
Level7 Review: FIFA Manager 10

Level7: One of my earliest memories was the real manager of the PC game Club Football: The Manager. It was sometime in the early 1990s, and I was a whelp barely higher than the five pixels high digital football ants I ruled with an iron fist over. It is in heat, I remember all that lo-fi charming pixelpillet I was doing well in school at night.

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FIFA Manager 10 Update Released

EA has released a large update for its sports sim FIFA Manager 10, now available for download.

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InsideGamer: FIFA Manager 10 Review

IG writes: "A leading football club to success is not an easy task. Take Real Madrid. Coach Manuel Pellegrini is the world's top players at his disposal, but gets his team but not playing football and see the bunch of overfed themselves with 4-0 stars and go under by a third grader. It is a scenario that in FIFA Manager 10 as soon not encounter."

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