
Edge - Time Extend: The Nomad Soul

Edge writes: "It was during David Bowie's self-awarded year off that Quantic Dream – "a couple of French charmers and an Irishman," as he would later remember – requested his knack for reinvention be applied to their videogame. Conceptually, The Nomad Soul might have seemed a statement of the obvious, that the lot of gamers is to wander nomadically from one imagined universe to the next, from one character incarnation to another. But the journey through Omikron, the thought-policed, decadent hive, criticised widely for its mechanical infrastructure, was anything but familiar."

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Quantic Dream Game Starring David Bowie Trends Amid Omicron

Did David Cage, Quantic Dreams and rock icon David Bowie predict the omicron variant? Some people seem to think so.

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ApocalypseShadow1021d ago

Lol. Ridiculous.

Humans can be amazing sometimes. The other times they can be very stupid to believe nonsense.

Love the game though. Still got it on Dreamcast.

1nsomniac1020d ago (Edited 1020d ago )

Billions of people all over the world believe in the bible. Why should this be any different?

SurgicalMenace1020d ago

And amongst those billions are many who find more fulfillment than those who don't. So what's your point?🤷🏾‍♂️

ApocalypseShadow1020d ago (Edited 1020d ago )

Here's a twist for you: there are people who believe in the Bible and science. Very intelligent people because you can't have something come from nothing. Then, bang. You exist. You must believe in the Steven Hawking "rocks bouncing around theory." Or that we won the cosmic lottery. Why did the bang or bangs just stop? They should still be happening in space that we could detect. But I'm not going to get into it with someone that has supported rumors and lies in gaming and called on it multiple times. Since I wasn't there during creation of all this, I couldn't tell you myself. It would be over reach.

For these internet people to bring up an old game like Nomad Soul because it has Omicron in it is like telling everyone that a grapefruit is a grape because it has the word, "GRAPE" in it. That's really scientific./s

We could pull thousands of media and say it predicted something or life imitating art. It's best to not read into it.

1nsomniac1020d ago

It’s just another form of media that “published” a form of story that people are linking to real events.

People cling on to silly things because they feel they need it. It’s just what people do. Always have done, always will. But you can’t think one’s daft and not the other.

1nsomniac1020d ago

@SurgicalMenace those people that think they find enlightenment over others also CHOOSE to ignore that we know the bible was at least rewritten by the Catholic Church at least once. We also know that it was rewritten by the Nazis and if they had won the war they would have replaced the current version with their own. Showing how easy it is to do so…. But I digress…

hoodrat1018d ago

@1nsomniac even the most edgy basement atheist's grow out of the phase where they need to call everyone who isn't an atheist dumb. Why not you?

1nsomniac1017d ago (Edited 1017d ago )

Oooo edgy basement atheist called out for stating confirmable facts…

Calm down dear, don’t get upset. I actually agree with ApocolypseShadow to an extent. I believe in some form of creator, because realistically it is the only logical explanation. However of course I don’t believe in the bible because the very notion of it is less believable than having a god itself. It’s ridiculous beyond any sense of intellect.

Believing in god although not provable is understandable. Believing in a book surviving in full in all of its original text and readable in full by a language that didn’t exist. All while being present for the entire duration by humans with their destructive, manipulative ways, Is beyond retarded.

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Magog1020d ago

I remember reading the previews for this game and being excited and then it came out. Oof. No wonder Quantic Dream gave up on gameplay and made interactive movies instead.

mastershredder1020d ago

"I’ll just leave that right here..." otherwise known as, I never research shit and fire off the cuff and assume. Yawn.

Fonsecap1019d ago

The the Greek alphabet is so cool that one letter can became a name of something, a videogame and a deadly vírus, omicron, or a test version of a game, beta, or a pre build of a game, alpha, a cluster in mass effect like rho.


The amazing stories of a man you've never heard of

Phil Campbell discusses his work on numerous projects, from Tomb Raider to Beyond: Two Souls, and working with Brando and Bowie on The Godfather and Omikron: The Nomad Soul respectively.

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1710d ago
strayanalog1710d ago

Here's a bit more on Brando from Campbell that was left out due to lack of time:

"I had been sitting just letting him get on with performing," Campbell said, "and maybe I should have stepped in sooner. It wasn't until he actually encouraged me to step in, with something like, 'If it's s*!t, say "Marlon, that was s*!t - do it again!",' that I did. I never told him his reading was s*!t, though!

"By the end of the session we we getting on famously!" he added. "He told me what a 'nice fella' I was and we talked casually about a few things, including playing the Bongo drums!

"Early on, I had asked him about the legend of pushing Kleenex into his cheeks to get the voice and he told me to not believe everything I read. Later on, of course, he actually did that during our recording - he pushed Kleenex into his cheeks to try to once again achieve 'the voice'! Unfortunately, it tended to actually make the sound of the lines more muddy and incomprehensible.

"Based on what he said on the tapes, Marlon Brando really enjoyed the process, and performed the script without any disputes or opinion!!!

"Ultimately, I feel proud and humbled to have written Marlon Brando's final script - and to have been sole witness to his final performance."

Sonnie3r1709d ago

He told me what a 'nice fella' I was and we talked casually about a few things https://www.yourtexasbenefi...

RabbitFly1709d ago

Now that is writing. And just as my hope that there ever could be any real journalism in games media was dwindling away. Recommended read to everyone. The piece itself is interesting and entertaining. But at the very least this should be reference for People as to how good a gaming related article can be.


Big French Games Sale is Live on GOG

Get over 100 games for a cheap price before July 16

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LuzCB19871900d ago

That's a lot of discount. Thanks.

1900d ago