
College News reviews: Raven Squad

Raven Squad does have a few redeeming values scattered here and there, but none of them are enough to warrant purchasing or even renting Raven Squad. Unless you feel like torturing yourself with the game's ridiculously bad voice acting. That's always worth a chuckle or two.

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The 6 Worst Xbox 360 Exclusives

MMGN: The Xbox 360 doesn’t have an unblemished record. There have been some shocking games released on 360, as there are on any platform, and many of them were before Kinect launched.

As we did with the PlayStation 3 earlier this year, let’s take a look at six of the worst exclusives released on Xbox 360.

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arbitor3654548d ago

how perfect dark zero has an 81 metascore is beyond me. it just shows how lenient critics are towards xbox games. They all jumped on haze, when really the only problem was that it was "bland" and "mediocre." Perfect dark zero is a broken, primitive, ugly mess.

trenso14548d ago

The Xbox has 6 exclusives?
I kid, I kid. Don't flame me lol.
But I I thought perfect dark zero was a good one since some of my friends said they enjoyed it. But since I don't own the console I can't say for my self. A couple of these games I haven't even heard of tbh.

Series_IIa4548d ago

I bought Two Human for about £1.75 used... About 7 months after release

For the price I paid it was "okay" but if I had bought it brand new, I'd be pretty miffed.

The rest look like junk and glad I've not played them.

c1oudy4548d ago

I quite liked Too Human and perfect Dark Zero, maybe I just have lower standards? Havent played the rest though.

kreate4548d ago

Isnt onechanbara not a xbox exclusive?


GRTV: Raven Squad Presentation

Watch the Game Reactor presentation and learn more at the game, Raven Squad.

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5377d ago

Out of Eight: Raven Squad Review

Out of Eight writes: "Remember the '80s? You know, full of crappy action movies like Rambo, Commando, and...uh...Commando (and Rambo). Get to the choppa! And all that jazz. It's a wonder nobody has capitalized on using that ever-popular tropical jungle setting for a campy action title. That is until now! Raven Squad lets you lead two groups of commandos (to I guess it should really be called Raven Squads) in to the jungle, possibly involving Jesse Ventura. The game attempts to combine the action of first person shooters and the planning of real time strategy games into a cohesive package of awesomeness. Though we have mostly seen use of role-playing elements in other genres, a FPS-RTS combination is almost unique. How does it all work out?"

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