
TGS 09: Quantum Theory Trailer

New Quantum Theory Trailer From TGS.

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DasBunker5420d ago

Gears is the only game id like to play from xbox and this is looking pretty bad@$$ too.. it might have a better story tough.. im sick of the alien vs humans crap

The Great Melon5420d ago

The story is the only thing I worry about in this game. From the videos it almost feels like you are dropped in this world that is hard to believe. Hopefully there will be more of a story in the game than just a guy appears and starts shoot everything he sees in a living tower that is trying to eat him. Other than that I always like the segments where they show the bridges flying around and reconnecting all over the place. Reminds me sort of the Harry Potter stairs.

DAVID BRENT5420d ago (Edited 5420d ago )

it looks like gears rip off to be honest with an added japanese twist , anyone know when this is out?

topdawg1225420d ago

I love Gears, this looks similar, but just a notch crazier. Story looks like crap, but gameplay looks promising.

SnuggleBandit5420d ago

looks awesome...sony needs to get the ICE team in there though

jwatt5420d ago

Gameplay looks cool but the graphics are a little lacking. I would complain that's it's the unreal engine on the ps3 but I'm currently playing Batman on the PS3 and it looks good. The lighting is basically non existent IMO.

pixelsword5420d ago

That was a low quality vid, so yeah, the graphics will be lacking when you watch that particular link.

-EvoAnubis-5420d ago (Edited 5420d ago )

...like it's a revelation or something. I'm pretty sure Tecmo already knows that.


"Shibata, director of Tecmo's Team Tachyon, described Quantum Theory as Japan's answer to Gears of War."

That was kinda the point.

eagle215420d ago

Pleasantly surprised. Great work Tecmo.... :)

Jaces5420d ago

I can see it now.

"Not enough color."

Oh well, it looks pretty good from what the trialers shown. I like the melee combat bit too. Hopefully this'll turn into something pretty awesome.

FACTUAL evidence5419d ago

honestly, the whole anime look kind of killed it. Not saying this would be a bad game or anything, but this game will NEVER be close to gears. People will always see gears as the better, more popular IP.

Syronicus5419d ago

Why would anybody NOT want to play a Gears clone? Gears is a great game from a single player aspect and this one looks to be awesome as well. Get off the high horse you silly fanboys and just enjoy the game for what it is.

andron5419d ago

Definitely keeping an eye on this...

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5419d ago
5420d ago Replies(8)
EastCoastSB5420d ago

Looks a little too much like Gears.


psiom5420d ago

Yeah. And nobody ever liked Gears. What did sell like three copies? I can't remember. Terrible game for this one to resemble.

MKV5420d ago

@ disagrees, gotta love n4g

arsenal555420d ago


i cant help laughing at this game..

topdawg1225420d ago

I think its looks pretty good.

ReviewsArePolitics5420d ago

With some elements of DMC, Ninja Gaiden and Lord of the rings

SoapShoes5420d ago

Gears looked too much like Killswitch, but that didn't stop it from being popular or a good game.

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senorfartcushion355d ago

Every battle royale and soulslike. Every cartoony live service game with dancing

banger88355d ago

Nah most of the Soulslike games turned out pretty good. Probably the only one I didn't much like was Immortal Unchained.


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Goro3919d ago

I don't care what this guy think after he called Way of The Samurai 3 an awful game.

Bigpappy3919d ago

with Quantum Theory, I played the demo and was not impressed. I felt like they were trying to mix Gear of War with Lost Planet, and didn't do either very well. May be someone who never played either would have a blast with it though.

fOrlOnhOpe573918d ago

Yeah, I played the demo too but couldn't finish it....the thought of therapy was too much lol

SyphonELITE3918d ago

damn, i never even heard of this game til now

Yui_Suzumiya3918d ago

I followed this game forever until I finally came out. I got it and loved every bit of it. Originally supposed to be a PS3 exclusive. It got horrible reviews and I didn't understand any of them. They must've been playing a different game then me!

Spore_7773918d ago

Never played it, never will -_-