
Assassin's Creed 2 graphics rival Real-Life

Ubisoft has released images showing how accurate the developers have transfered famous buildings from the italian renaissance into the game.

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nix5356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

i don't know why the shots look really underwhelming. i think we've seen better. UC2 to be the latest one. being one of the high profile game, and considering it's a sequel, i was expecting blow-me-away graphics.

plus.. why so dull? it makes it look as if Europe was always gloomy in those days.

Noctis Aftermath5356d ago

No it doesn't, no doubt it looks pretty good, but to say it rivals real life? the author really needs to get outside more.

I will never buy this game anyway, got the first cheap and still wish i hadn't, one of the worst games i've played in years.

Xbox Avatars Shoe5356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

The only good looking comparison was the first one, while the rest were either bad or absolutely pitiful!

KillZone 2 rivals real-life; Assassin's Creed 2 does not.

Is this guy gonna write a new article about how MW2's graphics are better than Uncharted 2's or something...

Aquarius5356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

The getaway 3 rivals real-life and I can't wait for a release date:
(not to mention all the other PS3 exclusives)

thank god eyepet is out, so they continue their work again...

Zack Sawyer5356d ago

Lol, I dont know what game you have been playing, Killzone 2 has great graphics but dont come near to real life especially seeing how different a planet Helghan is to Earth.

Raf1k15356d ago

These images were taken a large distance away from any of the actual buildings. Medium and even low resolution textures can look quite detailed from a distance.

Having said that the game looks great for such an open world game and I think Ubi are talented enough to make it something amazing.

Xbox Avatars Shoe5356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

If KZ2 doesn't look close to real, what does that say about Assassin's Creed 2's realism?

The Magnum is KZ2 looks VERY close to real and so does the assault rifle. There are many other things in KZ2 that look close to real too.

This is a picture from an unfinished build of KZ2 and you're trying to tell me this Assault rifle does NOT look close to real? In the final build it looks better but even in this early-build pic it looks very close to real:


The bodies don't look great in the earlier builds but the guns look fantastic! And yes, that is an early build even though the screenshot doesn't say "Preview Build".

Zack Sawyer5356d ago

I think your missing my point, you can compare how AC2 looks to real-life because the elements within the game exist in real life, buildings, clothes, weapons.

But Killzone 2 is only based on real life, so I cant tell you how close those weapons look to real because they dont exist.

When I play the game there is nothing in it where I can look at it and say Wow that looks just like it does in real life. Apart from the nuke because that was amazing and pulled from a real explosion.

Killzone 2 is one of the most amazing looking games out there but because of the art design used it will look nothing like real life.

Sarcasm5356d ago

Assassin's Creed to rivals real life Video Games.


Nihilism5356d ago

Assassins creed sucks, the most monotonous game ever made, generic setting, generic gameplay :fail.

I have no idea how it sold as many copies as it did

PrimordialSoupBase5356d ago

Yeah, because a VIDEOGAME can RIVAL real life. Honestly, get a grip on what reality means.

Foliage5356d ago

It's no Uncharted 2, that's for sure.

frostypants5356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

@1.1, I'll tell you why they're underwhelming. It's because of the color saturation, or lack thereof. Why is everything so brown and gray? I'm pretty sure old Venice was bright and colorful, especially since back then all the art and construction was new. Instead, they made everything look more drab than it even does today in real life (after centuries of wear-and-tear). It's as if they ran the amusing "Next-Gen Filter" option that ND put in the Uncharted games, except instead of it being a joke they actually did it intentionally.


@1.10: No joke. It was one of the first games I got for my PS3. I got bored within 2 hours, and it's been sitting there unfinished on the shelf waiting for me to have nothing better to do for 2 years now. Too bad it's not even worth selling.

zeeshan5355d ago

Not really nopes! Sorry, not happening!

sikbeta5355d ago

How they can say: "Assassin's Creed 2 graphics rival Real-Life" because of developers transfered the Italian buildings into the game, has no sense, what they're going to put, the Eiffel Tower, they have to make the buildings similar, and they can't rival real-life

Jake11115355d ago

Lets see it when it is moving.... That is when the game either looks good or bad! :)

Shepherd 2145355d ago

are you blind? those screenshots look really, really good. Why does everyone think uncharted 2 has the best graphics ever? Fanboy goggles? Sites like IGN or Gamespot definitely were not flabbergasted by Uncharted 2's graphics either, i think its just an N4G circle jerk thing to say that uncharted 2's graphics beat everything else, because i dont see a big difference between Uncharted 2 and say, MGS4.

raztad5355d ago


If you dont see any difference between MGS4 and UC2 then you are the one with
fanboy's googles on or probably you are still playing on a Standard Definition TV.

I agree that those visuals are pretty good (or at least they seem pretty good in screen grabs), I want a demo to see how they look on my TV. No need to compare with UC2 though, AC2 is a open world game, UC2 is not.

Shepherd 2145355d ago

mgs4 is a sub-HD game, and its still very similar to UC2 in screenshots. None of the moajor review sites praised the graphics as much as the people on this site do. Actually, no one ANY where else praises UC2 graphics as much as this site. Its funny, its like an imaginary world or something. UC2 looks great dont get me wrong, but damn guys...

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 5355d ago
hay5356d ago

My eyes are but damn, not that much. It's well made but it's still a bit far from it.

hakis865356d ago

This made me laugh - great article :)
But No, it's nowhere close to "rival real-life" haha *lol again*

Sarcasm5356d ago

They must have not eaten a lot of carrots as children.

Delta5356d ago

Yea UC2 is great looking. No doubt it.

PlayStation X5356d ago

bu..bu..bu but uncharted looks better than ac2

still looks quality tho

Doc Sony5356d ago

haha Rising, you're such a lame bot that you have to talk big about multiplatforms. Where a your damn exclusives ???

Surfman5355d ago

ok because this website says that AC2 rivals real life, it means that its better than UC2? No its not. Even if this dude wanted to say that its better than UC2, he would be wrong. And like a child, you believe him.

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Swiftfox5356d ago

There was no denying Assassin's Creed's graphical prowess and it's beautifully crafted cityscapes.

The shallow, repetitive gameplay was what tarnished the first installment. The second looks to improve but I don't believe the graphics were ever an issue, and historical accuracy in regards to the cities was breath taking. It was one of my favorite aspects of Assassin's Creed.

Sarcasm5356d ago


The underlying story was also interesting, but not interesting enough to do the same crap for 10 more hours.

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thorstein303d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


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dumahim317d ago

Thanks for the warning. I sure would have hated to have been surprised by installing a ubisoft game on accident.

Profchaos317d ago

Because you can't play all the games on every subscription already

KillBill316d ago

Valhalla is not on GamePass.

anast316d ago (Edited 316d ago )

I like Valhalla. The others haven't aged well.


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Chriswheeler22501d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87501d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight