
IGN: Super Mario Kart Review

Where each of the N64, Cube and Wii installments of the series have focused on multiplayer, more characters and more crazy items, though, this SNES original keeps things simpler -- emphasizing, instead, the actual racing instead of the combat within each race. It's a different take on the same idea, which is interesting since it's the original take on that idea. So stick with the other Kart games if you want the multiplayer chaos, but come on back to this very first racing adventure with Mario and his crew. It's absolutely worth 800 of your Wii Points to re-experience, or to play for the very first time.

Presentation - 9.0
Graphics - 8.5
Sound - 9.0
Gameplay - 9.0
Lasting Appeal - 8.0
Overall -


4 Genre Defining Video Games

Yagmur Sevinc from NoobFeed writes - Sometimes the genre defines the game, but sometimes the game defines a genre, and it is beautiful.

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MIDGETonSTILTS17652d ago (Edited 652d ago )

My list:

1) Demon’s Souls - set a trend for Souls games
2) Amnesia - set trend for survival horror
3) Doom - set trend for arcade FPS’
4) Arkham Asylum - set trend for OW combat
5) Hitman 2 - set standards for sandbox levels
6) MGS1 - set trend for stealth mechanics
7) LoU - set trend for games not necessarily being “fun”, and for (trying to) eliminating ludonarrative dissonance from the violence in a game’s story.
8) Death Stranding: likely to be the only game in the “strand” genre ever. I love it, especially with the Dualsense, but it’s hella niche.

651d ago Replies(1)

Top 10 Worst Mario Kart Streets To Live On

Zipping around on a kart and throwing shells at other road users might sound fun, but spare a thought for the people who have to live next to it. Game Luster’s Nirav Gandhi brings us ten Mario Kart Streets you will be glad you don't live on.

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Mario's first kart racer - Super Mario Kart: SNES Racing That's Still Fun

"Super Mario Kart was the first Mario Kart game which is a series that still sells millions of copies so let's see how it holds up today." - Alex Legard from Video Chums

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