Japan: Games that Could Save Xbox 360

It's no secret that the Xbox 360 could use a boost in Japan. Games like Blue Dragon, an upcoming shooter from Square-Enix and few other Japan-friendly titles may provide the system with just what it needs to appeal to Japanese consumers.

The truth is, if you ask me right now which console is the most enthralling, it's the Xbox 360. Microsoft's policy seems to be, loosely, to put out original games with beautiful graphics and sparkling concepts, with simple enough play and big enough budgets to qualify as entertainment first, videogames second. The queue of "Japan-friendly" games soon to release is now quite formidable: Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Project Sylph, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Cry On (Mist Walker and cavia's positively brilliant-sounding action/adventure/RPG with Katamari / Shadow of the Colossus-esque elements), and the Gundam FPS by Dimps all look like spectacular games with texture and value. Trusty Bell, Namco and tri-Crescendo's RPG about the composer Chopin, will likely be very interesting as well, at the very least.

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Marty83706594d ago

I doubt any game can save X360 in Japan,X360 is doomed to failure in Japan.

shotty6594d ago

The xbox 360 will take off once the ps3 is released trust me. Sony is marketing gods, look at HD-DVD the sales were alright and right when blu-ray launched HD-DVD sales went up alot and now the players are sold out everywhere. Honestly as a gamer give me 1 solid reason to buy a ps3. The xbox 360 is the same as the ps3 but no blu-ray (a plus in my opinion since blu-ray will debut with the ps3 and something tells me the drives are going to be unrealiable), is also way cheaper and in my opinion has more and better games. It also has a solid online component. However I see the wii as the dominant console in Japan since they perfer inovative things as opposed to more powerful and the adoption rate of HDTV is pretty low there.

Marty83706594d ago

#1.1 - X360 has no support in Japan hence why Xbox/X360 is doin so badly in Japan.

Gamer136591d ago

once i got all next gen consoles im ok, who care about japan.


silent ninja6591d ago

i hate ppl who comment without backing up their comments.if you say "its doomed" give logical explaination.

otherwise you name says it all

silent ninja6591d ago

MS policy's sound good on paper but lack in excution(that is delivering)at the right time.

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5 Greatest Xbox Games That Were Cancelled

Jahanzeb writes: "This list looks at five Xbox games that were cancelled, whether notably or unceremoniously, and could have been great additions to the Xbox library."

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Spurg1859d ago (Edited 1859d ago )

Cry On
This one is actually heartbreaking as Microsoft lost interest in the Japanese market at that point.

The game looked really mediocre but was something that could have flourished into something quite interesting

Obsidian is now part of Microsft so we could see this game making a return.

darthv721859d ago

SB could still happen. It wouldnt be PG doing it though but MS does own the IP and they know there is demand for it so... ??

Fluttershy771859d ago

Looked mediocre, that's your opinion, I think it looked awesome - in any case you can argue that 90% games look sort of bad early stages - mid development. The truth MS doesn't take any sort of risks (and even less back then) and that's why the game is dead. Is risky to make a game like Death Stranding, Is risky to make a game like Day's Gone (even though it was a failure in my opinion), Splatoon, Arms to mention Nintendo... And I can keep on and on (all of them Not MS games)
And lets not forget about fable
Sad but true. Truth hurts, cry on

Spurg1859d ago

"Is risky to make a game like Day's Gone "

Days Gone is an open world game with zombies and tick box objectives in it. It not risky, it a combination of everything generic about this gen.

"Looked mediocre, that's your opinion, I think it looked awesome"
It didn't look impressive. It looked clunky and with choppy frame rates. And Platinum themselves have taken some of the blame for the game's cancellation.

"The truth MS doesn't take any sort of risks"

Microsoft has been in a weird position this gen. They have played it safe with their first party studios as they delivered sequels to their known IP. The risk only came from a third-party developer such as Remedy, Armature games, Insomniac and Crytek, which is a shame because none of those games will get a sequel anytime soon or ever.
All I know is the usual studios such as 343I, Coalition and Turn 10 will keep on working of their known IP but with the new acquisitions will be the ones taking the risks.

Brave_Losers_Unite1859d ago

Microsoft doesn't take risks? Xbox One Kinect only 24 hour internet DRM console. Lol Risks...

TK-661858d ago

"Is risky to make a game like Death Stranding"

If Death Stranding is a risk then every game MS has ever made is a risk. The game was being hyped before we even knew the title. If it's made by Kojima then it's instantly going to get free publicity based on that fact alone.

Risky games don't get hyped before they've been revealed.

SegaGamer1859d ago

How can you call them the greatest if you never played them?

FalconofLucis981859d ago

This ^, shouldve been most desired or something

Kaze241858d ago Show
FallenAngel19841859d ago

How can you know something is great if nobody played it? Many games can look good in previews but still end up mediocre in its final release

Vits1859d ago (Edited 1859d ago )

Personally I don't think that what they showed us about Scalebound was good. The frame rate was all over the place and it overall felt lifeless. It was however the most distinct Xbox One exclusive, but that say more about the other exclusives than about Scalebound itself.

Illbleed was pretty bad on the Dreamcast. Sure a enchanted version could fix a lot of it's issues, but if the original is something to go by I don't think we lost much with that being cancelled.

Cry On is a really sad one, especially because it market the end of Microsoft Japanese focused games. There is little about this game avaiable, so it's hard to say that it would be good. But if the previous titles were anything to go by, it would be at least pretty good.

sprinterboy1859d ago (Edited 1859d ago )

Not too piss on anyone's parade, but how can they be greatest xbox games if they were cancelled?
Edit: shouldn't the title be "5 potential great xbox games that were cancelled?

jznrpg1859d ago

Because they look better than most Xbox games that have released? Ba dum chh

1859d ago
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After Six Years, Trailer For Cancelled ‘Cry On’ Released

It has been six years since it was announced the Xbox 360 exclusive Cry On, the Mistwalker and Cavia joint project, was cancelled, so what better time to release a trailer for the game than now? Mistwalker founder, Hironobu Sakaguchi, best known for creating the Final Fantasy series, has posted a 480p CG trailer for the game on his personal channel.

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Barnaby-Jones3500d ago

Looks really interesting. Maybe there's a chance it can be revived

Ranma13500d ago (Edited 3500d ago )

Sakaguchi deserves better and bigger projects and shouldn't be stuck making mobile games for a living.

He should return to Square Enix and stop being stubborn and forget his pride (he left voluntarily because of Wada and Spirits within bombing, he should return)

RDF3500d ago

It was because of a falling with Sony/Playstation. he hates Ken. The former president of SOE. Thats why his games were on the XBOX and Wii,he refused to release on the Playstation. Funny thing is,that the RPG fanbase is on the Playstation. His games were loved by the critics but panned on the systems. Thats why he went mobile. Also I think CRY ON is exclusive to Nintendo or MS. Not really sure.

vishmarx3500d ago

he shouldnt have started that beef with sony.period.
he's tried both nintendo and ms and failed miserably relative to his talent.
i mean for god's sake
you dont make a game with Sakaguchi, Uematsu and Akira Toriyama in the same team and live to see it bomb

DevilOgreFish3500d ago

They should continue this over to the xbox one, the game has substance!!!

tiffac0083500d ago

Oh man! MS needs to put some cash into this and make it happen on the X1.

christian hour3500d ago

Its a shame Lost Odyessey didnt perform well financially. It was the closest thing we've had to a true final fantasy game since FFX (Uematsu music, Sakaguchi story, world map, airships, MULTIPLE DISCS!). It's "disappointing" sales are the reason Mistwalker had to start concentrating on smaller projects since. Unfortunately the MS exclusivity is partly what killed it, had it been multiplatform it may have performed a lot better. Same goes for Blue Dragon.

Heres hoping this gen both consoles get graced with a grand sakaguchi/uematsu JRPG that isn't bastardized by western influences.

Kalowest3500d ago

MS helped get the company off the ground and funded Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. Even if MS advertised them more, I think they still wouldn't have done great.

christian hour3500d ago (Edited 3500d ago )

" Even if MS advertised them more, I think they still wouldn't have done great."

Yeah, majority of Xbox's userbase wasn't exactly fond of JRPGs, like I said, being stuck on that console doomed them.

Playstation was were final fantasy found world wide notoriety (yes I'm aware it was popular on snes but, honestly, nowhere near as popular as it was after FF7 launched) and I think they would have stood a much better chance if they also were able to release on that platform and reach their old fanbase who were waiting for the next big "final fantasy". This was of course before FF went multiplat and got turned into a linear action rpg that divided the FF fanbase, so ps3 owners were dying for a sakaguchi flavoured JRPG in the meantime, maybe even more so after FF13 turned in to a shadow of its former self.

Mistwalkers games would've done well as Multiplats. Shame :(

e-p-ayeaH3499d ago

Blue Dragon is a decent game but nothing outstanding.

joab7773500d ago

We need a lost odyssey 2.

Snookies123500d ago

Awww, this looked really promising... That's a real shame it got cancelled...

Metallox3500d ago

The girl looks like Elena from Pandora's Tower. Would have been cool to see this cancelled title in action.

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10 Canceled Video Games We Hardly Knew

Inevitably, some videogames are conceived, announced, developed, and demoed before being sent to the chopping block. Publishers go under, development teams get fired, and ideas are scrapped because they're too risky or too mundane. But some games we hardly knew about at all. The press never got to try a preview, and in some cases the ideas only existed on paper. Here are 10 canceled games that barely existed:

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MoneyMarko5547d ago

Alan Wake barely exists atm...

jBat175547d ago

delay crapbox.. that game and splinter cell will never see the light of day

Shnazzyone5547d ago

I was so expecting Duke Nukum Forever to be at the end. Quite the odd list.

SpoonyRedMage5547d ago

too bad Cry On was cancelled. I hope they eventually go back it and give a kick ass experience with it.

Picnic5547d ago (Edited 5547d ago )

Microsoft's purchase of Rare resulted in this great preview video for Donkey Kong Racing going no further. I can't even remember Rare officially announcing that it was cancelled:


'Wet', announced for the Xbox360 and PS3 a few years ago, has recently re-appeared so thankfully appears not to be cancelled despite being originally due to be released in 2008:


Unless we hear otherwise, there is always the possibility that Sadness was just a glorified art project or misleading advertising strategy that was meant to promote the Wii without ever being intended to be released as a game. It's a shame as it got my interest- with the flashlight, it hinted at something of 'Alone in the dark: The new nightmare':


SpoonyRedMage5547d ago

There's apparently still hope for Sadness as well so only DK racing may never see the light of day.

However, they could put it on the DS because Rare have developed Diddy Kong Racing for the DS as well and also Viva Pinata for the DS. We should start some petitions about these things!

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