
Naughty Dog, Double Fine To Present At GDC 2010

Today the Game Developers Conference organizers announced some of the lectures that will be held at GDC 2010. Uncharted developer Naughty Dog and Brutal Legend studio Double Fine Productions are among the companies
slated to give presentations.

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ssipmraw5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

what do you guys wish for more?
New Uncharted
or New IP?

edit: just for fun :D

PirateThom5305d ago

I wouldn't build your hopes for a new game, it's just a lecture.

Wolfie5305d ago

Crash Bandicoot remake :(

NATAL-FTW5305d ago

I want Sony to take back Grand Theft Auto, I prefer my 360 over my PS3 but GTA was held back by 360.

We still have to see if R* can take advantage of the CELL, hopefully they wont be ignorant and deny help form Sony's first party studios.

bjornbear5304d ago

to make a game like U2 for the PS3

lets hope some devs will be attending to take notes *cough*valve*cough*

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5304d ago
chak_5305d ago

Why is that article in PC section too?

proudly_X5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

Sony has done so much in creating new IPs, the industry was already getting saturated with the same old games, all in the name of sequels and prequels. My total respect goes to Sony for keeping the industry with innovation. Sony could have created just one game and market the hell out of it, as if it was the coming of Jesus, but Sony loyalty to fans requires diversification, so everyone could have something to play.
All the new IP's have been successful, and Heavy Rain is also creating a new genre in the industry.

Naughty Dog and Guerrilla games have put all the lazy Developers to shame.
i still entertain great hopes for Eight days.

CaptainMarvelQ85305d ago

not owned by ND anymore..that's why it went downhill and you wont see a remake

Xi5304d ago

like new tech they're planning on implementing or new production methods.

Bungie has some similar stuff they did at gdc09, they also organized some of the pages.

pretty cool stuff.

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The Most Famous Video Games Made By Only One Person

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franwex754d ago (Edited 754d ago )

Nice list.

I’ll add 9th Dawn III to that list. Great game made by one person.

Always Sometimes Monster is made by two people technically, but let’s do an honorable mention.

NecrumOddBoy754d ago

I’d add HABROXIA 1 & 2 on here as well. Berry does pixel wonders with the Game Maker engine.

754d ago Replies(1)
ABizzel1754d ago

Technically speaking Minecraft should have been on the list. But it's nice to see these single devs thrive.

Rebel_Scum754d ago

Some of these arent exactly “made by one man”

Looking at you Braid and Fez.

AmUnRa753d ago

Theyr is no game made by one man. Theyr is always a team of developers behind them.
However there is always someone who comes up with the idea of a game.
When i would give an example of one man with that idea for me its Hideo Kojima....

LabRat753d ago (Edited 753d ago )

No there are certainly games made by 1 person, start to finish. Maybe after it launches and becomes a big enough success the 1 person will reach out for help maintaining it or updating, but games have been made by 1 person.

Unless of course you are being insanely nit-picky and trying to claim "the engine they used was made by Unity" or "the assets they put in were made by someone else"

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