mo. Played the original ages ago, and really liked it. Would love to see a new one happen.

TheColbertinator5267d ago

No! They ruined Socom.Stay the hell away from battlefront.

JRisburning5267d ago

Believing you and your satirical sarcasm.

Tiberium5267d ago

I don't see any sarcasm in his comment. Battlefront was amazing last gen. Too many franchises have been ruined this gen.

ExposingLames5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

What Colbert said is 100% fact.....ask any SOCOM fan and they will confirm it....go to and make a thread "Does Slant Six suck?" and you will see just how bad their developing actually is

Confrontation is still in beta stage...and thats no lie, we PAID to be beta testers as they fixed the game for over a year and never completing it before turning their back on it

pray this horrible developer gets canned from your game or project.....get a real developer or atleast hope for one

Kingdom Come5267d ago

Well, as much as it's likely cancelled completely, a part of me wishes, the Battlefront games are superb.

T9X695267d ago

Oh god no, Slant Six ruined SOCOM, now there going (maybe) to ruin Battlefront to? Any publisher with a brain in there head would not let Slant Six go anywhere near a console game, and just let them stick to there PSP crap.

morganfell5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

Just so we are clear, how did Slant Six ruin SOCOM?

peeps5267d ago

SOCOM Confrontation failed to capture what was great about socom + it was buggy as hell when released.

Jager5267d ago

Gears of War 2 screwed up what made Gears 1 great and was buggy when released. Game got a free pass, why?

arakouftaian5267d ago

This are bad developers and I still play the game ever since the beta
but the game most of he times give em blue balls and headdecks
that how buggy and full of errors this game it's and
the worse thing is that fanboys think that you or me are trolling
idiotas fanboys

ALFAxD_CENTAURO5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

Check all the videos from Blackwido88, you will see factual evidence why Socom Confrontation is bad.

It is weird that with the latest updates still with technical problems.

Good thing Zipper return with Socom 4. That's a good Socom.

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