
Nirvana members dismayed by 'Guitar Hero 5'

Kurt Cobain's appearance in the latest "Guitar Hero" video game is not hitting the right notes with the surviving members of Nirvana.

Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl said in a joint statement Thursday that they were "dismayed and very disappointed" that an avatar of the late Nirvana frontman could be used to play songs by other artists.

"While we were aware of Kurt's image being used with two Nirvana songs, we didn't know players have the ability to unlock the character," they said. "This feature allows the character to be used with any kind of song the player wants. We urge Activision to do the right thing in 're-locking' Kurt's character so that this won't continue in the future."

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PirateThom5433d ago

Activision don't care. They'll peddle out dead celebrities as much as they can.

I doubt Johnny Cash got much say either.

Feral Gamer5433d ago

It's the estate/family/whatever which signs off on it. Activision followed proper protocol and got permission. Blame the people signing the agreement.

usern4g5432d ago

As much as I dont approve of the rush to `boycott` games (or anything else without cogent reason) I support this. Nirvana is a counter-culture paragon and should be treated with reverence.

AnonUser55555433d ago

I understand his former bandmates being upset--they had no control over the situation. What I absolutely do not get, however, is Courtney Love's apparent disgust: She's the one who signed the agreement!

- Ghost of Sparta -5433d ago

She signed the agreement and now she's suing? Dumb whore rofl.

mxdan5432d ago (Edited 5432d ago )

Sure she may be stupid for not reading the entire agreement. But she doesn't want someone like kurt being treated like a joke in a game. Calling her a whore is in entirely bad taste GoS.

IzKyD13315432d ago

But she is a whore....that's a fact

mxdan5432d ago (Edited 5432d ago )

My issue is more with the word whore in general. Look I know Courtney is a sell out and she does pathetic sh*t on stage but the word whore is probably the most demeaning thing you can say to a girl and in my opinion is on par with the word nigger and other social taboos.

Anybody that uses that word is simply careless and simply pathetic.

mfwahwah5432d ago

^ Different words have different connotations. For me "cunt" would be worse than "whore."

Besides, let people use their own vocabulary. Free speech motha ****a.

mxdan5431d ago

And I'm exercising my right to protest a word that was totally uncalled for.

Your point???

mfwahwah5431d ago

My point is that people can use any word they want without having to censor themselves based on YOUR precious feelings.

You are trying to censor someone because of YOUR problem with some letters that happen to mean a word.

Free speech used to express distaste is far better than free speech used to hold back free speech, commie.

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Major_Tom5433d ago

I love this dudes music, but honestly he's a musician he's not a martyr by any means, he was strung out on drugs half the time and lost all his moneyz. So really, yeah it sucks they're stringing this dude up on a cross for it to rain dollar bills but people are taking this way to far.

OH BTW: Courtney Love is a dumbass.

aldesko5433d ago

"While we were aware of Kurt's image being used with two Nirvana songs, we didn't know players have the ability to unlock the character"

OMG! I thought Kurt could only play Nirvana songs in real life! /sarcasm

And I basically agree with everything Major_Tom said.

Feral Gamer5433d ago (Edited 5433d ago )

LOL, look at the yahoo photo in the article. He looks so wasted, I don't see how druggies can get so popular. It's basically glamorizing the lifestyle.

Love was probably wasted when she signed the agreement. She doesn't remember it because she was sky high.

Activision got the proper papers and even Grohl signed according to Rolling Stone. I've posted the link before, but here it is again.


"Indeed, securing the proper approvals was no small feat. Not only did Cobain’s widow Courtney Love have to sign off on behalf of the estate, so did former drummer Dave Grohl and Primary Wave Publishing, which administers the Nirvana catalog."

Maybe they should've asked questions before signging something they didn't understand? Who cares about them being "dismayed" anyway?

djfullshred5432d ago

lol, as if the video game scene isn't chock full of stoners. Preach on...haha

Feral Gamer5432d ago

Pot was the least of the drugs Cobain used. How about coke and heroine? Other substances? There's nothing wrong with pot, but you have a draw a line somewhere.

Harry_Manback5432d ago (Edited 5432d ago )

I hate it when people judge others when they obviously haven't a clue.
Are you seriously confused as to how Kurt Cobain got so popular?...as a "druggie"??
Maybe if you had any intellect at all, you would know how he got so popular, along with many, many other musicians who wrote great music whether they were under the influence of drugs/alcohol or not.

Feral Gamer5432d ago (Edited 5432d ago )

No, I'm saying he got popular because he was a heavy drug user. Just because somebody is a musician and a drug user doesn't make them cool. To idolize these people makes it ok for them to live their drug induced lifestyles.

If you knew someone who was a major coke head and heroine addict, would you hang out with them regularly? I wouldn't. To associate or hang out with someone into heavy drugs is basically saying it's ok, which it isn't.

While I agree that people should be able to use drugs if they want to, it isn't a very good role model for people. Especially when Love had to inject Cobain with Narcan after a heroine overdose instead of calling an ambulance. Then he later went on to perform his concert? That's a loser for you, both Cobain and Love. He needed medical/psychological attention and he chose not to get it. He self medicated with drugs and alcohol which in my book makes him a loser.

*EDIT* @ below
Depends upon the friend. If I told them they had a problem and they ignored me I would kick them to the curb. They have to make the choice to quit, you can't make anybody stop using. No matter how much support you give someone, it's their decision. If they choose drugs over friends/life, then they deserve to hit bottom. How can you hit bottom and recover if people are idolizing you and cheering for you all the time?

This is coming from an alcoholic.

Harry_Manback5432d ago

I don't recall saying using drugs is cool. And for a musician who indulges and has fans that enjoy their music does not make their lifestyle appropriate by any means. But who are you (or I) to judge and point fingers?
And what if you had a good friend who fell victim to an addictive substance? Would you kick him/her to the curb? Hell no, I wouldn't.

Marquis_de_Sade5432d ago

Feral Gamer, if you're an alcoholic, what gives you the right to preach such nonsense? If alcohol was reclassified in this day and age as an illegal substance, many would like to see it in the same bracket as Heroin.

Alcohol is incredibly easy to become dependent on, as well as the fact people using alcohol become more aggressive. No one is claiming Kurt glamorised the use of hardcore drugs, so I'm not really sure why you started this.

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David Bowie PlayStation tribute - 5 games that feature the legend's music

PlayStation Universe takes a look back at some of the games and moments where David Bowie's music struck a chord in videogames.

TheCommentator3119d ago

Dance Magic, Dance. He will be missed. This is ground control to Major Tom, signing off...

ironcrow23863119d ago

Ended up doing quite well with ziggy stardust on GH; was only on medium but I still consider it an achievement 😃

KingofGambling3119d ago (Edited 3119d ago )

Wasn't David Bowie in a Quantic Dreams game during the PS2 era?

3119d ago

Five songs that owe Guitar Hero a massive debt

These tracks wouldn’t be half as big if it wasn’t for Activision’s button-shredding megafranchise.

btmgov3202d ago

The writer of this article is obviously musically incompetent. Free Bird, nor Lynyrd Skynyrd, owes debt to anyone concerning their music and especially concerning Free Bird. It is one of the greatest and most highly ranked songs in the history of rock music, not to mention it contains one of the top ten guitar solos in rock history. I realize that in order to be considered great in the music industry these days all you have to do is copy something that someone else did years ago, but you should do a little research before making totally ridiculous and inaccurate statements.


Long Live Rock: Diving Back Into Guitar Hero

Surprisingly enough, Thanksgiving is the perfect time to rediscover this gem.

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Sayburr3532d ago

Funny, went to my Daughter's house over the weekend. We played Rock Band, first time in about two years. It was just as much fun as I remembered.

christianxbelland3532d ago

I honestly never thought I'd play Guitar Hero again and just by happenstance my family bought some used guitars. I'm having a real blast playing it.

Sayburr3532d ago

Never thought I would either, as much as I loved the game, I just stopped playing. Used to have "Rock Band Nights" at the house with bunches of people over... then, people just stopped coming and I just never got into the game as a solo person, it was always local multiplayer that was so fun... NOT WAS, IS so fun.

I am just not sure if the games are ready for re-release. I play RockSmith now... it is fun playing it solo since it is more of a practice simulator.

darthv723532d ago

This is the game that got my son into wanting to play a real guitar. He cant play this game anymore as it throws him off when he was so good at it years ago.

christianxbelland3532d ago

Like I said in my article, Guitar Hero is definitely one of the factors that pushed me to learn drums and, later down the line, piano. Guitar Hero gave me my first taste of how much fun musical expression is.

christianxbelland3532d ago

I've only dabbled in Rocksmith, but it was fun and pretty practical. I'm also not sure if rhythm games are ready for a comeback or re-release quite yet. I think something like "Guitar Hero: Reunion Tour" would do well if they try and cash in the nostalgic value.

Newmanator3532d ago

@ Sayburr: "Rock Band Night" was a frequently used term for me and my mates too !

Sayburr3531d ago

OH, man, I loved our Rock Band Nights. A few adult beverages, a couple of crock-pots of food, and (at the end) 1089 songs to choose from... and I was 41 at the time of release, an old geezer playing.

Things kinda fizzled out with RB3...

Newmanator3531d ago

Haha alcoholic beverages were a must - scores decreased but fun increased!