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More on XBox Live Bans, HDD Crippling, Possible Ban Causes

Reports now indicate that the fresh wave of Microsoft bans on modified consoles has resulted in systems not only being banned from XBox Live, but also removing the ability to install games to the HDD, forbidding the use of Windows Media Centre extender, and not allowing the retrieval of achievements from backups without corrupting profiles.

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ZombieAutopsy5333d ago

that sucks, glad i dont pirate.

CptBach5333d ago

People will start selling Banned X360 consoles

People are gonna get screwed.. Nothing new from MS

StanLee5332d ago

If you choose to have a modded console and pirate games, you deserve whatever punishment you get. I'm not going to feel sorry for these persons.

Montrealien5332d ago

good job basha, Pirates are douches and a pain for our beloved industry and as MS fights back, they are still to blame.


meepmoopmeep5332d ago (Edited 5332d ago )


Do you sell used games at your store?
the industry loses to that as well

Montrealien5332d ago (Edited 5332d ago )

wow, that being said, the used car business hurts the car industry also right?

enlighten me, how exactly does selling used games hurt the industry? I really want yoyu to explain it to me. And I`ll remember your explenation when I have 150 people standing outside my store tonight for Call of Duty modern warfare 2, most of them trading in games to get it.

There is no margin in selling only new stuff, its impossible to have a only new games store and pay the bills, its always been like this. Have you ever walked the streets of Tokyo for games? yeah, the used game market is hurting the industry, gogo internetz logic.

edit: just a little detail of the business meepboop, and I have a busy store in Montreal. For Call of duty 4 we bought around 40k of stock alone for a return of maybe 6k, that`s if we sell it all. I mean, its all cool and hip to be against the man online but at the end of the day a store like ours is a business that is in the real world and there is simply no way in hell we can run a succesful business in this industry if we did not sell used games or rent them for that matter. You want us to dissapear and you just order your games magicaly online from wharehouses, fine, but for me and many like myself, I still prefer actually going to a store, chatting with people and finding rare gems in the flesh that I can hold in my hands. If I want that kind of business to still work it will be by selling used games, and as long as our business model works, it is GOOD for the industry cause if our stores close down, it is BAD for the indusrty.

ffs, instead of staying on topic and really talking out about the pirates that are truly bad for the industry you dare attacked us? you are wrong man just plain wrong.

/end rant, sorry guys I am wired on caffein and its the calm before the storm of a big midnight event here.

Greywulf5332d ago

hmm, holidays are coming up.

sbstncstllo5332d ago

I used to be a PS fanboy untill I played Gears of War 1 on my brother's xbox, as I became addicted to it I bought myself an xbox 360 and the game.
Unfortunately the gears of war DVD would work for 1-3 months only then I'll get the can't read disk error.
I ended up buying Gears of War 3 times, when Gears of War 2 came out I was very busy playing Gears1 on the computer (loved using keyboard and mouse on my favorite game).
So I didn't rush in to buy Gears2 especially because alot of my friends said that it was nothing like gears1 etc etc.
When the pc community for gears1 was almost dead, I went ahead and bought gears2 for xbox 360.
At that time they did not have the option for the HD install (could be wrong) at least I wasn't aware of it.
So one day I was browsing through the ads on my local craigslist and saw and ad for flashing xbox's to ixtreme firmware for only $25 and I called the guy and had him flash my xbox, I believe was ixtreme 1.5 or 1.4 can't remeber... anyways I ended up never making a backup of the original gears of war 2 game as I traded to gamestop a few days after I beat the campaign because I really HATED the multiplayer compared to the first gears.
So I read somewhere about the abgx360 and the new 3/4th wave games... and decided to update de firmware to 1.6 like 2 weeks ago and even though I haven't played a single backup in the 3-4 years old xbox I was banned from live yesterday.
I know I broke the TOS agreement when I decided to mod my xbox but, I still think that there should be a legal way to make AND play your legitimate backups!!

IdleLeeSiuLung5332d ago (Edited 5332d ago )

I'm not denying you didn't have the problem, but your experience is likely in the minority. Probably more common than issues on the PS3, but far from the majority.

If you modified your Xbox 360, you broke the agreement. If you have a beef with a game that the console broke, and it is a faulty design you are free to sue them or complain online.

There is no other country in the world, where suing is like a lottery in the US. There is no repercussion if you loose, unfortunately.


Pirates are parasites and threaten the industry and the people that work in it. In the end of the day, game developers are just people that expect a paycheck at the end of the month.

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YLOD Service Tech5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

Ban those pirates!

4point7BillionLoss5333d ago

exactly $4.7 billion in the last year

komp5333d ago

When a big game comes out MS bans modified XBOX's. Default action.

If these banned people foolishly purchase a new one they are doing themselves an injustice.

If MS ban you then buy a PS3 instead. Achievements from modded xbox are no longer going to work so why bother. Move to the future before it leaves you behind.

Bereaver5333d ago

Most of Microsofts 360 sales are from people not wanting to repair their 360 and buy a new one. And now they are going to get more sales because the 360 they had was banned. Lol, man those bots that did this are stupid. No, not all 360 fan's are bots. Just the stupid ones.

_hiphopgamer_5332d ago

you are missing the point of modded 360's. People dont want to pay for games, how the hell are suppose to burn a Blue Ray disk?

kikicub5332d ago (Edited 5332d ago )

Man, YOU are missing the point. I don't want to pay for a Ferrari, should I go out and steal it?

I'm not too crazy about MS, but they're doing the right thing.

DelbertGrady5332d ago

If I wanted a PS3 I would have gotten one already. If I was a pirate and my 360 was banned I would rather get a new 360 and play it safe. I chose it in the first place because I prefer it's games, online, controller etc over the PS3's.

Kushan5332d ago

With a Blu-ray burner? You know, they do exist. Sure, the disks aren't cheap but back in the PS2 days, neither were DVDs and that didn't stop those pirates.
Same goes for the PS1 days. Even if it works out only $5 cheaper per game, enough people will want to pirate stuff.

PirateThom5332d ago

And, even then, having a Blu-ray burner is useless, since only debug PS3s will run burned game discs.

CptBach5332d ago

Back when I had a PS2 the first thing I did is mod it..
In my home country everybody does that...
you buy any game for 3$ instead of 60$

Sony did the right move with the PS3
Piracy free!

ReBurn5332d ago

Piracy free so far. When it's cost-effective to pirate the pirates will figure out how to do it. I guess the answer is to use technology that is too expensive to be worth it to the average pirate. You may also prevent some paying customers from buying your product, but sooner or later you'll get the price down enough for people to catch up.

It's only a matter of time before someone cost-effectively mods a PS3. I doubt Sony is the only company to ever figure out how to prevent it. If they did then PS3 revenues would be chump-change compared to the money they'd be making in the IP security biz.

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Troll_Police5333d ago

This is all a sad attempt by M$ to get these people to buy new 360s because the PS3 is outselling the 360 now and will continue to from now on. They suddenly want to ban everyone all of a sudden when the 360 is being outsold by the PS3. Nice try M$, but even if they buy new 360s the PS3 will still outsell the 360.

Salvadore5333d ago

"This is all a sad attempt by M$ to get these people to buy new 360s because the PS3 is outselling the 360 now and will continue to from now on."

You have got you be kidding me?

Troll_Police5333d ago

Why now? Piracy has been a problem on the Xbox for years and M$ turned a blind eye up until now. Why?

ps360master5333d ago

dude my 4 year old cousin is smarter than should just stop trolling

v1c1ous5333d ago

to say what you just said

5333d ago
5333d ago
5333d ago
siyrobbo5332d ago

@ Troll_Police

Ms have been banning 360's this time of the year every year since 2007, its nothing new. Only this time theyseem to be going for it, banning everyone and crippling there 360's

Its about time they did something

now they just need to disable modded controllers

Montrealien5332d ago

Time for a new account Troll_Police.

May I suggest Fail_Police?

Baka-akaB5332d ago (Edited 5332d ago )

What is there to explain ? you are just silly here .

Once you follow the proper procedures and dont act like a moron , 360 piracy is easy , but it's still a chore . you have to deal with various hardware , especially dvd drives , and constantly be on the outlook for firmware updates , new protections and verifying your iso is safe online .

Microsoft never turned a blind eye to piracy , and this hardly even stop . It's the usual banhammer only far harsher this time .

Like the stupid MW2 player pretending they got a copie from he broken street date , and getting caught for using hacked copies too early or unverified .

360 piracy was hardly open , the door were forced with a roundhouse kick , and contrary to popular believes microsoft fight it , especially when every dlc is available for free to pirates ... they have just been their usual incompetent self , like on PC .

Anyone thinking they benefits from from having their console so cracked open people dont even have to hide offline is deluded at best .

PS : I'm just informed , as know people like everyone else . I even actually considered doing it , since my sole games on 360 are a few jrps and solo stuff .

But given that i'm a huge jrpgs fan, and remember the dire era when japanese devs wouldnt bother translating any non high profile jrpg or obscure japanese games , i refuse to , and support the us-eu versions .

But i'd be more tempted if i care for the big fps guns such as halo or cod like many others . Especially when activision jerks announces proudly more COD MW players than copies actually sold .

_hiphopgamer_5332d ago

LOL...I hope for your sake you were joking.

Are you really that ignorant to believe what you wrote and still have the b@lls to argue your point.

lsujester5332d ago (Edited 5332d ago )

There IS reason they do the banning this time of year... they have their heavyweight games out. They've likely been sitting on many of these names for months now, just waiting for this time. Been playing ODST and looking forward to MW2... then bam, you're banned. The only way to get that game you've been playing or wanting is to buy a new console. Even if you mod it again and get a copied version, they still just sold you another 360.

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-epidemic-5333d ago

Ps3 news site giving 360

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Alan Wake 2: Night Springs DLC Review | redabble.

Just when you thought you had escaped the tenebrous fever dream of Bright Falls and its haunted woods, the new “Night Springs” downloadable expansion for Alan Wake 2 pulls you back...

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1nsomniac2d ago

WOW! What an incredible amount of words to say so little.

A bizarre, verbal onslaught "review" that tries so hard to be eloquently whimsical in its writing to cover the fact it doesn't really contain any content. Other than the self explanatory and rehashing what we already know...

Someone's either trying really hard to impress someone at the office or this was written by AI.. Tone it down a bit, It'll give people less of a headache.


Why Metal Gear Solid 3 is the Best Prequel Ever Made

With Metal Gear Solid Delta on its way, we look back to see how the original Snake Eater is the foundation on which the entire Metal Gear series is built and is without doubt the greatest prequel ever made.

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Community1d 8h ago
just_looken1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

The fact you can kill the end by either changing your console clock or my way when he is on the dock is such a cool Easter egg.

My video/play through i time coded the part of end getting killed at the dock

The river scene with ocelot's dad will also change depending on your kill count

So many things that can change on each playthrough

Oh also the iconic ladder scene always a classic

just_looken1d 6h ago

wait are people upset i gave out spoilers on a 20 year old ps2 game?

Like for real this was on top of alot of charts for sales with so many different versions

SimpleDad1d 6h ago

There are many people (new) that didn't experience the game dude.

just_looken1d 6h ago

It's 20 years old man these new "gamers" are weak

No one here ever turn on a history channel or go to school there are scary spoilers there too.

Getting hate for talking about a 20year old game on a comment section with a article that talks about the 20year old game with spoilers in the article

" original Snake, aka Big Boss, whose DNA was used to create the clones Solid, Liquid and Solidus"

Quick call 911 IGN spoiled the game

Chard1d 4h ago

Wait til he realises there are people born years after MGS3 released who are now getting into mature gaming

just_looken1d 3h ago


I was watching robocop before i grew chest hair are you seriously saying people only play M rated games after they turn 17?

Chard1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

That’s not what I’m saying at all.
Im referring to the weird conclusion you jumped to, which is that anyone who hasn’t played MGS3 by now took too long and are also weak for being bothered by spoilers this long after the original release.

Plenty of people without chest hair will try this remake as their first exposure to MGS3. It’s not somebody’s fault or weakness if they were born in 2010 and had better things to do than play MGS3 prior to this remake. The world doesn’t revolve around you

Aphrodia15h ago

And no one who hasn't played this game yet will know what the hell he's referring too. sensitive, delicate, snowflake.....

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Inverno1d 6h ago

Have an agree, if people haven't bothered playing a 20 year old game and get mad at spoilers then they should stay out of enthusiast posts.

just_looken1d 3h ago

Right and this article has series/game spoilers

Yui_Suzumiya1d 5h ago

I'll call the WHAMBULANCE for the down voters, lol

just_looken1d 3h ago

Right? like wow perhaps i should post about the gta 3 story in the next article get hate there for spoiling that game.

SimpleDad1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

You really are something. Not only does a world turn around you, but you also are sensitive to 5 dislikes.
Who is weak now?
All remakes are done to bring in a new audience and make new money.
Why would you spoil a game or any kind of media for whatever reason If You experienced it?

Ohhh for your Youtube channel... there it is.

Jesus... imagine if someone commented your gameplay. Badly...

My boys will experience this remake for the first time.

just_looken1d 3h ago

1. Its not the dislikes its many post's on this site and other's always the haters or like you mad about spoilers on old old games.

2. My youtube channel is older that most "gamers" today i lost alot of vids do too youtube bots and yourself has no proof even playing any of the games so go ahead post away on stuff you have no idea how to play.

3. My header is real i used to make a few k or more a month or more with mahcinima when bf/gta/halo/world of tanks were in there prime.Now there is just few vids here there

MeteorPanda1d 3h ago

love it.

Just remember while this game came out years ago, theres a whole generation f gamers who would have never played it. it wasn't current for them.

So the remasters are aimed at bringing in new fans of the franchise, posting these may spoil it for some.

just_looken1d 3h ago

The article literally has spoilers in it who the boss's kid is the eva relationship and entire series information you only get by playing the games.

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VersusDMC1d 6h ago

Personally DMC3 is my favorite prequel. MGS3 is top 3 though next to Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

Kinda surprised Red Dead 2 isn't IGN's pick for best prequel.

just_looken1d 6h ago

Its red dead revolver red dead redemption red dead redemption 2

I am still waiting for a way to turn off kingdom hearts looping music but the collection is cheap on amazon for those wanting 2 play the games.

franwex1d 5h ago

My favorite prequel is Yoshi’s Island.

Yui_Suzumiya1d 5h ago

Dan Salvato's favorite game to speed run

purple10111h ago

thats a real gamer there, someone who plays a hack'n'slash, a stealth, and an aRPG. * claps hands *

Yui_Suzumiya1d 5h ago

Definitely not arguing that 😁

mastershredder1d 2h ago

Ever? So much nopes to this. Also, IGN licks feat for $.

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Tango Gameworks employee shares pictures from the Xbox studio's final day

The Evil Within, Ghostwire: Tokyo and Hi-Fi Rush studio has closed its doors.

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Einhander19721d 14h ago

This shouldn't have happened.

Who's next..

JEECE1d 14h ago

Ninja Theory, most likely.

tay87011d 11h ago

Ninja theory. Others will follow as well. The smaller studios MS owns should all be worried. Maybe MS will try and release some of their games day and date on ps5 to save some of these studios.

jznrpg1d 7h ago

I can see Ninja Theory. At least Tango made a game that was reviewed well. Ninja Theory spent a lot of years to release a tech demo that didn’t do well at all.

repsahj1d 4h ago

I get it that Hellblade 2 is a boring game, but I hope they are not the next to be closed.

ABizzel119h ago


Ninja Theory is likely on the chopping block too. They released Bleeding Edge which bombed, took 4 years to release Hellbalde 2 which doesn’t seem to be doing well, and still have Project Mara in limbo. They’re high on the chopping block.

MS was likely expecting their God of War / Uncharted quality game from NT based on Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, DmC, and to an extent Hellblade 1, but NT hasn’t delivered since Hellblade 1 which was 7 years ago.

Sonic188117h ago

And Obsidian after Avowed releases

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Petebloodyonion1d 13h ago

I rarely agree with you but on this I do!

PRIMORDUS1d 11h ago

3 trillion MS is worth, yet they do this, well Phil the shit bag did. No studio needed to be let go, when you are worth this much.

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anast1d 13h ago

Sad, but I see characters and posters of either less than average or barely average games.

LoveSpuds1d 12h ago

Have to disagree here duder, with respect. Evil Within was a good game and the sequel was fantastic, as was HiFi Rush. I'd concede Ghostwire was pretty average but regardless, shuttering a studio which just put out MS best game in donkeys years was complete shithousery on XBox' part.

Einhander19721d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

Microsoft paid 8B to buy Zenimax then fired well over 1000 people from Zenimax between the time they closed the deal and they announced these shut downs.

People talk about the 1900 they fired most recently, but that was only one wave of three sets of layoffs from their gaming division so far this generation totalling around 5000 people this generation. Not counting the dozen plus studios they canned last gen including Lionhead the original Fable developers.

anast1d 10h ago

By every real metric HiFi was an average game. I don't see an Evil within poster in the thumb, which is a shame, because if they threw their weight behind that IP, they might have still been around.

LoveSpuds1d 9h ago

I don't understand how you can say it was average in every metric when it garnered the reviews it did?

romulus231d 8h ago

Hi-FI Rush sits at an 87 on Meta with an 8.8 User Score. By every real metric that matters it's better than average and it's definitely a game made by a studio that should not have been shut down.

Fonsecap1d 12h ago

Working people paying the price for leadership bad decisions, so unfair...

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