
Kombo: Who's Really Leading In Originality?

Kombo writes: "Every so often I hear people talk about how they miss the days when Japan ran the game industry. I don't think they so much miss the days when Japanese developers were on top of the world as much as they miss the days when Japanese developers/publishers actually worked in large to promote creativity rather than just follow trends. Those days have faded. While many great games still come out of Japan, thanks mostly to their always shrinking console market and a lack of knowledge on how to revive it, Japanese publishers are now more determined to cater to American gaming stereotypes. Just take a look at the trailer for Quantum Theory, from Tecmo."

pippoppow5360d ago

While there are a few Devs (Quantum/ThatGameCompany/Team ICO etc)pushing creative and original games, many are just making HD versions of games released last gen.

All this West leading the way talk is only because the West is the biggest gaming market which is why good to great games catering to that market sell amazing. Sales doesn't equal quality argument but this time it's region vs region.


Video Game Rip-Offs That Are Hilariously Bad

Many developers try to copy great games and they often fail miserably. These are some video game rip-offs that are hilariously bad.

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senorfartcushion416d ago

Every battle royale and soulslike. Every cartoony live service game with dancing

banger88415d ago

Nah most of the Soulslike games turned out pretty good. Probably the only one I didn't much like was Immortal Unchained.


5 Generic Video Game Knockoffs

Many of the AAA out on the market today have garnered themselves millions of loyal fans and millions of dollars in revenue. But what if you can’t afford these $60 beauties, or perhaps are looking for something…different? These five video games are the generic store brands of the video game world. Just be warned — your mileage may vary.

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I Actually Played This — Quantum Theory

The author intentionally plays bad video games for your twisted amusement. Tonight's Episode: Quantum Theory.

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Goro3980d ago

I don't care what this guy think after he called Way of The Samurai 3 an awful game.

Bigpappy3979d ago

with Quantum Theory, I played the demo and was not impressed. I felt like they were trying to mix Gear of War with Lost Planet, and didn't do either very well. May be someone who never played either would have a blast with it though.

fOrlOnhOpe573979d ago

Yeah, I played the demo too but couldn't finish it....the thought of therapy was too much lol

SyphonELITE3979d ago

damn, i never even heard of this game til now

Yui_Suzumiya3979d ago

I followed this game forever until I finally came out. I got it and loved every bit of it. Originally supposed to be a PS3 exclusive. It got horrible reviews and I didn't understand any of them. They must've been playing a different game then me!

Spore_7773979d ago

Never played it, never will -_-