
VG Reloaded: Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures Review (XBLA)

They may be quite easy games to breeze through, but there are hidden things in each episode that only devoted fans and achievement whores will locate. Others will simply overlook the fact that there's a hidden cheese on each instalment or that there are relics from Wallace and Gromit's films in each episode like a bag of bread from A Matter of Loaf and Death. The only complaint I can possibly see with the games coming to XBLA is the way it has been packaged.

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How Telltale Games breathed new life into the adventure genre

‘Adventure games have been through quite a transition over the past 2 decades. Like so many genres throughout the noughties the humble adventure game struggled for relevance and attention. It failed to evolve and change to meet the tastes of a rapidly developing audience. Fortunately the genre has experienced a resurgence in success and interest over the last 4 years, and this recovery in large part can be attributed to the output of a single developer; Telltale Games.’

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tsmith1453381d ago

I love basically every games telltale have bought out, their story telling can only be beaten by naughty dog imo.


Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Adventures disappears

If you wanted to check out Telltale Games' earlier works, time has run out. The studio's version of Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, first published in 2009, has been pulled from all digital retailers as the distribution agreement with Aardman Studios expires.

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The Humble Weekly Sale includes Telltale’s The Walking Dead

Ryan from OnlySP writes:

"The Humble Indie Bundle is in full swing, already selling over 245,000 copies at the time of writing, however the company has also got a new Humble Weekly Sale which, this week, includes a selection of Telltale Games titles, including all 5 episodes of OnlySP’s 2012 Game Of The Year, The Walking Dead."