Podcast: Distributed Failure #78: The Citizen Kane of Gaming Podcasts

This week's "What They've Been Playing" features discussion on Brutal Legend, Katamari Forever, Axel & Pixel, Dead Space Extraction Fishing Girl, Dark, Frontlines: Fuel of War, South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play!, and plenty more. They follow that up with some gaming news including the idea that gaming journalists should have to develop a game before becoming a journalist, a PSP Minis developer surprised by the cost of getting an ESRB rating, and more. They end the gaming portion with their "QotW" and have a very good discussion on their "Citizen Kane" of gaming.

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Netflix's BioShock Film Still In Development But With A Reduced Budget

Console Creatures writes, "The BioShock film at Netflix is still happening but with a reduced budget."

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Community1h ago
Jin_Sakai1d 2h ago

Might as well just cancel it.

porkChop1d 1h ago

It's 10 years too late for a BioShock film. The world of Rapture would have been perfect for a film. It's actually a good candidate for proper utilization of 3D, for increased depth rather than bullshit popping out of the screen. It could really show off the underwater city that way. But BioShock as a brand is so irrelevant these days that a film just doesn't make sense. Especially considering it would need a big budget and top notch effects to really take advantage of the IP.

gold_drake1d 1h ago

i agree on the bigger budget. all the cgi they'd need for the background.

but i think it would work better as a show. a movie would be too short to establish the story

TheNamelessOne1d ago

Netflix greenlights anything, so that shows me very little faith in the project. Enough to just crap something out as they're, more and more, known to do.

badkolo31m ago

its where b movies go to live, its run by democrats , dont expect anything good from netflix

Knightofelemia1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

I'll laugh if it turns out to be better then the Borderlands movie

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BioShock Team Ramps Up Recruitment with 30 Job Offers

2K Cloud Chamber is ramping up recruitment with 30 job offers on its BioShock team. There's still no word on when the game will launch, though.

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Community21d ago
Relientk7722d ago

Cool, maybe we will get BioShock 4 after all, eventually...

TheNamelessOne21d ago

Damn it's been a long time since the last game.

TheColbertinator21d ago

Bioshock needs a big time comeback

DefenderOfDoom221d ago

Actually looking forward to playing "Judas" from.Ken Levines development team .

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EA Japan Exec Criticises Japanese Ratings Board

An executive of Electronic Arts Japan has criticised the Japanese video game ratings board for allowing upcoming action game Stellar Blade to be released uncensored while EA's own Dead Space was banned in the country.

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Community94d ago
CrimsonWing6994d ago

He’s got a point. If a game is M-Rated, which is the equivalent of an R rating, I don’t get why you need to censor anything. The rating is the indicator of the content and the age appropriate. If it’s appropriate for adults… why treat them like children? 🤷‍♂️

Eonjay94d ago (Edited 94d ago )

This is about gore... not about anything sexual. And specifically I think it is about the realistic depiction of gore. Unfortunately I don't know the nuance of the CERO board or how it is relevant their specific culture (as a prohibition on gore may transcend age) so I hesitate to make a statement. Can anyone else provide insight to what kind of gore is considered unacceptable?

CrimsonWing6994d ago (Edited 94d ago )

Yea, I know this is about gore, but thanks for pointing that out.

My point still stands, if a game is essentially rated for a mature audience then why censor for them as if they’re too young to view it? Makes no sense.

To answer your question: Decapitation, dismemberment, like… anything gore. They have been censoring that since CERO was established. Look up RE4 chainsaw decapitation or any MK games that made it there.

Cacabunga94d ago

EA Japan? Wtf never heard of that

ZwVw94d ago

Yet, the Oneechanbara series (y'know, the game with half-naked samurai females slicing up zombies to bloody pieces) get released in Japan uncensored.

The CERO ratings board is an equilibrium.

Smellsforfree93d ago

This confuses me since I've seen so many gory Japanese movies and anime. For example, Battle Royale.

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gold_drake94d ago

definitely has a point.

but .. its japan. are we really surprised?

VersusDMC94d ago

I don't know if the EA executive is going off the one close up of an arm being cut off in the demo. Maybe it's uncensored because it's the arm of a cyborg or it doesn't happen that often (didn’t see EVE dismemberment when killed in the demo) .

In the states there's a certain amount of swear words allowed to a PG13 movie before it is deemed R. So maybe it's the same in Japan for gore?

Eonjay94d ago

Yes I think you may be on to something. The violence is gory but I wouldn't call it gruesome.

Retroman94d ago

Ea Japan please make Knack 3
in the future

Eonjay94d ago (Edited 94d ago )

Does EA Japan actually make games at all? Or are they just a regional publisher?

Retroman93d ago

I'm sorry Japan Studio made Knack
