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Opinion: The Video Game Business Is Broken

While Epic's Mark Rein thinks that episodic gaming is a broken model, GameDaily's CEO and Publisher, thinks the entire gaming business is broken. This is part 2 of a 3-part series on the future of video games, what's not working and what the future may hold.

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gamerof3606584d ago long as there are gamers....the VIDEO GAMES WILL LIVE!! (wats that guy been smoking?) just kidding not really : )

THELANDSOFSAND6584d ago (Edited 6584d ago )

i think that episodic content is a natural progression of expansion packs. not all games will adopt this style, but with Live! constantly growing and a endless demand for new material, (Oblivion and COD2 could have easily adopted episodic content) I think all we are waiting for is a killer app to really show how episodic releases will work.

GTA4 anyone?

PS360PCROCKS6584d ago

this was a good read atleast.

ronin_oni6583d ago

Sorry but WE will never let games become just another trend as was once thought of games back in the 80's when the said market crashed. Our grandparents were known for their heroics in the 2 world wars, our parents we're known as hippies/ disco dancin' yuppies, let us be known as the ones who ushered in the digital era and embraced it as our own.


After Genshin's success, PlayStation is collecting games for PS5 like money-printing Infinity Stones

PlayStation has been snatching up gacha-driven action RPGs left and right ever since Genshin Impact became a seismic hit on the console (alongside mobile and PC), and the next gacha game dropping on PS5 is none other than Neverness to Everness - tongue-twisting name, I know, but you can just think of it as the 'anime GTA' one.

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Once Human Review – Survival Without an Entry Fee | MP1st

Once Human Review – A solid survival game without an entry fee, and worth diving into despite some fears regarding its longevity.

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Can't Get Up, Won't Get Up: Solving Puzzles as a Sleepy Slob in Exhausted Man

Now available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation and Switch, Exhausted Man comes to consoles, just after its PC launch.

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