
1UP: Quantum Theory Preview

There was a time when Japanese developers would have scoffed at the idea of making a western-style shooter, but things have changed in recent years. Tecmo's new game, Quantum Theory, is the first over the shoulder third-person shooter to come from Japan. With a gravelly voiced protagonist named Syd, a control scheme straight out of Gears of War (no Resident Evil style tank controls here), and a script written and voiced exclusively in English, Quantum Theory is Tecmo's first big shot at re-opening a western market that has steadily been losing interest in Japanese games for several years.

Bodyboarder_VGamer5305d ago

Quantum was announced for the X360 and now suddenly we have many websites giving previews and showing new screen-shots ... mmmm, how strange. /conspiracy theory

PrinceJohnny5305d ago

Man that's the exact phrase that came to my head when I saw this..

I've been looking forward to Quantum Theory since its announcement, a year pass, hardly no previews, or anything... Now 360 gets its shine with a wonderful game in development, posts with 1UP previews all a sudden?

Sevir045305d ago

"While the shifting terrain and Filena techniques add a new wrinkle to the typical third-person style shooting, those mechanics weren't present in most of the demo I played, though the developers promise they will be used throughout the final product when the game is released for the PlayStation 3 in the spring of next year. AN XBOX 360 VERSION IS ASLO IN THE WORKS, BUT WILL BE RELEASED AT A LATER DATE."

that explains why the new trailer released with the announcement still has just the PS3 and the PSN logo exclusively.. which is great because it means they are focusing on one platform first then moving on to focus on the next when it's done..

Something tells me that the one for Xbox 360 will be something akin to Sigma Series on PS3... a somewhat comeplete and directors cut eddition.

raztad5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

I noticed that too. It's timed exclusive. Some new gameplay elements may be interesting as the dynamic shape shifting terrain that provides new cover (or remove them). The female companion provides more dynamism to the slow gears-like combat. I dislike the average visuals, I hope Tecmo can pull something better than that.

BTW Svir04. I'm waiting for you to spill the beans about what you saw at Insomniac party, some months ago :D


I dont know what you got, but I'm excited about R3. I'm expecting something big to be shown at VGA.

Sevir045305d ago

i'm not telling till they reel that trailer of epicness. ^^

PirateThom5305d ago

That's a tease! I hate you so much! :(


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senorfartcushion315d ago

Every battle royale and soulslike. Every cartoony live service game with dancing

banger88314d ago

Nah most of the Soulslike games turned out pretty good. Probably the only one I didn't much like was Immortal Unchained.


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Goro3879d ago

I don't care what this guy think after he called Way of The Samurai 3 an awful game.

Bigpappy3879d ago

with Quantum Theory, I played the demo and was not impressed. I felt like they were trying to mix Gear of War with Lost Planet, and didn't do either very well. May be someone who never played either would have a blast with it though.

fOrlOnhOpe573878d ago

Yeah, I played the demo too but couldn't finish it....the thought of therapy was too much lol

SyphonELITE3878d ago

damn, i never even heard of this game til now

Yui_Suzumiya3878d ago

I followed this game forever until I finally came out. I got it and loved every bit of it. Originally supposed to be a PS3 exclusive. It got horrible reviews and I didn't understand any of them. They must've been playing a different game then me!

Spore_7773878d ago

Never played it, never will -_-