Kotaku: Bonk: Brink of Extinction Preview: Bringing Back Baldness

Kotaku writes: "I have an enormous soft spot for Bonk because his game was synonymous with "the cool babysitter is coming over tonight and he's bringing his Nintendo." How could a kid resist?

My fondness for baldness has faded since that idyllic time (thanks, puberty) and I no longer need a babysitter to supply my Nintendo fix. However, that feeling of being young and unreasonably anxious about jumping puzzles we gamers call nostalgia never gets old when you see a classic game resurrected on the consoles of today."


More Footage And Details Emerge For The Cancelled Bonk: Brink Of Extinction

Bonk is one of video gaming's most unlikely mascots. Originally named PC Kid and seen as the PC Engine's lead character in Japan, he was renamed Bonk when that console was released in North America as the TurboGrafx-16. New footage has now appeared of the game in action, and it's surprisingly polished for an unreleased project.

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A beef history of meat in games

Meat is the most valuable natural resource on Earth. We put it in our bodies and convert it into energy to do very important things. All of our best friends are made out of it and our skeletons live inside of it. Some of the first creative acts committed by humans, neolithic cave paintings, were depictions of the hunt and the animal to be consumed.

We are still addressing meat now in the current dominant medium, the video game. Let’s unpack some of the ways that popular gaming has used meat and take a look how it has been utilized through the lens of some more obscure titles.

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Check out a playthrough of the unreleased Wii, PS3, and 360 Bonk game


Once upon a time, where was a Bonk game planned for WiiWare, XBLA and the PSN called Bonk: Brink of Extinction. Hudson Soft decided to scrap development when the 2011 earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, presumably because the game actually involved a natural disaster.

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XiSasukeUchiha3791d ago

Bring this out! Bring this out!!!

prodg523791d ago

I'd buy this along with a new Adventure Island game as well.

darthv723791d ago

Well, things like this happen. Out of respect for the natural disaster that struck...the game gets canned. Similar thing happend to propeller arena on the dreamcast. Out of respect for 9/11 the game was canned as well.

Now what I find odd about this vid is why the camera is so far back from the screen. Zoom can be your friend if you are trying to show off the onscreen action.

Relientk773791d ago

and this looks great

wish they didnt cancel this

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