Saints Row Multiplayer Hands-on

Forza Motorsport, Ratchet and Clank, Crash Bandicoot, Unreal, Call of Duty. What do all these games have in common? They're unoriginal. That's right. Each one is derivative of something else far more original than itself (remember those original games Gran Turismo, Sonic the Hedgehog, Castle Wolfenstein, and Medal of Honor?). How much does that matter if the is good and fun? Depends on who you ask, but many would say that despite their imitative nature, these games represent some of the best in their genre. That's the line of thinking that THQ and Volition are following with Saints Row.

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JPomper6587d ago

How is Forza Motorsport unoriginal? Because it's a racing sim? That is the only similarity it holds to GT4, buddy. It brought customization and tuning to a whole new level that no other simulator had accomplished before on a console.

It seems that you consider any game realesed in a genre to be merely a copy of it's predecessors in said genre.

You need to rethink some things.

BOOSTIN6587d ago

it sounded like they were a little harsh on this game. the didnt say it was bad but yet they werent raving about it. i may have to rent this game first for a test drive now..

Krimson6587d ago

If you read the first paragraph completely he says that while Forza and Call of Duty are "unoriginal" they represent the cream of the crop of their respective genres. He wasn't knocking Forza.

JPomper6587d ago

I was disagreeing with him calling games like Forza and Crash Bandicoot "unoriginal".

mikeeno76587d ago

I think nearly everyone underestimates Saint's Row. But i think Volition are onto a winner. Mark my words...


i think this title will sell consoles, if they advertise it properly

TheXgamerLive6587d ago

They only reviewed 4 levels of online game play, we dont know if there's more or not but where SR will really shine is it's single story game play. This is where some 80 hours or more of saved game play time will come into play, so to speak. This is where you'll rome free to play and find hidden items, rob, steel, whatever you want. I personally am buying it off the bat. I know this game will "ROCK"!!!

DixieNormS6587d ago

Hell yeah I been wanting to play that game online since then. So maybe now I will have the chance with SR coming. Sweet.

ernande6587d ago

It may look and play like GTA, but GTA has always been about humor. It's an extra element of fun.

Most of the GTA imitators take themselves way too seriously. We'll have to wait and see if Saint's Row can match GTA in the fun department...

THELANDSOFSAND6587d ago (Edited 6587d ago )

From what i have read this game has way sicker and funnier humor than GTA... there will be some controversy over Saints Row's content i believe... Marijuana is present in the game!



Saints Row - Where it All Began

Saints Row made its debut nearly 20 years ago, and while the game has aged its still worth playing on modern consoles.

banger88139d ago

Back when games had balls. Now they still have balls, but also lipstick and a dress.

kevco33138d ago

Or an angry purple streak in their hair to demonstrate they're a rebel.

SimpleSlave138d ago

And they claimed this place was one of the outhouses for Gamers™ and gamerGate Incels. Pfft! But look at bangerBro99's amazing display of Homo-eroticism. How far we've come.

So proud of you, bud. Now you go grab them balls and have all the fun. 👍


PhillyDonJawn138d ago

They should remaster the first 2.

1nsomniac138d ago

I think the first one was the best in the series by a long, long way!

Demetrius138d ago

🥲🥲 someone needs to buy this ip and watch dogs, give those franchises a proper treatment sheesh

TheColbertinator138d ago

First 3 games were great. Then 4, Gat out of Hell and the Reboot were flimsy in comparison. Aliens, demons and a weak reboot in terms of intensity made the games forgettable.

Profchaos138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

But even 3 ventured into rediculas territory with zombies and stag. Zombies in 3 to me was just a hey you know what's popular zombies let's do that

TheColbertinator137d ago

The endgame of 3 did get stupid but the game held together at the end. 4 was just annoying all the way through.

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Saints Row Is a Bittersweet Freebie for a Day on The Epic Games Store

Epic Games has just revealed the latest game made available for free for a day on the Epic Games Store, and it's Saints Row.

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Demetrius208d ago

Lmao wouldn't touch this mf rip off saints row if it was given to me, lmao I'm good still enjoying the real saints rows 1&2 someone should buy this ip n give it the real proper treatment

Gamingsince1981208d ago

I saw it was free and it still seemed over priced for what it was and didn't bother adding it to my library

RiseNShine208d ago

let the lesson be learnt, any more woke crap games will be sent to die, even more if they destroy a well loved franchise.

CobraKai208d ago Show
BlackOni207d ago

Contrary to your arbitrary argument, this game didn't fail due to "wokeness" lol.

phoenixwing208d ago (Edited 208d ago )

All I remember from this was I saw the news about how you can't make a well endowed female character and most of the settings don't help much with the female face. However they thought it was completely fine to let you make your character a toilet and went to great legnths to get it added. But yeah a dolled up female was out of the question.

HankHill208d ago

Attractive females are offensive in current year.

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Saints Row pulls off the second-biggest PS Plus game debut of 2023

The rebooted Saints Row on PS Plus has seen a huge influx of PS5 and PS4 players — enough to make it the second-biggest PS Plus Essential game debut of 2023.

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ChasterMies318d ago

They are tracking 3.2M PS5 players. They say the Saints Row's PS Plus debut player count fell 23.64% short of the Battlefield 2042 PS Plus debut.

shinoff2183318d ago

I downloaded it to try but I was never much of a Saint row fan to begin with. If they re released the older ones I'd probably try them to.

jeromeface318d ago

its sad we live in an time where people seek out retro software vs playing whats fresh and new

shinoff2183318d ago

Jeromeface that's funny as shit. I've complained tremendously about ff16 and you know what I get told

If you want turn based go play the older ones.

Anyway I play new shit all the time. Had a blast with star ocean 6, tails of arise, ys newest games. But I can do both. Play retro and new stuff. Sad thing is alot of new stuff I find whack atleast alot of the aaa games , I'm not a huge fan of shooters,online games, online shooters and gatcha games and that's alot of the shit shoveled out.

There's still plenty of dope stuff coming out though

Baldurs gate looks good
Got a dragon quest some year
As much as I bitch about cyberpunk I'm looking forward to that dlc(hope it ain't broke)

It's refreshing to have a mix.

CrimsonWing69317d ago


Um, that’s because the stuff from the SNES to PS3 era were way better than what we have now.

Publishers/Devs were willing to take risks and it wasn’t all about GaaS or monetization. Games felt like they were made with passion and not afraid to try things. Yea we started the whole DLC trend in 7th gen, but the most a season pass cost back then was $15.

The industry has really shifted and the whole trying to translate the mobile game model to consoles and all this talk about games being too expensive to make like a Baldur’s Gate 3 is depressing.

shinoff2183317d ago

Crimson looks like it's just me and you on that one. Alot of these most be people under 25 or something

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 317d ago
TallDarknWavy318d ago

I really liked 3, although part 4 tried to be a superhero game and it was just dumb as shit.
This game is also dumb as shit as the writing is peak poor, there are no jokes that I'm aware of as I never laughed once, and it's glitchy and disorganized AF. The story makes no sense, as it's typical campy "Oh hey we're doing crazy things like killing people etc." but everyone is somehow super chill about the mass murder as if it's nothing. This is common theme amongst today's trash woke writers.

Vengeance1138318d ago

Everyone downloading to see for themselves just how garbage the game actually is, then they'll play a few hours and delete forever lol

dumahim318d ago

I add everything to the library, but I'll never get to it. My Plus sub ends in Dec.

ravens52318d ago

Me too lol. Black Friday is the only chance of me renewing. But I have all the games from when ps5 came out. Soooooo many ps4 games and a bunch of ps3 ps+ games. All soon to be gone cause fuck that $80. I'll just buy what games I want.

InUrFoxHole318d ago

That's one of the best features. Adding to library without having to download it

318d ago Replies(7)
cammers1995318d ago

It was so bad it killed the developer.

318d ago
318d ago
318d ago
318d ago
Class_Viceroy318d ago

This is what most people do to even good games, including gamepass. Kind of funny when you think about it.

317d ago Replies(1)
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cammers1995318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

They're tracking just the ones who downloaded it not kept playing. These are people seeing if it's good.
How about report numbers of people who kept playing.

Saints row reboot was an embarrassment to the franchise and it killed the developer.

Elda318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

I played the entire game of SR & for me the gameplay experience wasn't bad especially for a PS+ game.

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